This Much I Know

Monday, January 14, 2013

Happiness Challenge - 2013

The Happiness Challenge Begins Tomorrow!  Are you In the Q?

When we take a moment to listen to our inner voice, we get clues that can lead us down the path toward true happiness. Choosing what makes us feel happy over what makes us feel safe can take us out of our comfort zone; yet when we connect our passions with our actions, we stop seeking and start living. Find your joy: listen to yourself, and then take action.

Start a conversation with your inner voice. Ask yourself these four questions, and listen closely to the answers.

1) What makes you happy?
2) What are you passionate about?
3) Where are you investing your Love and Happiness?
4) Can you think of at least three people you would like to bring Happiness into their Life?  Take a moment and write their names down on a piece of paper. You will have an opportunity to invite them to find Happiness.

 In 2013, Please know Your Story Matters, at Q Sciences! 

                                    You Matter, at Q Sciences!

Get in the Q!

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