This Much I Know

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Qbiotics! Q Sciences - Only the best for our IBOs!

Qsciences does not claim to cure diagnose nor do we prescribe :

An Amazing study just out – probiotics improve emotional and mental function by increasing connections between parts of the brain!  study showed
probiotic benefits:
·       Reduces risks for colon cancer
·       reduces irritable bowel and colitis symptoms, less bloating, gas, cramping, diarrhea and constipation
·       reduces anxiety and modulate brain activity.
·       Relieves eczema and other allergies in children (especially if taken during pregnancy) (study was done on prebiotics but probiotics should be even more effective in this regard)
·       cure intestinal infections
·       lowers cholesterol
·       lowers blood sugar
·       enhances weight loss
·       improves liver function

Recommendation How to take Qbiotic:
·       best taken daily with or without foods (thanks to delivery mechanism)
·       may be taken more than once daily
·       Only side effects may be temporary change in stools, increased gas as bacteria fight it out - should normalize in 2-4 days
·       especially important to take more Qbiotics
when taking antibiotics, when ill, after eating sugar

In a proof-of-concept study using functional MRI (fMRI), researchers found that women who regularly consumed probiotic-containing yogurt showed altered activity of brain regions that control central processing of emotion and sensation. The study was funded by Danone Research.

"This study is unique because it is the first to show an interaction between a probiotic and the brain in humans," lead author Kirsten Tillisch, MD, associate professor, Oppenheimer Family Center for Neurobiology of Stress, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles, told Medscape Medical News.

The results appear in the June 2013 issue of Gastroenterology.

Modulating Brain Function

"This is a very important study as up to now most of the evidence that the gut microbiota can influence brain and behavior have emerged from studies in mouse models including our own work (Bravo et al., PNAS 2011)," John Cryan, PhD, professor and head of the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, University College Cork, Ireland, who was not involved in the study, told Medscape Medical News.

"Tillisch and colleagues now have neatly shown that probiotics can also affect resting brain activity in human subjects using neuroimaging techniques. This gives credence to the idea that we may eventually modulate brain function in disease states using probiotics. That said, it is a small study, only in women, and the mechanism as to how the bacteria are inducing their effects remains unclear," Dr. Cryan said.
Dr. Kirsten Tillisch

The study involved 36 healthy women with no gastrointestinal or psychiatric symptoms. Twice daily for 4 weeks, 12 women ate a fermented yogurt product containing the probiotics Bifidobacterium animalis subsp Lactis, Streptococcus thermophiles, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Lactococcus lactis subsp Lactis; 11 women ate a nonfermented milk product (controls), and 13 received no intervention.

The women underwent fMRI before and after the intervention to measure resting brain activity and brain responses to an emotion-recognition task in which they viewed a series of pictures of people with angry or scared faces and matched them to other faces showing the same emotions. The researchers say they chose this task because studies in animals have linked changes in gut flora to changes in affective behaviors.

During the emotional reactivity task, the probiotic group showed significantly reduced activity (P = .004) in a widely distributed functional network containing affective, viscerosensory, and somatosensory cortices.

During resting fMRI, the probiotic group showed greater connectivity between the periaqueductal grey matter of the midbrain and cognition-associated areas of the prefrontal cortex.

These changes were not observed in the group that consumed the nonfermented milk product; "thus the findings appear to be related to the ingested bacteria strains and their effects on the host," the authors say.
Prebiotics May

Interesting Article

On our way to a Million!! March to a Million!

Over the last 20 years, I've experienced the most gawd-awful digestive attacks: From the "embarrassing" to the down-right life threatening. Never wanting to resort to pharmaceutical, surgical solutions, I suffered year after year. I tried every natural remedy - namely probiotic concoctions that at one point were fairly effective. But, the problems always returned. Why was that?

Since February of this year, I have been taking Qssentials, which included QBiotics.

Yes, it did take 30 days, but now my digestive problems are gone! I read the below, and I am writing my own article: based on scientific research, which revealed to me exactly WHY I no longer have these problems.

