This Much I Know

Thursday, March 14, 2013

All Day Long- Everyday !!

Sharon Mumaugh S.... I am the one from life has been quite hectic with the young man I care for....he lives with me 24/7/365. He has changed dramatically since he's been on the Q96. I will never be without it again, Lord willing. He now has a life. Where he was depressed and sulking all day, he now has a broad smile across his face; where he had outburts of agitation and anger, is replaced with a calm attitude; where he had no initiative to explore or do anything other than pace around; he now likes to get involved, or asks to do simple pleasures such as cutting out valentines or bunnies....etc, etc. I truly love this product and would recommend it to anyone...I have even started taking it myself....because I care for my Mother, this young man and another young lady with TBI....I get stressed out, but taking this product has helped me to remain calmer and more focused on the tasks at hand. Try won't be sorry. Thank you, Randall for sharing it with me.

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