This Much I Know

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Love this!

Love these notes! Do our Products work? YES!!

At 3:00 in the morning one night, I was in tears, and my husband got the Q96 bottle and said, “I just feel like you should try it. What do we have to lose?” Two days later I woke up and felt something different. I can’t describe it. I just felt different. This is working. Day 5 when I got up, I got out of bed. I walked out to the couch by myself. It was the first day my husband didn’t have to help me.

Leadership Skills - Q it UP!

At the most basic level, a leader is someone who leads other. But what makes someone a leader? What is it about being a leader that some people understand and use to their advantage? What can you do to be a leader? Here's what you need to know and do.
A leader is a person who has a vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the skills to make it happen. Let's look at each of those in detail.

The Leader's Vision

A leader has a vision. Leaders see a problem that needs to be fixed or a goal that needs to be achieved. It may be something that no one else sees or simply something that no one else wants to tackle. Whatever it is, it is the focus of the leader's attention and they attack it with a single-minded determination.
Whether the goal is to double the company's annual sales, develop a product that will solve a certain problem, or start a company that can achieve the leader's dream, the leader always has a clear target in mind. This is a big picture sort of thing, not the process improvement that reduces errors by 2% but the new manufacturing process that completely eliminates the step that caused the errors. It is the new product that makes people say "why didn't I think of that", not just a toaster that lets you select the degree of darkness of the toast. Edison did not set out to build a better candle, he wanted to find a whole new way to illuminate the darkness. That's the kind of vision a leader has.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

When is a Doctor a real Doctor? When he has Real Credentials with a real Background of experience - Dr.K

Some have called themselves a Doctor in this industry without paying the price required by the Government regulatory Boards to do so,  Dr. K has paid the price and only represents the best.  Only the best will do for Q!

did you know that 25 medical publications stand behind Q 96?  How many medical publications stand behind the products you currently take?  IF the answer is not that many, Switch and Feel the Difference -   if you don't feel the difference I will give you your Money Back!  What have you got to lose other than Products that may not be working ..

Facts tell her Story -

Hi Scott,

We are truly grateful for EMP Q96 in our lives. What a miracle and blessing it has become.

We met with a family right after the call tonight. They are big into doTERRA and have tons of contacts. We are hoping they will be at the meeting on Thursday night. They are very interested in the product and the business opportunity.

We are excited for this new adventure. Yesterday, I received several calls before the event from those with questions and seeking help for them or their families. I love that we are able to share and help others along their journey.

We know our future is filled with hope, sharing and lots of EMP Q96. We couldn't be more excited and more hopeful for a bright and beautiful future.

Thank you for everything. We look forward to meeting with you soon.
Thomas, Jerlyn and Hayden Murphy