As a bonus, after losing a major portion of body (belly) fat, no matter what I eat, my weight and body size has been maintained for 3 months.

If you wonder why you have headaches, stinky feet, smelly underarms, bad breath, and absolutely cannot lose belly fat and are experiencing other problems you may not be aware of, please contact me for more information.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

They just keep rolling in -- Blessed!


Thank you for the great Birthday greeting! I hope to meet you face to face in the near future. I am very excited about our QSciences business, and especially Q96. I have personally seen awesome results for my family and friends... it truly is a miraculous product!

Daniel S. 

Another TRUE Q Story!

Daren, I am so excited to meet you this weekend. Everyday I am talking to people about Q96. Truthfully, I have not taken it on a daily basis as I end up giving my bottle away....

This week was a terrible week for me, which rarely I ever experience such convoluted problems. My husband was watching me and wondering how I managed through the muddle. I'm a calm person as a general rule ...have NEVER had a quarrel or fight in 46 years with him. So he knows me well.

I had these stressful situations with a certain problem and I found my body going into deep bone pain and my entire body BURNING from neck to toes. I have to tell you I was frightened as I was fearing a form of arthritis. He disagreed and said my stress level was more than he had ever witnessed in our life together for what others had imposed on me.

He is a great chiropractor and wouldn't tell me that if his heart felt otherwise. So that night I went to bed and started burning up. Then I googled my symptoms and more probable than was caused from STRESS. Whew!

The very next morning I made certain I found the only bottle of Q96 I had. I took two (this was last Saturday, two days ago). Voila !!! Within two hours I felt a marked improvement. AMAZING!

Wish you could have seen his face when he knew it had worked for me.

I stand amazed as my situation was trivial compared to the countless people who need 
Q96 for other health issues.


See you Saturday.

Ellen F.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kids Club - Welcome Logan!!

Hello! My name is Logan, and I would like to tell my story about Q96. I am homeschooled. It used to be very hard for me to concentrate at school. But then my mom got me some Q96, and It's been much easier to concentrate at my school work then before, which makes my mom happy (because she teaches me). I have even been making movies about Q96 and posting them on YouTube. Thank you so much Q96!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Children are amazing! Check this out. Too good to not share!

Q Baby!!! I love this personal Story


I'm Gloria's daughter Stacey and I had the privilege of meeting all of you in Fargo recently.  I just wanted to share with you my Q Essentials story.......   I have PCOS, which is a condition that makes it difficult for me to get pregnant because I don't ovulate.   My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for about six months and I had been taking q96 for a few months of this time.   I was ready to call my doctor to get some medical help.... most likely medications to help me ovulate......  when my mom gave me a sample box of Q Essentials.   I thought I would try the QE for a few months and see if it worked, because if it did, what a great story to tell the many other women my age who have PCOS too.   My husband and I both started taking it and we felt great.  Had much more energy, etc.   Well..... I couldn't even finish the box, because with one packet left, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive!   Bam!  Amazing stuff! 

It's hard to tell in the picture, but that stick says "pregnant".  So that's my testimonial.... one box and a positive test.  :) 

Stacey H.

Please tell Dr. K thank you!!!! 

We don't prescribe, diagnose or claim we cure any disease or aliment!

Q it UP!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Interesting Personal Story of results

We do not prescribe, diagnose or make any claims about our product.  Judge for yourself.

Here is another personal story.

Just trivia....  my Dr. just called and is cutting my thyroid med back again... this is twice since starting on Q96!  I have taken thyroid for 5 years since having mine removed...  I was told that I would be on it FOREVER!  In 2 months they have lowered my dose twice!   giggle giggle!

Truth! Funny for us in "Management"

A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She reduced altitude and spotted a man below.
She descended a bit more and shouted, “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago but I don’t know where I am.”
The man below replied “You’re in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You’re between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude.”

