This Much I Know

Saturday, January 30, 2016

365 Days of Gratitude - #9 Hand Me Downs

Today I give thanks for the many items I have in my life that once belonged to others.  Others like my Grandparents, both on my Father and Mother's side as well as both my parents and Lisa's parents.

(Before I go on, I want to take a moment and say how grateful I am that all four of our parents are alive and doing well. I realize more each day how lucky I am to be able to say that today and how truly blessed I have been to always have them in my life. 53 years of knowing I have two of the best people on this earth and in my life to guide and direct me and when necessary, correct me, to be the best person I can become on a daily basis.  As well as a loving and supporting wife for 32 years. I pray I will never take them or others for granted.)

Today as I was working on a project in the house I went to the garage and used two separate tools, one that once belonged to my Grandpa Hogge ( Ray Arichibald) and the other to my Dad (Glen Ray).  As I held these tools and finished my project I had a flood of memories of the past and how lucky I was to learn from three of my Grandparents ( My Grandpa - Barclay Standing passed way before my birth but nonetheless still left " Hand me Downs" that I reflect on daily and I am blessed by).

For may things I personally prefer Hand Me Downs over new items and give thanks for the lessons and material things given to me from my ancestors whom I Love dearly. I hope someday my Children and Grandchildren will give thanks for the Hand Me Downs they will receive from me!

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