Sent from my iPad

S- Right now I’d like to introduce Thomas and Jerlyn Murphy. What’s so amazing about your story Jerlyn is what happened and how you experienced this whole thing. It’s shocking to hear what actually caused your problem. I hope everyone got a chance to read her story.
Jerlyn, tell your story to Tony and all the things that have happened. At the end, we’ll get back to questions.
J- First of all, Tony, I just want to say thank you for changing our lives in a way that we are just utterly amazed and so grateful for. Three years ago, I was going to go in for a quick hysterectomy repair, in and out. They said it was going to be a 20-30-minute surgery. It extended for hours. We really didn’t know what had happened. They said there were some complications, but everything was fine. The next day on the way home I got very sick and ended  up back to the hospital. They didn’t know where the blood was coming from, but they said my body was filled with blood and they weren’t anticipating me making it through the night. They later found out after 9 months of going through testing that what had actually occurred was I had had a major stroke in the surgery, and they cut my vasovagal artery. I had bled out. They had given me blood transfusions and I had actually died. Come to find out, it was the wrong blood type; so my body developed autoimmune disorders, autonomic disorders. By the time I got to the Mayo nine months later, I was in daily grand mal seizures; I was losing consciousness every day; if I would brace my arms, I would walked across the room, I would just collapse. I couldn’t do anything without a cane. I went to stroke rehab, trying to do anything just to survive. They were putting me in for weeks on end into the hospital trying to find things out but I was getting sicker every day.
So 9 months, almost a year into it, I got with the head autonomic doctor at Mayo clinic, and within the first 20 minutes in there, he said, “I know what’s wrong with you. It’s a rare disorder that we see that takes place when you’re given the wrong blood and arteries are _____” and different things; however, we only see this in autopsies, and we’ve never seen this in anybody alive past 4 months. You’re at a year. Your myelin sheath is gone. That’s why you’re in so much excruciating pain. Your nerves are just firing. Let’s go ahead and give you just a whole bunch of OxyContin and hard-core medicines. We’ll kind of sedate you and make the last couple of weeks of your life as pain free as possible. My husband and I said, no, we will try anything that you have to try. This is Mayo. Let’s figure something out. We decided to go in and do some experimental immune system transfer, supposed to be a 10-day process. Two days in I ended up with meningitis and pneumonia. The doctors told my husband she’s got a week tops and just say goodbye. By Friday of that week I was in a coma at home. The doctor said bring her in. She’ll be gone within two hours of getting here; instead he kept me home for the weekend. All of our family and friends, ward members, people at church fasted. I pulled out of the coma but went through an intense 9 months of just trying to rehabilitate back to even being able to get out of bed. There were a lot of health issues.
My last summer a year ago, we tried heading over to the beach because the doctor said that I did not have the ability to control body temperature. If it was 100 degrees outside, my blood was 100 degrees within 20 minutes. If it was 30 degrees, it’s that; and so living in Arizona, they said get out of the state. It may try and help you, otherwise, you won’t survive the summer.  We drove over to California. I got so sick by the time they brought me back in two weeks, I had to go through another immune system transplant, and we didn’t know if I would survive. 
This last year has been many bouts of pneumonia, many bouts of meningitis, jaw surgeries, grafts, rejections. In May I had pneumonia again, was just really sick, and Renee and Darce called me and told me about this new product. I did research on it and said, “I don’t have bipolar”. That’s great but that’s not what’s wrong.  I have an autonomic and an autoimmune and I just don’t know that this is going to work. I had tried every nutritional supplement out there. I’d been to every all natural doctor in Arizona and West Coast. I have cabinets full of …My body won’t absorb vitamin D . It won’t absorb B. It won’t absorb any of the nutrition that it’s being given. I appreciate it, but I don’t know that I want to waste anybody’s money on this. When I came down with pneumonia and the doctors were talking about putting me back in the ICU, I knew that this was a death sentence.
At 3:00 in the morning one night, I was in tears, and my husband got the Q96 bottle and said, “I just feel like you should try it. What do we have to lose?” Two days later I woke up and felt something different. I can’t describe it. I just felt different. This is working. Day 5 when I got up, I got out of bed. I walked out to the couch by myself. It was the first day my husband didn’t have to help me. I could go to the bathroom by myself. That was five days in.
Because I was so sick, the doctors had put me back on 24/7 care and my husband had to work; so he sent me over to my sister’s house to stay for a week. It was my second week on Q96, and she was trying to arrange someone to take her kids to an end-of-the-year party, and I said, “I think I can go”. I said, “I feel better. I’ll try it.” She said, “You haven’t left your house hardly for three years except for a doctor.” I said, “I feel OK,” and I went. I called my husband that night, “I went to Peter Piper, I sat in a chair, I didn’t move, and I just came back.” That was the greatest thing that had happened in three years. This is changing my life. If I never got any better than today, this is better than I’ve lived; and it continued to get better. The next week I was able to stand and make dinner for a couple of nights in a row. Anytime I’d stand for that period of time, I’d pass out and go into massive seizures.
 By week 4, I was able to go shopping and do a couple of things; and we just went to the beach for 2 weeks. We got to drive over at night and have hotels and things lined up, knowing that I had to go straight there. We got to California and it was, “I feel OK”. … went to lunch, the first time I had been a real outing in 3 years. We spent two weeks at the beach. The first week I was able to sit down on the beach and play with my kids, able to sit there and do some things. The second week at the beach, I was up and playing paddle ball with the kids. I walked down to the pier, collecting sea shells with my son. I sat on the beach, and the day before we left I walked four flights of stairs. I have not been able to put just one step onto the curb without causing a change in blood pressure and heart rate that it was causing me to lose consciousness, and I went up four flights of stairs.
 I’m happy. I feel better. I have energy. This is changing my life. In May my doctors told me they did not think I would survive the summer. They told us we had to plan because my body was too worn out. It’s been six weeks that I’ve been on the product, and my body is recovering, and it’s returning at a miraculous rate and we are beyond grateful. I can’t thank the Q enough. We want to help everybody that we can, share this, because it is changing my life.
T – Wow! What an incredible story. That’s beautiful. That just shows the power of real nutrition and how the body can change and how it can change the entire environmental terrain within the body by inputting nutrition that has that type of power. We’ve heard stories like this before, but you have an amazing story, and that story you will be able to use to help so many ppl who struggle on a daily basis. Wow. Incredible. Good for you!
J- Thank you. Yes. I’m thrilled and we can’t wait to see where life gets. I read Autumn’s book and I remember it saying somewhere in there, “If this is as good as it gets, I will be happy”; and every single week for the last four weeks, I have said that, and every single day it gets better.
T- And how many capsules are you on now at this time?
J- I am doing QSsentials, the Women’s pack is all I’m doing. I’m doing the vit D spray and vit B12 spray.
T- give this a try. It’s all relative to how we feel. We hear ppl all the time… I remember Autumn in her first year said, “Wow! My whole life has changed. I’m there!” We updated her dose and got more nutrition into her and she said, “I thought I was there.” Hey Dana, do you remember that?
D- Absolutely. … Six months in, she was so much better. Over time, she just kept having more and more improvements in health. Just amazing. It’s more than likely that’s just going to happen for you. You’ve only been on it for six weeks. Imagine six months from now or six years from now, the changes that can happen. It really is that way for so many people that have been on it for many years. It’s just incredible.
T- I would recommend if you could try, get up to 4 in the morning. Continue to do the QSsentials for women. That’s a wonderful protocol with the probiotics and the herbals and the good things that are in it. I would add another 4 EmPower Plus Q96 a day. See what it does for you. Take it to the next level. If you were to add some of the fish oils and the aminos to that, you will see a greater amount of recovery.
J – Thank you. I am forever grateful. This is a blessing and a gift. I’ve told 100 ppl already. We plan on sharing this with everybody because it’s the first thing that’s really worked.
T- if I can help you, but you’re sure on the way. Hold the Mayo (Clinic). It’s OK. When our society changes, and eventually we are going to see a major restructuring. When we come back to the fact and realize that this body is an organism; and when we feed it, things like EmPower Plus Q96, fish oils, you know the QOmegas combined with the QAminos. That’s the real medicine. That’s the real answer to our health. We can do so much to restore our body.
S- There’s really more to this story also. Tell how it has helped other members your family and other things, as well.
J – my son has ADHD. He is on the autism spectrum scale and has had severe anxiety disorders. With me being sick he was really having a hard time. In February of this past year I came really close to dying. We had to pull him out of school because he was terrified that if he left my side something was going to happen to me. On day 5 that I was on it, we started my son on Empower Plus Q96 and biotics. He’s been having night terrors every night. He’d wake up screaming. We couldn’t control him. On day 2 on this he has not had night terrors since. When he was born he had open heart surgery. He’s had all kinds of problems on top of this. He’s had digestive problems for his whole life. I’ve had him on probiotics for years. Not this one, a different one. We’ve tried everything. I’m a firm believer in all natural, have several all natural doctors that I go to. Never done medications with him. I’ve done all natural stuff but we struggle every day. Within 2 weeks of my son taking this, he came into my room and said, “Mom, the storm is gone in my head. It no longer feels like it’s rainy and stormy. Everything is calm and I’m happy and I feel good. I haven’t had headaches. I didn’t know that my stomach wasn’t supposed to hurt. For the first time ever it doesn’t hurt to go to the bathroom,” and his leg aches have gone away, his headaches…progress physically. Mentally with the social anxieties that he’s had, he hasn’t been able to leave the house. He’s been starting to go back to church activities. He’s going off with friends for past couple weeks. For the first time in his life, he’s been able to be with friends and ppl for longer than 24 hours, where he will hide in a closet, under the trampoline or somewhere... When he had only been on the product for a little over 2 weeks, one of his friends came over for 3 days. He never hid, he never came into our room. He stayed there with him, and always every year at the beach at the family reunion, we had to shut the doors and turn out the lights so that all of his cousins would go away so that it’s calm every other day; and for two weeks, every single night he stayed playing with cousins and friends. My family… there’s as much change in Hayden as there was in me, just from a different, social standpoint.
My nephew who is 8, he is adopted. He had oppositional defiance. He was becoming very, very violent at home. My sister was scared. He was hurting other kids. Every day she would call hysterically in tears saying she didn’t know what to do with him. My sister got a bottle the same time I got mine to try for him. Within 4 days he started calming down to the point that it was probably about 80% of his symptoms were gone. He’s been on it for 6 weeks.
At the beach, I was sitting down with him and my son and the three of us were talking and she was describing trying to get either of these boys to take any supplements or oils or to take anything was like pulling teeth, and both of these boys said they wouldn’t want to be without their Q. They are 8 and 12 and say they want their Q. The first thing my son does when he gets up in the morning is get it for himself because he says, “I feel better.” He  has already recognized it. So we have seen miracles in our family—me, my son, and my nephew, that are just phenomenal.
S- I’ll be down there tomorrow and get to see and meet you. There are so many ppl we can help. That’s what this is about. Tony’s story is about helping as many ppl as we can.  Thomas, do you want to share how your feel?
T= it has been amazing being able to watch my wife be able to have a life again, to be able to watch my son be able to deal with life again. This has been something I didn’t even dream of seeing. I had just kind of said, ok this is what we’re doing. I love them both and we’ll go along with life as it is. Once all these changes started, there is a spark of life in this family, saying you know what, we can have a life again. Because of this product we have hope. So there is like they say, they never want to be without their Q again, I never want them to be without it and I want to share it with everybody because of my belief in it.
S-  Thanks so much, for being so open about your experiences and being willing to share it with others. We are going to take advantage of that and allow you to share and testify to as many ppl as we can.
J- Anything we can do we are so willing because we are so incredibly grateful for this blessing in our lives. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014



