Canada is experiencing possibly the worst natural disaster in its history as flooding caused by a slow moving storm continues to fill the streets. Our thoughts and prayers are with those dealing with this terrible tragedy.
Q Sciences has donated product to flood victims and is also matching any donations made by IBOs, product for product. Below is a letter I received from an IBO.
"I was so happy to see that Q Sciences is offering help for flood victims. Thank you. The flood took place in the province of Alberta in the Southern Region and Canmore was one of the communities hit along with Bragg Creek, Calgary, High River and two First Nations SikSika and Morley. High River is really serious with no power since the flood and very limited food. The situation is so bad that the whole town has been evacuated and are not allowed to return. Houses are under water and will not be saved. No insurance for ground water is available in Canada so most who have lost homes, have lost everything. This is the worst natural disaster, I believe, Canada has ever seen. Most families effected are still in shock to what this all means. The city of Calgary scrambles to clean up for the world famous Stampede scheduled for next week, as they realize it will take years to repair all the damage. The stadium was under water to the 14th row of seats.
"The City of Calgary has a lot more services and relief workers compared to the smaller municipalities like High River, Bragg Creek, SikSika, Canmore and Morley. Calgary is Canada's third-largest, Alberta's largest city, population, and area, and was Alberta's first city incorporated on January 1, 1894.
"I thought just in case you are making any press announcements regarding your support you may want to have more info regarding the geography of this disaster.
"Here is a good map of Southern Alberta. The bottom of Alberta is met by the Montana Boarder.
Thanks again for your support.
God First, Family Second, I am THIRD! Husband, Father, Grandfather, Businessman Daren Hogge
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Another Amazing Personal Story!
Jared Allen
This is my life story. It’s true and it happened to me.
I’ve gone through a lot in my life: my real dad leaving my
mom when I was two; losing my mom when I was three; five families raising
me–all of which gave me up time to time; feeling like I was not wanted, loved
or connected; wife of family saying, “Either me or the kids”; fear of death.
The veil was thin many times, and I felt and saw many spirits around me. Eleven
years ago, I went to the other side—the Spirit World—and saw my mom and loved
ones, other people and beauty there. Then six years later, my mom came to me
again, and finally told me where all of her things were that people had hid
from me in my life. I felt like something was always looming over me or chasing
me. I was working hard, thinking it would all go away.
I feel all of this had a great part in me crashing two and a
half years ago. I came apart and crashed, fell deep in despair, and felt like I
was losing my mind. No energy, depressed, felt unstable, very sick, could hardly
stand. I felt I was NOT in my body. I wanted to hide or be in the bathroom or
bedroom staring through the windows, my only safe place in the house. I was
telling people, “I’m dying, I’m dying” and was planning to pass away, but
pleading to the Lord to live. I exhausted counseling, and others said I’d
probably never be normal. Tests indicated I was healthy. I was on Lithium and
four other drugs, and was told I’d be on them for the rest of my life. I got to
the point where I didn’t want to live anymore, but kept going, praying and
praying, begging and pleading for help to the Lord.
I’ll never forget that one day I quietly went into my
bedroom and took my 38 pistol and put it into my coat and walked out the front
door. I walked down our road with the gun in my hand, pointed to the ground,
yelling, “I’m killing myself, I’m killing myself.” I walked across the street
and went behind a haystack, then lifted the gun and pointed it to my head twice
with my hand on the trigger, tempting to kill me. I fell down, and lying on the
ground, I shot up once in the air crying for God’s help: “Please help me,
please help me.” After 2 hours lying there, the sun started to go down. Then I
got to the point where I felt I would try to go back home. My family was
worried. They didn’t know where I was.
Three days later, Esther called Tony Stephan and told him
what was going on. I’ll never forget Tony and Barb. They got in their truck and
came down. He put a regimen on paper of EMPowerplus and some calcium and fish
oil. I started taking it and could feel a little something, a difference, like
it was helping me. I felt like I was starting to come back some, little by
Everyday I felt better, and there was hope in my life. I was
coming back. My nerves weren’t as bad. I was able to get up and work more. My
depression was lifting. I felt more and more in my body and mind. I could walk
with peace. My love of life was coming back.