“You must be an engineer,” said the
balloonist. “I am”, replied the man.
“How did you know?”
“Well, answered the balloonist, “everything you told me is technically correct, but I’ve no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I’m still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help at all. If anything, you’ve delayed my trip even more.”
The man below responded, “You must be in management.”
“I am,” replied the balloonist, “but how did you know?”
“Well,” said the man, “You don’t know
where you are or where you’re going.You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise which you’ve no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems?!!”

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013

Baby oh Baby! Great News

Hi Daren;
I have WONDERFUL news! Our two oldest daughters both have Polycystic Ovarian
Syndrome, (PCOS) which has much to do with their "wacky" hormones and their
insulin levels (thus a huge part of their weight issues). Anyway, because of
PCOS and their hormone levels they have difficulty getting pregnant, but I
am happy to announce that after just ONE MONTH on the Q96 and Women's
Qssentials packs, BOTH of those daughters are now pregnant! These products
truly are almost miraculous!
Dave and Brandy used fertility drugs 8 years ago to get pregnant with
Madyson, then both Stacey and Brandy did a "Candida Cleanse" 4 years ago
which enabled them to get pregnant with Maleah and Catie...and now after
trying for 18 months to get pregnant they both are after taking the Q
Sciences products.

Welcome Marissa to the Kids Club!

Hi, my name is Marissa and I'd like to tell you about my experience with EMPowerplus™ Q96. After taking my first dose, I felt stronger and could concentrate better. It also seemed like my sight was clearer and sharper. Before Q96, I use to be very scared about things. Now I'm not worried about any of that stuff. I also use to get very sad over people being mean to me. Now I'm not afraid or affected by others and it's thanks to the Q.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hot Flashes?

OK ladies listen up ...My wife recently started taking the Q96 product. She says it has helped reduce the hot flashes, she is sleeping better and has been able to handle stressful situations much better. This product was birthed in prayer and has been the answer to 1000's of people prayers. The word teaches that we have been given all things that pertain to life and godliness. Q96 is one of those things God has given us. He has given me the compassion to love people where they are and a passion to share this product. Some have had an issue with it being promoted through a network of people. I don't know of anything in this world that isn't shared through a network of people .... even Christ. I know there are alot of scams out there but this is not one of them. Peoples lives have been greatly improved by Q96 and God is glorified. I've never known of a product that does what this one does and in a short period of time. People have been skeptical but that soon vanishes. Results speak with boldness. Q96 does as it was designed to do. So be encouraged and try Q96. You will only need to order 1 bottle and before the 30 day guarantee is up you will know for sure the change that this product can make. If for any reason you don't care to take it any longer you get your money back. So what do you have to lose besides the suffering and pain. Not a thing. You can be confident that the experience will be a positive one either way. No fear or doubt about anything, unless you allow strongholds of the mind keep you from your blessing and that is true with anything in life. Take a step in faith.  Have a blessed day! Randall

Friday, May 10, 2013

Welcome Jaxon to the Q President's Kid Club!

My mom bought me the Q96 for Christmas because she loves me. I have ADHD and have some hard times at school because of that. Now I am doing better and feel more in control of myself. My teacher has noticed my being good and keeps sending notes to my mom and that makes me happy..My mom and dad are really happier now too. Thank you for my Q96.I’m not scared anymore to be me!

Jaxon B


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Great Advise for all of us

A mentor once told me that no matter how many close people you have in your network, if you want to be truly great, you must have three essential people in your life at all times: A person who is older and more successful than you to learn from A person who is equal to you to exchange ideas with A person below you to coach and keep you energized A great figure of history who embodied this principle was Aristotle. Aristotle was one of the greatest minds to ever grace this beautiful Earth, but this was only so because he was constantly challenging himself and working to refine his talents. He exchanged ideas with other Greek philosophers in the “Academy,” learned from his mentor Plato, and taught a young boy named Alexander…who would later become “Alexander the Great.”

Mental Awareness Month ! Q it UP!

