This Much I Know

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

365 days of Gratitude - #1 Diamond lesson

As I woke up today, I realized that I wanted a challenge myself to recognize something I am grateful for.  I believe success follows happiness, not the other way around.  You don't get happy from successes, you do however, become successful from being happy.  That is a simple but proven fact,  It is amazing that all great things are truly simple when you break it down.

Today I am thankful for my wife.  it has been almost 32 years since we were married.  32 years is a lifetime.  There have been hard times and times that I think we both would wish were different.  Yet we have stayed the course and have stayed married.  We have beaten the odds and I believe we have been blessed for fighting for our marriage.  It many ways it is a fight.  The fight to be yourself, the fight to allow your spouse to be their self,  the fight to make sure your children are safe, growing, healthy, happy and can make mistakes and learn from them.

He name is Lisa and she is my wife.  I am thankful that we enjoy our time together.  Watching movies, playing tennis, four wheeling on Sundays and talking about our kids.  She is a great swim teacher and has taught hundreds of kids how to swim. I love to watch her teach them, even though the screams are hard to listen too.  She is dedicated to improving those around her.  She is a great friend to her friends and loyal to them  She works out everyday and has been a great example.

One story I love and will always cherish,  is the time Lisa lost the diamond in her wedding ring after 25 years of marriage.  Before we were married, I was making $2.87 an hour during school working full time and saved enough to buy her a ring. It was was we could afford.  She picked out the ring and the diamond and it was definitely her ring.  She loved it and I loved the fact that she was proud of it as I had worked very hard to buy it for her.  After it was lost, I was thinking that we were doing better financially and I would like to get her a much bigger diamond.  I thought all girls wanted to show off the size of the diamond. She calmly explained that she wanted the exact same size stone as before as it was just what she wanted then and was exactly what she wanted now.  That was impressive to me then and even more impressive to me now.  I loved her for that expression of character and love.

Today I am grateful to Lisa  for her expression of love and what is really important.

#daren hogge

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