This Much I Know

Sunday, October 25, 2015

365 days of Gratitude #7 Microwave Oven

My 32 Year Old Microwave

It seems a little strange, even to me who is writing this, that #6 of my gratitude journal would be giving thanks to an appliance, but today I am thankful for our microwave oven that was given to Lisa and I as a gift from my parents almost 32 years ago.  Yes, you read that right, 32 years ago.  Now I don't have proof but I must believe it was the oldest functioning microwave oven in the entire wold until it stopped working last week while we were away on a business trip.

You wonder, why was it is so painful for me to see our microwave break.  For many it would be a happy time as they could get a new, better, appliance. For me its been a time to reflect.

1) My parents gave us this gift that we could never have afforded for ourselves 32 years ago.  It always reminds me how giving and supportive my parents have been of my and my family since day one of our marriage.

2) When I get home late and was in a hurry I could always count on my microwave to be there for me.  It never let me down with the exception of a few times its light burned out. It was consistent and I could count on it.

3) I heated up food for my Grandma and Lisa's Grandma in it and they have since passed on.  It was a link to my relatives who were once with us and taught me to be a better person

4)  I have heated up food for my parents and Lisa's parents who are still with us today. I give thanks everyday they are.

5)  I relied on the Microwave clock to be on time. To know what time it is everyday.  I changed it twice a year due to day light savings and it was a tradition that I changed its clock first as the elder statesman in the kitchen.

6) Everyone of our children used this microwave.  It is older than all of them. They have never known life without the reliability of this appliance.

7) I can't even think of how many times it was used and abused over the 32 years.  It never complained and was always there to help when asked.  A great lesson for me and others to learn from.

8) It worked for all kinds of food and other things.  It was not prejudice in any way.  Another lesson to learn for all of us.

I guess the thing I will remember the most is that it heated up ever single baby bottle that my children drank.  It was a direct tie to my children that are now all grown up.  Someday they may be lucky enough to own their own microwave and I hope they have the same fond memories that i do our our microwave.

Rest is peace,  you have earned it!

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