Try it. Q 96!

In the hectic world we live within today, would you like to feel more focused with greater mental clarity? Would you like to deal with the stresses of life with greater coping ability and an increased sense of calm, peace, and purpose? Discover what 100’s of thousands are experiencing and try a free sample of a natural nutritional body, brain, and cell food designed to feed the brain nutrients you may not be getting in your daily life. Feel the difference naturally, as you feed and strengthen your cells. With over 25 million dollars’ worth of independent research and 24 medical journal studies, we now know the body has a greater health potential when fed the proper nutrients and in the proper way. As research has demonstrated, EMPowerplus Q96 is a proprietary and unique formulation that has been proven to be effective.

Message me if you want sample Q 96

great learning lesson -- on target

Team Q!

Ken Forrest here. I will sadly miss tonights call. I am traveling to Korea and don't think my cell will work. Daren is on his way to Taiwan. Q is going global people. GLOOOOOBBBBAAAALLLLLL. It's time to pull out the stops and shake the fears and call the big dogs. 

Get your business leader friends. Here is a list of people you should contact about the business opportunity. I spent 25 years consulting the industy of MLM's top producers and income earners. Here is the list of where about 70% of the top come from...

Sales professionals
Entreprenuers who had previous failures

But the most millionaire MLM'ers are.........

Women who get sick and tierd of being broke.

I am not kidding about that. It's time to pick up the phone, deliver some samples, and go get the housewives and single moms who are just sick and tierd of being sick and tierd and broke!

Get them on the phone with your upline.... Me???????

I'll be back from Korea next tuesday.... Start setting them up...

GO people, go go go....

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Take Control of your Future - Start today

Simple and effective -- 18 years and 25 medical studies show what Q 96 can do for you - Real Doctors Real Science

Our Products can help everyone!

Jerlyn Murphy

I would like to share a little of our stories so that if you have anyone that we could help, we would love to. We aren't worried about whether or not they are in our lines, we are happy to help anyone we can, as this product is changing our lives. 

My story: three years ago, I was in a minor surgical repair.  Something went wrong and a minor 20 minute surgery turned into hours. I survived. We were grateful and thought that was the end. The next day on the way home, I suffered a horrible stroke. Months later, the,doctors would discover that my main artery had been severed and I had bled out causing blood clots and multiple strokes. I lost 3/4 blood in my body. To make matters more complicated, I was given the wrong blood type. This created fighter cells. My body began to suffer daily seizures, loss of consciousness, severe health problems and I brushed death on multiple occasions.  I have a rare autonomic disorder that Mayo Clinic is researching and in awe that I am still alive. I also have an autoimmune disorder. Mayo and Barro's Neurological doctors describe it as having MS, Lupus, Parkinson's diseases, all firing at the same time. I have been confined to bed with multiple seizures daily, struggling to keep my heart rate above 30 and fighting each day to survive. In the past three years I have been in a coma, had multiple immune system transplants, numerous experimental procedures, multiple cases of pneumonia, meningitis, and have been given hours, only days and weeks to live on multiple occasions. 

When Darce gave me this wonderful Empowerplus Q96 product, almost a month ago, I was again headed into a downward spiral. Seizures were plaguing my days and my nights were filled with struggling to breathe. The doctors had given me very little chance of surviving the summer. I was getting sicker by the week and nervous for my future. 

I began Q96 almost a month ago. On day three, I awoke with a new outlook. For the first time in months, I felt like I could get out of bed without using every bit of will power I had. On day five, I decided to go ahead and take QEssentials. I started the protocol. On day 7, I felt alive. During this time, I was still battling pneumonia and bronchitis and was sick but happier than I had been in a long time. Usually when the doctors discuss putting me in ICU, I panic and go into an anxiety attack. This time, I was calm. I handled the discussion without anxiety or tears. I was simply at peace. 

My health improved quicker than usual. All the while, my metal calmness increased. I found myself coping and happy. 

At week two, I noticed that my short term memory was coming back. With multiple strokes, daily seizures, and so many health complications, my short term memory was gone. It was returning. Thinking was easier. I was no longer struggling to pull words. I wasn't having to concentrate and use all my mental power just to talk with someone. I was in Heaven. 

Week three, my energy started to improve. My husband wasn't having to help me out of bed. I could walk without getting winded. 

This past weekend brought events that I have not experienced in over three years. On Saturday morning I went with my husband to Deseret Book and Sam's Club. That was the first time I have done that in years. I came home and slept and got up and made dinner. I have made dinner four nights in a row. In three years, I have not been able to stand long enough to cook dinner. Seizures or passing out would prevent me from standing that long, even if my energy would have allowed. 

My doctor had been out of town for two weeks. When I walked into his office on Monday, he asked what I had done. I was a person he had only heard about and never met. I was full of energy and life. 

