This Much I Know

Thursday, September 17, 2015

365 days of Gratitude - #3 A lesson from my Dad

Lessons from my Dad

My Dad is my hero, always has been and always will.

As a young boy I learned the importance of serving others from my Dad. If anyone ever needed help he was the first to go,the first to leave whatever he was doing and go serve.  I recall a few times being in the middle of a game outside, or during the World Series it did not matter.  If our telephone rang we went out the door.  My Dad always leading, and me, reluctantly in most cases ( sad to reflect but a fact) following close behind.  "There will always be other games to play he said, but they need help right now."
As I reflect back, I don't remember one single score and in most cases who won ( with the exception of Carlton Fisk's Home run to win the game that I missed); but, I do remember the people we helped to this day!

When your sad, serve.  When you are happy, serve. Just serve.

I love my Dad

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