Here is why we Q! For the kids who deserve to be their best!
From a wonderful MOM!
I personally know this child because he is my son. For four years he suffered with attention and focusing on many tasks, school being one of them. He was down a lot because he was not achieving what he himself and what we as his parents knew he could. Keenan has always been bright but lacked the attention to complete or stay on task. He was tired a lot and had a lack of a desire or interest in anything. We took him to a few doctors and they experimented with Prescription meds which we embraced at the time as a means of hope. We were told ADD and then after more tests Autism Spectrum Disorder! More meds and the meds further suppressed his emotions, gave him stomach aches and caused insomnia. Our child was a zombie. We took him off the meds and we changed to a whole foods diet and eliminated processed foods. We saw a change but it was not consistent. He tired so hard and we tried so hard to motivate him with every incentive you can give a child. There were as many good days as bad days. We didn't want to give up but we did not know what else to do and where to turn. In October of last year (2014) Keenan started on Q96. His teacher emailed us and said "please keep on doing whatever you are doing"because Keenan was starting to perk up. Fast forward to now...Keenan is getting A's, he is so happy, energetic and full of life and driven to succeed. He gets up and is dressed for school and fixes himself breakfast before we are done showering! Keenan's teacher emails us often, telling us how happy she is to see such a positive change in him. Keenan is constantly telling us his goals. Life is to be lived and enjoyed. Q96 helps my son do this! I LOVE Q96!
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