Perhaps even now the Isaiah 53 Messiah dwells among us again, like a thief in the night, when he is least expected, and his friends are the least of the brethren described in Matt 25:31-46. Someday, at a day and hour no man knows, not even the angels of heaven, but his father only, (Matt 24:34-39) the promised Messiah foretold by in Isaiah 62 and Malachi 3 will "suddenly come to his temple" in the promised new Jerusalem and there reveal the city of his God, even the new Jerusalem, the name of his God, and his new name as foretold in Rev 3:12, 7-13) written in the white stone (Rev 2:17; REv 19:12) that becomes a Urim and Thummim to each individual who enters the kingdom of celestial glory. (D&C 130:10-11)
Oh to have the faith of a child in that day ... an enthusiastic optimist's faith like a 15 year old boy with a vision of the new heaven and new earth promised in the Holy Script ... and early detection of disease, and a restoration of good health, when the righteous shall overcome death and inherit eternal life. Oh what a season of rejoicing that will be, like a bridegroom returning for his bride, after his long journey to the far country -- inviting friends and family to share in the joy of the marriage supper.
I am reminded of friends whose children are now searching out remedies and cures for some of the life's most harmful afflictions, ailments and other dis-eases that rob folks of health and happiness. This rising generation of valiant spirits are now finding ancient cures in some of the strangest places ... while they use multi-level marketing and the miracle of the internet -- like a luminous liahona with a mouse and two pointers -- to literally tell the world what they have found. You just "point and click" on the words that miraculously appear like an email on your liahona each morning ;-)
Who would ever believe our report -- if we told what we have seen (Isa 53:1-3) by the light of our lamps since the midnight watchman on the tower awakened us from our deep sleep and told us to trim our lamps, like the parable of the ten virgins? (Matt 25:1-12) Who was the midnight watchman in the darkest hour of deception and temptation, in the 12th prophetic hour after the sun went down at noon on a clear day?
What have we observed generally over all these years ... since the midnight watchman told us to trim our lamps, leave our comfort zones behind in Babylon, lengthen our stride and finish our journey to mount Zion, where he promised we would meet the true bridegroom at the time and place appointed?
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