Hi Daren. My name is Elijah Griffin and I live in Plattsville, Ontario Canada. I am 11 years old and I started taking Q96 in December last year. My mom and dad are Denise and Joe. Before I started taking EMPowerplus Q96, I had a lot of stress. I used to think I was dumb, useless and couldn't do anything right. I also couldn't focus in school and I thought I was fat and that my life was a disgrace. Now because of taking Q96, I am more confident, I don't think I am fat anymore, I can focus better in school and I can do things better than I used to. Its really helped my family. Before Q96, it was pretty stressful at home. Now its more calm and fun in our family. My mom is doing so much better. She play fights with me know and jokes around with me. Thank you for reading my story. From Eli Griffin.
Thank you for Q.
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