This Much I Know

Friday, April 24, 2015

You can do this!

You can do this. You have it within you to go all the way to the top in the Network Marketing Profession. You are capable of learning and improving every single day. And don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise.
The world is filled with skeptics, cynics and pessimists. So many people have lost sight of their dreams and are threatened by people like you. The people courageous enough to do something different.
They act on this threat to their model of the world by trying to discourage you. Sometimes they are gentle and subtle. Sometimes they are downright nasty.
I've learned that the nasty ones are actually easier to take. Anyone that says you are going to fail actually end up providing some extra motivation.
But the subtle ones... THOSE are the most dangerous. They sound so concerned, so reasonable, so friendly. Don't buy their story. They don't need to buy into your way of life, but no matter what you do, DON'T buy into theirs.
You are deserving.
You are worthy.
You are capable.
Network Marketing is a better way.
And your dream is worth fighting for.
Don't every forget that.
If this message was for you, I hope it came at a good time.
Your friend & partner,
Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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