Best moment of all was when my son walked in last week with a huge smile on his face and said, "Dad, Mom is mom again. She acts like mom again and talks like mom again. Boy have I missed you, Mom."  I couldn't have been happier. How do I express how grateful I am for Q96 and these amazing products? There are no words. My heart is filled with gratitude. 

My son is 12, struggles with severe ADHD, debilitating anxiety, autism, congenital heart disease, digestive disorders, migraines and leg aches. 
Day 2, his night terrors disappeared. He began sleeping in his own room. 
Day 5, he told me that it no longer hurt to go to the bathroom. 
Day 7, I realized that he had not had a headache in days and his leg aches had subsided. 
Week 2, my son was able to stay engaged and playing with friends for three days in a row. That has never happened. He also started listening more, following thru with directions and his mood improved significantly. He no longer was chewing on his shirts. His stemming stopped. Migraines disappeared. Leg aches stopped. And my son, who has never slept thru the night is sleeping 10 plus hours. He goes to bed without hours of tossing and turning. 
Last week he told me, "mom, the storm in my head is gone. I no longer feel like it is just going everywhere. I am calm. I feel happy. I can think clearer." He then added, "Mom, I don't ever want to be without my Q! I want to take it forever." 

Needless to say, we are eternally grateful. We want to spread the word. We want to help others. We want to share this wonderful product that is changing our lives. 

However we can help, whatever we can do, we are so grateful to be apart of such an amazing group of people. 

Please let us know if we can help in any way. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cellercise -- Q Sciences has partnered with the Creator of the Industry! Q it UP!

30 Benefits of Cellercising• Increase balance and coordination
• Reduce chances of heart disease
• Boost production of red blood cells
• Aid in lymphatic circulation
• Strengthen heart
• Tone and strengthen muscle fiber
• Lower resting heart rate
• Reduce cholesterol and triglyceride • Stimulate metabolism
• Improve vision
• Promote growth and repair
• Increase breathing capacity
• Circulate more oxygen to your cells
• Tone the glandular system
• Increase thyroid output
• Expand capacity to store fuel
• Increase muscle vigor
• Reduce headaches and back pains
• Reduce aches & pains
• Improve digestion and elimination
• Allow for deeper sleep
• Improve ability to relax
• Stimulate better mental performance • Stimulate keener learning process
• Lessen fatigue and PMS symptoms
• Reduce menstrual discomfort
• Improve immune system
• Slow the aging process
• Reduce chances of obesity 


During my thirteen years as a practicing Chiropractic physician i have been keenly
aware of the Importanoe of proper tjiomechanics In the human arena of weiiness and
expression. Kinetic motion is absolutely Imperative and necessary for true health in
individuals. When the movement of {ointa and articulations t)ecoms compromised
through sedentary llfestyle, trauma, stress, poor nutrition, poor posture and the aging
process itself then a host of physical problems ensue. Accelerated osteoarthritis Is a
result of a poorly functioning and moving joint or spinal disc. Impaired nerve function
results when spinal vertebrae and discs are not mechanically functioning as they were
designed. Therefore, the importance of a properly moving spine and joints cannot be 
underestimated in the overall health and wellness of an individual.

Dave Hall has amplified upon this well known concept and has taken It to an even deeper level of application, that of the cellular level of motion. His Cellercise system employs concepts of biomechanics and kinetics that will be most helpful to people of all ages.
It is known that 90% of the brain's active energy is expended on calculations and minor corrections In balancing and knowing where the body is in space at any given moment In time. Only 10% of the brain's activity Is used in actual cognitive or thinking functions. This reality truly demonstrates the importance the brain places on knowing how every part of the body is moving and what petition it is in. This also illuminates how much fatigue and dysfunction results in a person when the mechanics of the body are not In balance. Our society today would be much more vibrant, healthy and full of vitality if they pay more attention to getting enough kinetic exercise in a given day. Dave Hall's Cellercise system is very proficient at focusing on this goal. Health and wellness will be the result of such activity if properly and consistently applied.

The CSF (cerebro-epinal fluid) pumping action that is created by spinal joint
movement Is essential to proper brain function and fluid dynamic of the spinal cord. Spinal disc health is bereft without the constant movement of water into and out of the discs themselves. In fact, the discs of the human spine consist of 80 percent water. This ibibing of water and nutrients in the spinal discs is wholly accomplished by the body's kinetic movements which act as a pump. Without such movement in the spine the discs starve, literally. Disc herniations and degeneration are highly intensified when Improper or Inadequate biomechanics of the joints exist. Dave Hall's system goes a long way in Indudng and maintaining this most necessary motion in the human body.

Dr. Jeffrey Hanks

Monday, July 21, 2014

Find out why Glen Beck's team and top consultants around the world use our products!

In the hectic world we live within today, would you like to feel more focused with greater mental clarity? Would you like to deal with the stresses of life with greater coping ability and an increased sense of calm, peace, and purpose? Discover what 100’s of thousands are experiencing and try a free sample of a natural nutritional body, brain, and cell food designed to feed the brain nutrients you may not be getting in your daily life. Feel the difference naturally, as you feed and strengthen your cells. With over 25 million dollars’ worth of independent research and 24 medical journal studies, we now know the body has a greater health potential when fed the proper nutrients and in the proper way. As research has demonstrated, EMPowerplus Q96 is a proprietary and unique formulation that has been proven to be effective.

Call an IBO and get started today!  

Love Birthdays

Hi Daren,

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. It is such a wonderful feeling being part of the Q family.


On Monday, July 21, 2014, Daren Hogge  wrote:
Dear Charm,
I wanted to personally wish you a Happy Birthday! At Q Sciences, we think your birthday is pretty special, and I am so thankful you are part of our amazing team. I hope you are able to celebrate your birthday with close family and friends and please know I am thinking about you also! 
My personal wish for you on your birthday is that this is going to be a great year for you, your family and friends and for your business! 
Happy Birthday;

Daren Hogge
Founder, President and CEO

Q Sciences

Can you say WOW! the Q Products work! Real Science real Doctors


My name is Susanne Mills T. and we met over two weeks ago when you presented at Rexall pharmacy in Okotoks. That was the day our life would take a dramatic turn. Our family will forever be grateful to you, your wife, and Amy H.  This is our story.....

My husband Shawn and I had Liam 6 years ago.  Looking back it's always been a struggle although we weren't aware as to why?  Liam was always very difficult in that everything was more of a struggle for him.  But we would say oh its just a phase, or he's an only child, or he's a boy. But nothing seemed to get better and the phases never went away.  We struggled as parents and always questioned ourselves.......Why is everything so hard? Is it our parenting skills? Are we failing him as parents?  It affected our day to day lives and the strain on our marriage.  My husband works way and every time he came home I would be so exhausted and drained Shawn would just take over and we became numb.

