Greetings Everyone,
Wanted to share with you some great tips, “Q-Tips” as I like to refer to that I learned from a former colleague that are so true.
These same mistakes have kept people “stuck” for years and years!
6 Deadly Mistakes and Re-occurring Patterns Repeated Over and Over!
#1. Not seriously using “all” the products, with the goal of being able to explain their results simple! Example: This is me “before and this is me now”! They complicate the product explanation because they “hit and miss” and do not seriously use their own products correctly or consistently!
#2. They continue to get “distracted” daily and so easily lose their “focus” on what they want. Distractions will steal you blind and rob you of your goals and dreams!
NOTE: Not having clearly written goals/ranks/dreams in their Dream Book and not visualizing every day so their sub-conscience “reminds” them , without “reminders” they forget and keep starting over and over!
#3. Working hard on themselves to make the “changes” necessary in their lives, so they will grow as a person and as a leader!
Personal Growth and Development is vital to learn how to grow your business! Continuing to make “personal changes” is the key to your success!
For example: If you still “react” and get emotional instead of “responding” when problems or personality issues arise then your business will not grow until you grow and learn how to handle your “emotions” better.
Remember: The business is about building relationships, long lasting! So take a look at how you’re teaching and training, building leaders!
NOTE: I see so many people just signing people up but lacking in teaching and training them!
Lack of training is one of the biggest repeating patterns! Take the time, be patient and show them the DMO. The Simple Proven Plan of Action for massive duplication!
Sometimes people need a “wake up call” on the 6 repeating re-occurring patterns that continue to stagnate their personal life and business! If your “stuck” and sick and tired of being “stuck” then as my friend Zig Ziglar once told me ……”take a checkup from the neck up”
#4. One of the biggest repeating patterns and a huge mistake is: Not continuing to personally “enroll” in bunches! Most amatures only enroll in the beginning then “manage that small team way too long”…. Once they wake up it’s usually too late! Most people who wait too long to enroll new people wake up when there is a “leg balance “problem! This is so costly; you lose or leave money on the table. What is sad, you have been warned so many times to keep on enrolling new people!
NOTE: For every single rank advancement, you must continue to personally enroll new people5 to 10 per rank.
#5. They do not “Follow Up”- We all have heard a million times that “Follow Up” is where the fortune is. So why do they not follow up? This is one of the 7 basic “skills” to become a Network Marketing Professional
#6. Staying in the game-What I mean is by attending meetings, conventions, and conference calls. Keeping updated on new products and what’s new and happing with the company.
I hope this helps! See you in Phoenix!
Warm Regards,
Nonstop to the top!
Jimmy Kossert
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