God First, Family Second, I am THIRD! Husband, Father, Grandfather, Businessman Daren Hogge
Monday, March 31, 2014
Q to the Rescue !!
March 22, 2014 started out like every average day in
Washington. Rain that had been falling heavily for days finally saturated the
ground to the point it could no longer hold. At approximately 11:00 AM, seven
million cubic yards of mud began to slide, which caught everyone off guard. The
amount of dirt equal to 545 football fields, six feet deep in parts, rolled
down the mountain taking with it everything in its path, including rocks,
trees, and homes. To everyone’s horror, even people have died because of this
Some of our own Independent Business Owners have been
impacted by this great tragedy. Although, they didn’t lose their lives, they
lost many of their friends and neighbors in this slide. Interestingly, when a
call came in for help they did not ask for skin care or un-proven juices to relieve the
pain and suffering people were feeling, they asked for Q96. They wanted to be
able to give a product that had been proven to assist people in feeling better
and to allow them to have calming, coping, and clarity during this tragedy. So
on behalf of our Independent Business Owners the company has made a generous
donation of products to help relieve stress for those affected.
Q Sciences is leading the way in what people are looking for
the most. They want products that can help them be happier and deal with
stressful situations. We are the first line of defense in helping people cope,
but were also the first line of offense in turning the situation into
happiness. Never before has there been a company more prepared to help with the
needs of the world than Q Sciences.
You could say, thanks to Tony, we have been preparing for
this moment for 18 years. Thanks to Dr. Kimberly, Dr. Moshofsky, and Dr. Spray
we have products that can help people in time of need.
Tragedies like this attract our attention every day because
they are news worthy, but what I want to remind us all of is there is stress
and very difficult situations taking place in almost every home around the
world. Although it may not make the news, they too are looking for an answer of
hope. They too are reaching out hoping that someone will hear their plea and
give them a possible solution to relieve their stress, pain, and allow them to
feel the happiness they so deserve. Q Sciences is the science of happiness.
Through all of our products, people can feel better if they use them. However,
for them to use them, they have to know about them, they have to be told and
have knowledge of what each of us have to share.
Let’s go out, share what we have with our friends and
family, and allow them to do the same. Let’s make it our mission to improve the
quality of life every single day and eliminate people from ever wondering if
they can find happiness. Let’s stop pain and suffering in its tracks and turn
it around to allow people to become the best they can be.
Thank you for joining our mission. Thank you for being part
of Q Sciences.
Q it UP!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Earn a Cruise with Q Sciences! Q it UP!
Subject: Q Sciences' Spring Challenge
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Want Free Product? Get in the Q!
Sponsor 3 or more Preferred Customers and get your order free!
Personally sponsor 3 or more PCs whose combined volume equals 360PVor greater and get up to 120PV towards your next month’s autoship. If you have 3 PCs whose combined volume is equal or greater than 720 PV you can earn up to 240 PV on your next month’s autoship. All the IBO/PC pays is shipping and tax if applicable.
Must be an IBO on a 120PV or greater autoship.
Must personally sponsor at least 3 PCs
The combined volume must be 360PV or greater for 120PV and 720PV for 240 PV
Both your autoship and the autoships for all 3 PCs must process within the same calendar month in order to get next months for free
If you are eligible for this program then no AMOR points will be awarded.
*PC’s are also eligible for this program and it works the exact same way. PC’s may also get a 40PV a month Autoship for free by sponsoring 3 or more PC’s doing a combined 120PV.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Be Happy! Q it UP!
Why happiness is healthy
By Elizabeth Landau, CNN
March 20th, 2014 @ 7:34pm
Related Stories
(CNN) ‐ Happiness — you know it when you see it, but it's hard to define.
You might call it a sense of well-being, of optimism or of meaningfulness in life, although those could also be treated as separate entities. But whatever happiness is, we know that we want it, and that is just somehow good.