In fall of 2013 Liam enrolled in kindergarten.  That was when everything took a drastic turn for the worse.  Liam was not tolerating being around other children. We would get phone calls daily from the school regarding violence and outbursts.  Liam was also not able to make any friends and was never even invited to a birthday party.  We met with the school social worker and they recommended Liam be referred to a pediatrician that dealt with the school.  Liam was diagnosed ADHD and was put on several ADHD meds over the following months.  I quit my job to stay at home thinking maybe that would positively impact Liam but it didn't .   In January 2014  the social worker and pediatrician met without our consent and decided Liam's meds should be upped.  As desperate parents we trusted and never questioned?? Liam was given the wrong dose by the physician and ended up in emergency the next morning.  We pulled Liam from the school and found out Liam had never been allowed to attend gym or play outside with the others as he was "different"  Liam told us he was afraid to tell us as he thought he was "bad".

As parents this has been our lowest point.  To see Liam who was such a special child go through this.  We then became more aware with eyes open and started to fight and advocate for our child.  We filed investigations with both the physician and social worker involved and they have been dealt with. We also knew there was something more then the ADHD.  I contacted the president of CADAAC Heidi Bernhardt regarding Liam's story.  She advocated for us and led us in the right direction towards Dr Geraldine Farrelley who also sits on the board and her team of Sally O'Rourke and Krisat Forand at Can Learn Society in Calgary for proper diagnosis.  Liam has now been diagnosed in addition with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

A day in our life  was numerous outbursts where I would be screamed at, kicked, or spat at.  A rage that would get so out of control Liam would exhaust himself for an hour. I recall one night calling the crisis line.....I didn't know what to do and I was afraid for us both.  We became reclusive, never going into public.  The looks and stares of other parents were too much to take and  I never knew when Liam might strike out at someone else.  

Liam was on a med Trail and although we noticed calming effects and some positives it never took the mask of anger and aggression away.  As well we had to deal with the weight loss and trouble sleeping.

Then a small glimmer of hope.  I was getting my hair done one day and I was crying telling the hairdresser of Liam and the struggles we were having.  Usually unless you are going through this no one really gets it.  On this day the hairdresser said that they had a staff member the year before that had to quit her job due to her son having violent episodes as well.  She told me our stories sounded very similar and that her son had improved dramatically.  I asked her in desperation if I could have her info.  It was Amy H and I began texting her as I was in the chair.  As I told Amy about Liam she shared she was in the exact same position a year before. We arranged a meeting a few days later.

As soon as I met with Amy our stories resonated and she got that I was in a dark hole.  I obtained some Q96 and said we would start it as soon as we got back from Hawaii.  I believed Amy and saw her previous pain but I was still very scared.  To take Liam off his adhd meds was scary to me as he was 100 times worse not on them.  I got a call from Amy when we returned letting us know that you would be doing a presentation in Okotoks that Saturday.  I went and your presentation was so beyond moving that I knew I had to take the leap.

The next day I started Liam on Q96. I got a call from the school monday evening saying that tuesday would probably be very tough with the transition of being off school three weeks, my husband leaving for work, and a new aide.  In my mind too I knew he was off his meds but didn't tell anyone.  I got a call from the school that day and they said it was Liam's best day yet!! The calls continued over the next weeks.  There were no violent  incidents of hitting anyone! At home I saw huge changes.....Liam was happy, he hadn't raged, and his outbursts were way less frequent.  In addition his crying has gone down dramatically.  I could redirect him easily. It seemed the mask of anger Liam had since he was a toddler was gone and his anxieties lowered.

A week ago Liam had his second follow up 2 hour appointment at Can Learn.  He had a team of specialists that he had met with two months ago.  I hadn't told them I had pulled him off his meds and started administering Q96 but I knew that day I would have to be honest .  But  immediately they saw the change in Liam as he sat there for two hours with zero rage, anxiety, and aggression.  Liam was just a happier little boy.  They kept commenting how he was like a different child so much that Liam said "momma will daddy recognize me  when he gets home tonight?"  (My husband had been away working for two weeks).  Sally the psychologist even commented that Liam's eye contact had improved.  It was then I learnt that Dr Geraldine F had actually done a study with Dr Bonnie Kaplan at U of C in 2002 before it was approved by Canada Health.  She then inquired wanting to get more info from you! And commented...this is significant!

My husband Shawn came home that night.  On a normal arrival home it is two days of hell in our house with Liam unable to transition into the new addition.  It was perfectly fine and shawn was shocked....It was like night and day.  It has been three weeks where we have not been hit, or raged upon, or any crazy outbursts.  We went out to a family dinner a week ago and for the first time we had an enjoyable wonderful experience.  We can now go places without the anxiety or fear of what Liam will do.  The other huge change......Liam was obsessed with documentaries.  Its all he wanted to watch all the time.  He has not asked to watch any in the last two weeks and Liam's watching kids shows such as Scooby Doo.  Liam actually doesn't even want to watch TV much as he will just go play with his toys or go outside.

I feel like I have a life again and we can breath for the first time.  I had to give up my job in september working as a recreation therapist for 20 years with Alberta Health Services. I worked with seniors in LTC facilities and in the communities.  I recently got accepted to the University of Calgary for September in the Masters of Social Work program specializing in clinical.  I was able to accept because of this change in our lives.  Its always been a dream to go back to school and pursue this area and now I can!!!  My area of focus is geriatric mental health and I told Amy this has impacted our lives so much that I would love to look at Q96 decreasing aggression and rage in seniors with dementia.  Their quality of life could be greatly improved if their rage and aggression could be decreased.  They could participate in more meaningful activities, and have more meaningful experiences with other residents, caregivers, and staff.  I have seen many residents when its too disruptive on the unit be sent off to Ponoka for more specialized care away from their families and loved ones.  I have two practicums and papers and this is an area I'm very much interested in.  If you had any thoughts on it I would be very appreciative.  My first practicum is in January 2015 and I just have to be mentored with someone on the team with their Masters in Social work as well.  My mind is just churning seeing all the positives that could come from this.

Tony, Shawn and I cannot even begin to express our gratitude to you for being such a strong advocate for your family to lead you down this road to create this product.  To hear how hard you fought and went against the system is an inspiration to us.  You are a true advocate and being parents of a special needs child is a hard road and we always have to be that advocate for them!!  From the bottom of our hearts........Thank You
Susanne and Shawn 

Legacy Game Plan -- You can Earn with Q!