This is Mental Health Awareness month. TESTIMONY ~~~13 year old with ADHD ... if you have a child with an issue similar please listen to this! There is hope for your child too! More info at

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Facts - Get in the Q!

Doctors usually do not follow guidelines for treating very young children withattention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a new study suggests. In the study, about 90 percent of doctors surveyed did not strictly adhere to new guidelines recommended for treating preschoolers with ADHD, such as guidelines that address when to start medications, and which medications to use. For instance, some doctors started preschoolers on medication too soon — before trying any non-drug treatment, such as counseling parents on how to manage their child's behavior. The findings are concerning because doctors should recommend behavior treatments first, the researchers said. "At a time when there are public and professional concerns about over-medication of young children with ADHD, it seems that many medical specialists are recommending medication as part of their initial treatment plan for these children," said study researcher Dr. Jaeah Chung, of Cohen Children's Medical Center in New Hyde Park, N.Y. [See ADHD Medications: 5 Vital Questions and Answers.] The researchers surveyed 560 doctors who specialize in diagnosing and managing children ages 4 to 6 with ADHD. Results showed that only 8 percent of doctors followed all guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics — the rest either prescribed medications too soon, prescribed medications without first checking to see if behavior therapy was working, or did not use the drug methylphenidate as the first drug treatment. One in five doctors said they often prescribe medications to preschoolers with ADHD as their initial treatment. The AAP said in 2011 that doctors should attempt to treat ADHD in preschoolers with behavioral therapies before prescribing medications. In addition, about 40 percent of doctors said that when they did prescribe medications, they initially used a medication other thanthe ADHD drugmethylphenidate(sold under the brand name Ritalin). According to the AAP, methylphenidate should used first in preschoolers because it has been more rigorously studied in young children than other medications such as amphetamines. About 20 percent of doctors said they expected the number of children they treated with medications would increase in the future. Study researcher Dr. Andrew Adesman, chief of developmental and behavioral pediatrics at Cohen Children's, noted that the AAP guidelines are written for general pediatricians, and it's possible that specialists see children with more severe ADHD (who are more likely to need medications). Still, "Doctors collectively should recommend their patients pursue behavior therapies first," Adesm

Friday, May 3, 2013

Men Need Help! Q Sciences

SALT LAKE CITY — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a new report on Thursday that says deaths caused by suicide now surpass deaths from car accidents. In the past 10 years, suicide rates in adults between the ages of 35 and 64 have increased 28 percent. In Utah, adult men between 50 to 54 years old have the highest suicide rates of all age groups. The report also showed that, statistically, men use more fatal methods to commit suicide than women, like guns. However, men are also less likely to seek help for depression or suicidal tendencies, to the detriment of their families. Terry Aiken was a successful businessman and father when he died by suicide at age 54. His daughter, Taryn, is now a suicide prevention advocate working tirelessly to save other families from the pain and heartbreak of suicide. Questions to ask if you think someone may be suicidal: Do they feel like giving up on life? Do they think of hurting themself? Do they have a plan to end their life? "My dad had battled depression my whole life," said Taryn Aiken, co-chair for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. "He was just not able to get the right treatment. I think he felt like it was a character flaw." Leading suicidologist and psychiatrist Doug Gray said it is difficult for many people to escape the stigma of mental illness and get the right treatment, especially men. "I'd like to see more ad campaigns addressed to fireman, policeman, football players, tough guys who can get depression and need help," Gray said. "We know that most people who die by suicide are either not in treatment or they have dropped out of treatment and they have stopped taking their prescribed medicines, and sometimes they are self-medicating with illicit drugs or alcohol." Suicide Survivor Support Groups: Davis County: Every Tuesday at 6 p.m. at Davis County Central Library Auditorium, 155 Wasatch Drive, Layton Salt Lake Valley: Every 4th Wednesday 7 p.m. at Riverton Hospital Bluffdale Conference Room (4th Floor) 12600 S. Bangerter Highway, Riverton Provo: 2nd Thursday of each month, 7 p.m. IHC Northwest Plaza, 1134 North 500 West Room #6 Taryn said her father was self-medicated, and she grew up always afraid for him but didn't know how to help. "The more honest we are and the more of us that will speak out and say that we are struggling when we are, then the more people will hopefully start to reach out and get help," Taryn said. "Just knowing that there was help out there I think was huge for me." Like her father, Taryn also lives with mental illness and attempted suicide as a teen. "Life does get better and even when it's those hard, dark times, you can get through them," she said. "You just need to ackowledge that, 'Hey, something is wrong. Let's work together to try to figure out what it is and what we can do to get you help.' "