We also know that we don't always have control over our happiness. Research suggests that genetics may play a big role in our normal level of subjective well-being, so some of us may start out at a disadvantage. On top of that, between unexpected tragedies and daily habitual stress, environmental factors can bring down mood and dry up our thirst for living.
Being able to manage the emotional ups and downs is important for both body and mind, said Laura Kubzansky, professor of social and behavioral sciences at Harvard School of Public Health.
"For physical health, it's not so much happiness per se, but this ability to regulate and have a sense of purpose and meaning," Kubzansky said.
Why be happy?
Many scientific studies, including some by Kubzansky, have found a connection between psychological and physical well-being.
A 2012 review of more than 200 studies found a connection between positive psychological attributes, such as happiness, optimism and life satisfaction, and a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease. Kubzansky and other Harvard School of Public Health researchers published these findings in the journal Psychological Bulletin.
It's not as simple as "you must be happy to prevent heart attacks," of course. If you have a good sense of well-being, it's easier to maintain good habits: Exercising, eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep, researchers said. People who have an optimistic mindset may be more likely to engage in healthy behaviors because they perceive them as helpful in achieving their goals, Kubzansky said.
Lower blood pressure, normal body weight and healthier blood fat profiles were also associated with a better sense of well-being in this study.
For now these studies can only show associations; they do not provide hard evidence of cause and effect. But some researchers speculate that positive mental states do have a direct effect on the body, perhaps by reducing damaging physical processes. For instance, another of Kubzansky's studies found that optimism is associated with lower levels of inflammation.
If what you mean by happiness is specifically "enjoyment of life," there's newer evidence to support that, too. A recent study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that people ages 60 and older who said they enjoyed life less were more likely to develop disability over an eight-year period. Mobility was also related to enjoyment of life. This study does not prove that physical problems are caused by less enjoyment of life, but suggests a relationship.
Where happiness comes from: genes + environment
There is substantial evidence that genetics play a big role in happiness, according to Nancy Segal, psychologist at California State University, Fullerton, and author of "Born Together — Reared Apart."
Research has shown that identical twins tend to have a similar level of happiness, more so than fraternal twins. And in identical twins, one twin's happiness is a better predictor of the other twin's current or future happiness than educational achievement or income, Segal said.
"If you have happy parents and happy children, I think that people usually assume it's because the children are modeling the parents," she said. "But that's not really so. You need to make the point that parents pass on both genes and environments."
What's more, there seems to be a certain level of happiness that individuals have generally, to which they usually gravitate, Segal said. That level depends on the person, and the situations he or she is in.
Even if genetics has a big influence, though, that doesn't mean anyone is biologically stuck being unhappy, she said. It might take more work if your baseline mood is low, but certain therapies have proven useful for elevating psychological well-being.
The environment is still quite important for psychological well-being, too, Kubzansky said.
"To say to someone, 'Don't worry, be happy,' is kind of not looking at the whole picture of, what are the environmental constraints on things they can do?" Kubzansky said.
Related Story
12 ways to create more happinessIn this edition of LIFEadvice, coach Kim gives some suggestions for choosing to be happier in spite of life's disappointments and challenges.
Money and time
You might be thinking: "Maybe I would be happier if I had more money." There's that old cliché "money doesn't buy happiness" — but is it true? A 2010 study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that emotional well-being rises with income up to a point, which seems to be a household income of $75,000. Day-to-day happiness did not increase with higher incomes.
But when participants were asked about overall satisfaction with their lives, that did continue to rise in conjunction with income, even after $75,000, Princeton University researchers Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton found. Their results show a sharp distinction between how people see themselves in terms of happiness "today" vs. life satisfaction.
"More money does not necessarily buy more happiness, but less money is associated with emotional pain," Kahneman and Deaton wrote. "Perhaps $75,000 is a threshold beyond which further increases in income no longer improve individuals' ability to do what matters most to their emotional well-being, such as spending time with people they like, avoiding pain and disease, and enjoying leisure."
