Daren, I am so excited to meet you this weekend. Everyday I am talking to people about Q96. Truthfully, I have not taken it on a daily basis as I end up giving my bottle away....
This week was a terrible week for me, which rarely I ever experience such convoluted problems. My husband was watching me and wondering how I managed through the muddle. I'm a calm person as a general rule ...have NEVER had a quarrel or fight in 46 years with him. So he knows me well.
I had these stressful situations with a certain problem and I found my body going into deep bone pain and my entire body BURNING from neck to toes. I have to tell you I was frightened as I was fearing a form of arthritis. He disagreed and said my stress level was more than he had ever witnessed in our life together for what others had imposed on me.
He is a great chiropractor and wouldn't tell me that if his heart felt otherwise. So that night I went to bed and started burning up. Then I googled my symptoms and more probable than not...it was caused from STRESS. Whew!
The very next morning I made certain I found the only bottle of Q96 I had. I took two (this was last Saturday, two days ago). Voila !!! Within two hours I felt a marked improvement. AMAZING!
Wish you could have seen his face when he knew it had worked for me.
I stand amazed as my situation was trivial compared to the countless people who need
Q96 for other health issues.
See you Saturday.
Ellen F.
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