This Much I Know

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Triad of Health

The Triad of Health
As Human beings or Humans “being,” we all fall victim to the inherent weaknesses of our brains, bodies, and emotions. Our ability to clearly think, act, and feel plays an equal and vital role in determining who we are individually and what we ultimately become. By understanding the Brain/Body/Emotion connection, or Triad of Health, we will better understand how to increase our overall health and happiness.
All of us are the proud owner’s of both a brain and a body. By design our brains and bodies communicate with each other through the central nervous system. When our brains and bodies communicate without interference, we have clear nerve flow. Clear nerve flow allows every cell, tissue, and organ in our bodies to function as they were designed to do. When our bodies are functioning properly, they are in a state of ease. When we are in a state of ease, we have health and thereby feel good and are happy.
Unfortunately, we live in a world filled with stresses. These stresses come in three types. There are physical stresses that affect our body’s ability to move or act freely; chemical stresses that affect our brain’s (and other vital organ’s) ability to think or perform optimally; and emotional stresses that affect how we cope with and feel about life in general. Each of these stresses can and do interfere with the communication between our brains and bodies. In fact the University of Colorado did research to show that pressure equivalent to the weight of a dime on a nerve can hinder nerve flow up to 60%. Imagine talking on a cell phone and hearing only 4 words out of every 10 spoken. We would not have a clear understanding of the entire conversation. Such is the case with our brains and bodies.
This lack of complete communication between our brains and bodies over time can and eventually will cause our cells, tissues, and organs to begin to mal-function. When this occurs our bodies approach a state of dis-ease which ultimately leads to Ill-health. Symptoms emerge and we begin to feel bad and our happiness diminishes.
In order to regain clear nerve flow and to become healthy once again, an optimum level of each of the three corners the physical, the chemical, and the emotionalmust be attained while reducing the associated stresses (see Triad of Health attachment).
The stellar products of QSciences have been designed and combined specifically to assist us in reducing these stresses. With some overlap the products and the associated stresses they reduce are:
PhysicalThe Cellerciser
eQuivalent+, QSprays, QOmegas, QAminos, Q Calcium EmotionalQ96 Empowerplus along with Qssentials
When used together these amazing products literally P.O.P.Purify, Optimize, and Protectrestoring function, ease, health, and HAPPINESS!
2015 Dr. Keith C. Robbins 

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