Friday, July 18, 2014

One of the Favorite products to lose weight and maintain health.

Learning from the Best - Dr K!!

The Qomega Difference
Hardly a day goes by when there is not a new study extolling the benefits of omega supplementation. These remarkable essential fatty acids help so many aspects of cell function that it is no wonder that they positively affect every organ system in the body. The latest study (July, 2014) indicates that regular use will help prevent ALS, which is a severe degenerative brain disease that is rising in incidence worldwide:
"Foods high in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may help reduce the risk for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known Lou Gehrig's disease, a new study suggests. The study, published online in JAMA Neurology on July 14, analyzed dietary data from more than 1 million people participating in 5 other major cohort studies. After controlling for age, body mass index, education, physical activity, other diseases, and intake of vitamin E and carotenoids, results showed that greater omega-3 PUFA consumption was associated with a reduced risk for ALS.
Both alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which can be found in plant sources and nuts, and marine omega-3 PUFAs contributed to this association. Intake of omega-6 PUFAs was not associated with ALS risk.
Lead author, Kathryn C. Fitzgerald, MSc, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, explained to Medscape Medical News that the researchers decided to study the intake of PUFAs because basic science studies have suggested that they are incorporated into cell membranes and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are thought to be involved in ALS."
That being said, there are vast differences between the usual omega supplements and Qomega, and that is by design! First of all, we use both marine and plant sources, and as the article states having both ALA (flax seed), DHA, and EPA (salmon/marine) omega-3 essential fatty acids is key to the prevention of ALS as well as other conditions, including heart disease and dementia. ALA is often called the "forgotten omega-3" because fish oils have gotten so much attention that supplements are turned out without considering this important component. Secondly, Qomega is fully phospholipid-activated, meaning that the additional ingredients (DMAE, citicholine, inositol, lecithin, and lipase) supercharge the omega-3s and lead to greatly increased absorption, digestion, and assimilation into the blood stream and tissues. At the brain level, for example, omega - 3s without these components will not have the targeting aspects that direct the essential lipids to the cell membranes and brain areas where they can make lasting positive changes.
I have included the following information on these key ingredients, plus some amazing clinical study information, so that you can see for yourself not just why omega supplements are so important, but why Qscience's Qomega is simply the best there is. There is NO OTHER omega supplement that contains this combination of ingredients - remember, this is really 3 products in one!
·       DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) Normally found in small amounts in our brains, supplemental DMAE converts into the vital neurotransmitter acetylcholine. DMAE has been demonstrated to elevate mood, increase intelligence, and improve memory and learning. It helps prevent aging of cells in the nerves, brain, and skin.
·       Citicoline - a rare type of choline that activates biosynthesis of phospholipids in nerve membranes, increases brain metabolism, and protects the brain and nerves from low oxygen and free-radical damage. Research at the University of Utah in 2011 showed that healthy women between the ages of 40 and 60 years who were randomly assigned to receive low-dose citicoline had improved attention scores compared to placebo.
·       Lipase - a fat-digesting enzyme that helps break down omega 3s and other fats.
·       Lecithin - helps emulsify (break up) omega fatty acids for easy absorption.
These additional components are what make Q Sciences omega formula the best there is. They take the natural benefits of omega-3s and supercharge them by improving digestion, absorption, metabolism and potency at the cellular level. DMAE and citocholine work synergistically with the oils to directly enhance the health of cells in the heart, brain, skin, and organs.
Here are some of the health benefits from regular use of Q Omegas as a potentiated complex of vital omega essential fatty acids and co-factors:
·       Reduces risks for heart disease by 45% and diabetes
·       Improves back and joint pain as well as arthritis by cutting inflammation
·       Helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer's by preserving brain function and volume
·       Improves mood by relieving both depression and anxiety
·       Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
·       Acts as a blood thinner to prevent plaque formation in the arteries
·       Nourishes skin and hair
·       Enhances organ metabolism, especially in the liver
·       Provides high quality fuel for energy production
·       Prevents postpartum depression
·       Reduces ADHD symptoms
Can be taken at anytime, by anyone—taking it in the evening is the preferred method for many as it helps promote restful sleep, relieving anxiety and working through the night to enhance cell and organ function.
Lipase and other components help break down the oils and reduce or eliminate fishy after-taste.
Eat cruciferous vegetables—vitamin K purposely not included so that those on blood thinners may also benefit from this remarkable formula.
Clinical Research Studies on Omegas:
Fish Oil May Protect Against Alcohol-Related Dementia
More Evidence Omega-3 Rich Diet May Protect Aging Brain
Total normal brain and hippocampus volumes were directly associated with levels of omega-3 fatty acids in a study of more than 1000 postmenopausal women.
The study, published online in Neurology on January 22, was conducted by a team led by James Pottala, PhD, University of South Dakota, Sioux Falls.
"These results are consistent with the idea that higher omega-3 levels may slow the loss of brain volume that occurs as we age," senior author, William Harris, PhD, also from the University of South Dakota, told Medscape Medical News.
Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
To examine the association between the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the body and brain volume, Dr. Pottala, Dr. Harris, and colleagues used data from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study Magnetic Resonance Imaging (WHIMS-MRI) that evaluated the effects of hormone therapy in postmenopausal women in which blood samples had been frozen and brain MRI scans recorded.
"The blood samples were taken at the start of the study and the MRI scans were performed 8 years later. While this is not necessarily the perfect design, that's what was available," Dr. Harris noted.
They used the red blood cell omega-3 index as a measure of omega-3 status. This index is the percentage of omega-3 fatty acids — eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) — of the total fatty acids in red blood cell membranes.
Results showed that overall brain size was slightly but significantly smaller in the women in the lowest quartile of omega-3 index compared with those in the highest quartile. And specifically, the hippocampus, which is the area of the brain related to cognitive function, was also significantly smaller in the lowest vs. the highest quartile of omega-3 index. This was after controlling for age, lipid levels, glucose, blood pressure, education, and hormone therapy.
The hippocampal volume difference between the highest and lowest quartiles of omega-3 levels was about 2.5%. For comparison, other studies have shown that patients with fairly severe Alzheimer's disease have hippocampus volumes about 40% smaller than people without dementia, Dr. Harris said. "So it is a small effect but it is interesting that there was any detectable effect at all."
The women in the lowest omega-3 quartile had an omega-3 index of 3.4% compared with 7% for those in the highest quartile. "For reference, Japanese people, who generally eat a lot of fish, have an omega-3 index of around 10%," Dr. Harris noted. "It would be possible to move from an index of 3% to one of 7% by taking about 1000 mg of EPA + DHA every day or by eating a small portion of salmon or sardines every day. So it's not difficult to do."
In the paper the researchers write, "Changes in the omega-3 index that can be achieved through diet modification and/or supplementation are similar to those associated with 1 to 2 years of normal, age-related brain atrophy."