Would you be happier if you bought the car you always wanted? Several studies suggest experiences make us happier than possessions. That's partly because once you have purchased something, such as a new car, you get used to seeing it every day and the initial joy fades, experts say. But you can continue to derive happiness from memories of experiences over time.
Experiences form "powerful and important memories that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world," Thomas Gilovich, professor of psychology at Cornell University, told CNN in 2009.
But if you're in the market for a birthday present for your sweetheart, a material object can still be meaningful, becoming a keepsake with sentimental value that increases over time, Gilovich said.
Or maybe you'll be happier once you've lived longer. Research has also found that some sense of happiness may come with age.
Older adults may be able to better regulate their emotions than younger people, expose themselves to less stress and experience less negative emotion, Susan Turk Charles, a psychologist at the University of California, Irvine, told CNN in 2009. More science needs to be done on whether the diminished negative response is also associated with a feeling of happiness.
Happiness: Living in the moment
But what about right now — what can we do to make ourselves feel more positive?
If you're seeking to increase your own sense of happiness, try mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness means being present and in the moment, and observing in a nonjudgmental way, Susan Albers, psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic, told CNN in 2010.
Mindfulness comes from Buddhism and is key to meditation in that tradition. Therapies for a wide variety of conditions, including eating disorders, depression and PTSD, incorporate mindfulness. Focusing on the here and now is a counterbalance to findings that mind-wandering is associated with unhappiness.
Activities such as keeping a gratitude diary and helping other people are also associated with feelings of well-being, Kubzansky said.
A variety of smartphone apps are also available that claim to help you monitor and enhance your moods. But don't feel you have to face emotional challenges alone; a professional therapist can help you get to where you want to be.
If a sense of well-being makes a healthier person, then policy-makers should also promote large-scale initiatives to encourage that, Kubzansky said. Creating parks to encourage exercise and insituting flexible work-family initiatives are just some of the ways that communities can become healthier as a whole.
So remember: A glass half full might be healthier than a glass half empty.
Read more at http://www.ksl.com/?nid=1010&sid=29143609#d9HOUBqiQzqk6Juq.99
Wonderful News -- Q Sciences in the News!
Friday, March 21, 2014
Airtime or Error Time? The New York Times and the Ordination of Women
I wonder what women, who know nothing of our faith, will think Mormon women's lives to be when they read the New York Times article and other media about the imagined oppression and untapped potential of these women who are marching? I am certain that the publicity they hope to generate and the plighted picture it will paint of Mormon women will turn some away from ever considering the saving truths the gospel offers.
By Maurine Proctor
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Q Sciences and the Military - In Honor of Glen Hogge who served our Country
Dear Team,
As many of you
know, we recently launched The Green Project. This is a program dedicated to allowing
Independent Business Owners to contribute money and/or products to the great
young men and women who have served so valiantly in the military for their
country. Q Sciences has partnered with a 501(c)(3) to create the Green Project
and ensure that all donations are tax deductible. The Green Project is an idea
that Martin Green, one of our wonderful IBO’s, suggested as a way to give back.
Donations have already been received and shared with military personnel to help
alleviate the stress that they feel every day.
People have
asked whether these brave men or women have to be currently serving in the
military? The answer is no. So many great young men and women have come home
and now suffer from stress; we want to do everything possible to alleviate
that. Donations from our IBO’s are registered and the donor receives a receipt showing
the amount of the donation, as well as the tax ID of the 501(c)(3) so they can
use it as a tax donation. 100% of all donations, whether it is product or
money, go on to help these good young men and women.
So far, the
IBO’s making the donations have asked that they be sent to a specific group. Of
course, we will comply with that request and act accordingly. When donations
are made without specific instructions they will be put into a pool and shared
with groups that have asked to participate.
We are
excited about this program, as donations have already had an impact on those
serving to protect and maintain our freedoms.
Thank you
for your consideration in donating to the Green Project. The military is one of
the main reasons that I personally became involved in Q Sciences, knowing that
we can have an impact and pay them back for their wonderful service and for
sacrificing so much for each of us.
Q it UP!
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