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Another Believer !! Why wait, Just feel Better

Hi Daren; When you have time sometime call me and I will give you a short "synopsis" of a pretty awesome testimony I had today from my son-in-law. He called and asked where he can get some more Qssentials quickly because he is OUT and his shipment won't be in until Monday! Stacey is about 5 days behind him because she forgot to take it a couple of days, and he started taking his before she did, so he is OUT today and is in a PANIC! He LOVES the Qssentials and does not want to be without them EVER AGAIN! I LOVE IT! Geoff is a very laid back guy.....but WOW! Stacey says he is a completely different man! He has energy now .....he gets her "Honey Do" list done (he works the late shift so is home until 2:30 every day) so when she gets home from work at 5:00 his list of things to do are done and she doesn't have to nag him anymore for not getting his chores done....which makes for a MUCH happier man...and woman....thus MARRIAGE! :) HE is a believer....and I told both him and Stacey that even with just this one testimony...they need to tell EVERYONE they know and that alone will propel their business....because EVERY wife wants their husband to have more energy to get their "Honey Do" list done.....which makes for a MUCH happier woman...and you know the sayings.... "Happy Wife....Happy Life." AND....."If Momma ain't happy ain't NO ONE happy!" :) THANK YOU for starting this WONDERFUL COMPANY with the most WONDERFUL PRODUCTS, Mr. Daren Hogge!! :) I Love You Man! Gloria :)

Parents - Yes there is hope- Q it UP!

We are doing really excellent. My son is off his meds since March 6th. We have seen some impulsivity and decrease in focus since then, and we are to understand from micronutrient support that this is normal as his body is now adjusting to a new way of functioning. There is a 3 month adjustment in the body after a change. Things are improving, and we are nowhere near the depressing times were at before. Meaning, we are not seeing the anger and aggression at all. His teachers say he is a "new pupil" at school. He is interacting and seeking interaction with other children, he is able to cope better with change, his anxiety is pretty much gone, he is eating and sleeping. We just went to the specialist to get our official diagnosis and to speak about Q with him. I asked my son to please tell me in his own words how he felt about Q96 compared to the small coloured pill he used to take; he said he felt happy. Q... We don't diagnose or claim to cure any disease.

So well Said!

Thank you so much, Daren. I am very blessed with family and friends who are a part of my life. It is a privilege to be a part of the Q Sciences family as well. The Q Science story is such a wonderful example of commitment, especially to those in need of help in an area that has been neglected as well as abused by the medical community. God has brought this company about to be a blessing to many. May He continue to guide so that more dear folk enjoy the relief Q96 brings. Thanks again. Gloria

Already Crossing the Pond! If you need help- Our IBOs can help, Get in the Q

From dear friend, Angela writes: It just occurred to me that I have been taking Q96 for almost a month now. The change in me is remarkable to be quite honest. You wouldn't know that I have bipolar 2 from the change in me. Can't remember the last time I had mood swings. No more going off the rails. No more unexplained feelings. Totally level headed and evened out. No more dangerous meds, never ever ever taking them again, I don't need to now anyway :) not only has my mental health improved dramatically but my psychical has too. It's amazing the significant effect a (very well reasearched) formula of vitamins and minerals can do to you. I'm doing pretty damn well given the circumstances. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Q96 so I have Tony Stephan (one of many brillant people) to thank a million times over! Angela