Another Piece of the Puzzle 
Dr. Harris commented: "This is another piece of the puzzle, but this is a difficult puzzle to put together. There have now been many studies showing an association of omega-3 fatty acids with brain health but also some that have not found such a link. However, the weight of the evidence is in favor of a positive association." "It could be something else that is causing both omega-3 levels to go up and benefiting the brain—perhaps some other constituent of fish, and omega-3 could just be a marker of how much fish you eat. Or people who eat more fish may not be eating so much of something else that is harmful," he said.
People who eat high quantities of fish may lead healthier lifestyles in general, he added. "But then when we look at the whole picture, omega-3 fatty acids are a major component of brain tissue and they are metabolized to anti-inflammatory compounds that could reduce brain cell death. We can certainly make a good story to support the idea that omega-3 fatty acids are good for the brain."
He notes that a previous study using Framingham data suggested that low levels of omega-3 fatty acids were associated with deficits in cognitive function, and some studies have suggested a benefit in cognitive performance of supplementing with omega 3 fatty acids. But these have been quite small so far, and larger studies are needed.
Some larger studies are now underway. One in the United States—called VITAL—is looking at the effect of supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D on heart health and brain health in 20,000 individuals, with results due in 2016/2017.
In the meantime, is there enough evidence to support supplementation? Dr. Harris says there may be.
"I do think you could make a case for omega-3 supplementation," he said. "There is the issue of cost, but this isn't massive and if everyone decided to take supplements there may be a resource issue as this would challenge fish stocks. But there is no evidence for harm and certainly some suggestion for benefit so the risk/benefit ratio is good."
The study was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Dr. Harris owns OmegaQuant Analytics, LLC, and is a senior research scientist at Health Diagnostic Laboratory Inc, both of which offer red blood cell fatty acid tests. He is also a scientific advisor to Omthera Pharmaceuticals and Aker BioMarine Antarctic. 
Neurology. 2014;82:435-442. Published online January 22, 2014. Abstract
High Omega-3 PUFA Intake Reduces Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Fish Consumption and Incidence of Diabetes
A higher level of serum long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)—an objective biomarker of fish intake—is linked to a lower long-term risk for type 2 diabetes, according to the results of a new prospective, population-based cohort study.
Among dietary factors, the long-chain omega-3 PUFAs, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), from fish and other seafood have gained special interest because of their beneficial effects on the risk for cardiovascular diseases and several risk factors for diabetes, including inflammation, adiposity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, explained Jyrki K. Virtanen, PhD, adjunct professor of nutritional epidemiology at the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, and colleagues in their article published in the January issue of Diabetes Care.
But findings from most previous studies have been mixed in relation to whether long-chain omega-3 PUFAs have a beneficial or detrimental effect on type 2 diabetes risks per se, they note: The current study differs from most previous trials in using an objective biomarker as a measure of exposure to serum omega-3 PUFAs, and the fact "that few prior studies have used an objective biomarker may partly explain their diverse findings," Dr. Virtanen pointed out.
The research also looked at the influence of mercury exposure on incidence of diabetes and whether contamination of this kind modifies any effects of long-chain omega PUFAs. "Despite relatively high exposure to methylmercury, mainly through fish consumption, mercury exposure did not affect the risk of type 2 diabetes in our study population," he told Medscape Medical News.
Highest Omega-3 PUFA Intake Lowered Diabetes by 33% 
Type 2 diabetes is on the rise in Finland, precipitating a need for greater prevention, the researchers explain. Given the prior conflicting data, "We wanted to seek some clarification of the association between serum long-chain omega-3 PUFAs and type 2 diabetes," said Dr. Virtanen.
In 2012, a meta-analysis of data from 438,000 individuals in 12 independent prospective cohorts with an average 11-year follow-up ( Diabetes Care. 2012;35: 930-938) concluded that there was no inverse association of fish or fish-oil intake with incidence of diabetes. Variation was seen between Eastern and Western diets, however, with lower risk for type 2 diabetes in Asian and higher risk in US study populations. Dr. Virtanen explained that it was not well understood why the results from different studies varied, but the geographical differences may be associated with genetic differences or may be due to types of fish consumed or how the fish was prepared.
In their cohort, involving around 2000 men aged 42 to 60 years from the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study (KIHD), who were free of diabetes at baseline in 1984–1989, the researchers used serum omega-3 PUFA and hair mercury levels as biomarkers for exposure, as well as dietary intake, assessed with 4-day food recording.
They correlated the findings with the incidence of type 2 diabetes, which was assessed by self-administered questionnaires and glucose tolerance tests, with blood glucose measurements at 4, 11, and 20 years after the baseline, and by record linkage to hospital-discharge registry and the reimbursement register on diabetes medication expenses.
Dr. Virtanen explained that circulating omega-3 PUFAs offer an objective biomarker for exposure in preference to dietary-assessment methods because this avoids reliance on memory about food intake. "Random error from dietary-assessment methods used in some studies can attenuate associations in studies and thus could explain null findings."
After an average follow-up of 19.3 years, 422 men (19.2%) had developed diabetes, and those in the highest quartile of serum long-chain omega-3 PUFA concentrations (>5.33% total serum fatty acids) had a 33% lower risk for incident type 2 diabetes compared with men in the lowest quartile (P for trend = .01).
In contrast, dietary fish or EPA plus DHA intakes, assessed with 4-day food recording, were not associated with the risk. "This most likely reflects the inability of the 4-day food recording to accurately assess intakes of foods that are usually consumed at most 1 to 2 times per week, such as fish," the researchers observe.
Heart disease and omega
The largest of these, the GISSI-P (GISSI-Prevention) study (n=11,324 randomized to omega-3 PUFAs within three months of MI), [16] demonstrated relative risk reductions in overall mortality, cardiac mortality, and SCD of 20%, 30% and 45%, respectively, with 1 g/day of highly purified omega-3 acid ethyl esters (Omacor®) over a 3.5-year period. Absolute risk reductions over the same period were 2.1%, 2% and 1.6% for overall mortality, cardiac mortality and SCD, respectively. Significant benefits of supplementation emerged within three to four months and were most marked in those with more extensive left ventricular dysfunction. Considered together, these data suggest a reduction in ventricular arrhythmia as the likely mechanism of benefit.
Low Omega-3 in Kids Linked to Behavior, Cognitive Deficits
Blood concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids in school-aged children in the United Kingdom (UK) are well below the minimum recommended for good cardiovascular health in adults, according to a new study.
The research also found that low levels of omega-3, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is found in fish, seafood, and some algae, are associated with worse performance on reading tests and working memory, and more symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the children, even after controlling for sex and socioeconomic status.
"The blood omega status in these kids is worryingly low, given what is known about omega-3 and its benefits for brain development, and cardiovascular and immune system health," said study author Alexandra J. Richardson, DPhil, a senior research fellow at the University of Oxford, UK, and founder-director of the charity Food And Behaviour Research.

The study was published in PLoS ONE. The study was funded by Martek Biosciences Inc.
This study formed the screening stage of a previously published randomized controlled intervention study that included 362 healthy children aged 7 to 9 years from primary schools in Oxfordshire, a large county in the UK, who had low reading scores. The DOLAB study reported that supplementation with 600 mg DHA daily for 16 weeks improved reading and behavior in children with the lowest 20% of reading scores.
The DOLAB study followed a 2005 study—the Oxford Durham Study—that showed "highly meaningful" benefits for reading and spelling from long-chain omega-3 supplementation, said Dr. Richardson.
The current cross-sectional analysis, which included 493 children, aimed to determine the status of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) in these children and its relevance for cognition and behavior.
Researchers analyzed fatty acids through fingertip-prick whole-blood samples. They measured reading proficiency using the well-validated Word Reading Achievement subtest of the British Ability Scales 2nd Edition (BAS II) and working memory using the Recall of Digits Forward and Recall of Digits Backward subtests form the BAS II.
Parents and teachers rated ADHD-type symptoms, such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, in the children using the long version of the Connors Rating Scales. These measurement tools are commonly used to assess behavior problems related to ADHD and have been successfully used in previous studies on the relationships between nutrient status and behavioral problems.
Although the children had been underperforming in reading according to national tests carried out at age 7 years, formal testing as part of this study showed that the actual distribution of reading scores in this screening sample was within normal population ranges. Only the children whose scores still placed them in the lowest third of the normal range were entered into the subsequent treatment trial, explained Dr. Richardson.
Low Levels of Omega-3 May Increase Postpartum Depression Risk
Low levels of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) may moderately increase women's risk of developing postpartum depression (PPD), a literature review suggests.
Gabriel Shapiro, MPH, and colleagues from the University of Montreal and the Centre de Recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine, Montreal, Canada, report that the review shows several carefully conducted studies that indicate an association between the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) genotype and PPD.

"The literature shows that there could be a link between pregnancy, omega-3, and the chemical reaction that enables serotonin, a mood regulator, to be released into our brains. And many women could bring their omega-3 intake to recommended levels," they said in a release.
The 5-HTT gene modulates the re-uptake of 5-HT at brain synapses and is the main neurobiologic feature of depression. The 5-HTT gene is also the target of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
Several studies that investigated depressive symptoms after delivery showed a significant positive association between depressive symptoms and either 5-HTT expression levels at 8 weeks postpartum or the presence of the short allele carrier status of the 5-HTT gene and PPD.
"Few studies have studied the 5-HTT gene and omega-3 together, so what we see are two parallel links in both of these literatures, and there is a link between omega-3 fatty acids and either depression or PPD," principal investigator Jean Séguin, PhD, Centre de Recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine, told Medscape Medical News.
"So the link with 5-HTT is the one we are going to look into further to see if supplementing women with proper nutrition would attenuate the risk," he added
The study is published in the November issue of the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Social Risk Factors
Social risk factors that predict PPD include a strained marital relationship, low social support, and stress life events. A family history of depression or mood disorders is also implicated in the development of PDD.
Beyond social influences, one key environmental factor may be nutrition, so the researchers focused on the 5-HTT genotype and omega-3 PUFA status.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are the two main families of essential fatty acids, but the omega-3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is an important building block of the central nervous system (CNS) in infants.
Its availability during pregnancy and lactation may also influence maternal mental health and, later, childhood developmental outcomes.
As for omega-3 fatty acids and PPD, the authors note that omega-3 fatty acids directly affect brain activities, including neurotransmitter uptake.
Because omega-3 fatty acids stores are transferred from the mother to the fetus during gestation and lactation, levels of maternal omega-3 fatty acids decline during pregnancy and remain low at least 6 weeks into the postpartum period.
Intake of omega-3 fatty acids in the North American diet in general is already well below recommended levels, and this is particularly true for pregnant women.
In fact, the investigators estimate that it would take a 4-fold increase in fish consumption to bring intake of several key fatty acids up to recommended levels.
Results of intervention studies in general have not demonstrated any benefits of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation during pregnancy for the prevention or treatment of perinatal depression.
On the other hand, Dr. Séguin and colleagues would disagree, suggesting that clinical trials of omega-3 supplementation in patients with major depressive disorder have demonstrated clinical benefit, even if this benefit is only moderate.
The Montreal group also suggest that if pregnant women are unsure if they are getting enough omega-3 in their diet or if they are at risk for PDD, they should discuss these issues with their family doctor or obstetrician.
Health Canada, a federal department in Canada responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health, has a website with a special section on omega-3 intake for pregnant women.
Nada Stotland, MD, past president of the American Psychiatric Association, Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois, told Medscape Medical News that the "study is important, but it's also very clear that we need to learn more about this possible link between omega-3 fatty acids and PPD."
"My concern is that people will read it as a definitive answer when the study is saying exactly the opposite of that," Dr. Stotland said.
Dr. Stotland noted that the authors themselves are suggesting there may be a link between low levels of omega-3 fatty acids and the risk for PDD, but they conclude only that this is a very fertile area for further study.
"We don't want to make people who suffer from PDD think that if only they had eaten differently, all would have been well," Dr. Stotland emphasized.
On the other hand, any intervention that could decrease the rate and severity of PDD "would be a big boon to everybody—not only to mothers but to their children and families as well."
The authors and Dr. Stotland have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Can J Psychiatry. 2012;57:704-712. Abstract