Thanks Truehope, and thanks Q Sciences. Thanks for all the
help. I want to share with everyone what Truehope and Q Sciences have done for
me, and now my family. Thanks, God, for your help and for sending Tony to help
Please just take it and feel better, and help your family
and friends. It has now been 10 months since I have been off all my meds and
I’m doing great.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Hi Anthony - I just want you to know that I had a severe case of ringing in the ear and after 10 days on Q96 the ringing just stopped a few hours ago. Thanks so much.
- Walt
We do not cure, we help people just feel better.
- Walt
We do not cure, we help people just feel better.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
A Q Dream! Prayers
Dale and I will be having a phone call on Sunday at 1:30 our time...12:30 SLC time...with a wonderful 42 yr old man and his wife from Wisconsin who are interested in purchasing our store. They already own a home here in Kulm because they come here at least every other month to hunt and fish, so we know they love this area.
Andrew was informed on Monday that his position with BEST BUY is being eliminated due to cuts in the company, and he is thinking that buying our store is what God is leading him to.
Andrew was informed on Monday that his position with BEST BUY is being eliminated due to cuts in the company, and he is thinking that buying our store is what God is leading him to.
Also....Dale and I are hoping that Andrew would want to take over the store October 1st....because that is prime hunting time as that would be a GREAT boost to him in beginning his business. Also, that means that Dale can be the Hunting GUIDE for Daren and Bob and whomever else is coming out here to waterfowl hunt, and he won't have to work at the Hardware Store...just do Q Sciences work!
Another great benefit of Andrew taking over October 1st is that we can RELAX and FULLY ENJOY being on the CRUISE with a "boatload" of wonderful Q Sciences people!
Dale and I are asking that all of you at the Corporate Office that believe in the POWER OF PRAYER PLEASE PRAY that our initial phone conversation with Andrew and his wife on Sunday afternoon would go GREAT....and that when they come here in 2 weeks to talk in person we can get things really moving!
Blessings to all of you today....and for a GREAT weekend!
Friday, June 21, 2013
No energy Drinks - Q 96
I recently gave Q96 to my nephew (blessed to me out of friendship)... He had taken 2 of the supplements in the morning AND was drinking an energy drink that specifically had the word "FOCUS" on the drink... at the end of the day he was pouring out his energy drink and frustrated.. He had ONLY done4-5 things a day and everything seemed so "boring" ... He said
"Dad... I have to get rid of this drink, it has MADE me focus all day long.. my thoughts usually race 101 miles an hour and I have only been able to focus on ONE thing at a time today..."
The next day, we gave him another two... he had NO energy drink and by golly.. he could only focus on ONE thing at a time and his thoughts were calm and collected...
Energy drink or Q96??? He was thoughtful, creative and settled.. He has AUTISM and NO prescriptions made such an impact so early on.. ONE DAY!!! His mother was thrilled and I was elated to KNOW it was a miracle I got to be a part of and WITNESS!!!
Thank you Daren Hogge, Tony Stephan, Autumn Stringam and all who participate, use, promote, and LOVE this supplement!!
"Dad... I have to get rid of this drink, it has MADE me focus all day long.. my thoughts usually race 101 miles an hour and I have only been able to focus on ONE thing at a time today..."
The next day, we gave him another two... he had NO energy drink and by golly.. he could only focus on ONE thing at a time and his thoughts were calm and collected...
Energy drink or Q96??? He was thoughtful, creative and settled.. He has AUTISM and NO prescriptions made such an impact so early on.. ONE DAY!!! His mother was thrilled and I was elated to KNOW it was a miracle I got to be a part of and WITNESS!!!
Thank you Daren Hogge, Tony Stephan, Autumn Stringam and all who participate, use, promote, and LOVE this supplement!!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Super Q in Action
Dana is Tony Stephan's son-in-law. His wife Autumn is the second person to have ever tried EMPowerPlus Q96. He has been involved with Truehope for the entire time the company has been around. They are close personal friends now and Autumn's story and book are a big part of the success we are having with QSciences.
All of us should be concerned about our health and this video is very interesting on general wellness etc and is loaded with great information and scientific research.
Amazing facts
Rochester, Minn. (CBS ATLANTA) –Researchers find that nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half receive at least two prescriptions.
Mayo Clinic researchers report that antibiotics, antidepressants and painkiller opioids are the most common prescriptions given to Americans. Twenty percent of U.S. patients were also found to be on five or more prescription medications.
The study is uncovering valuable information to the researchers about U.S. prescription practices.
“Often when people talk about health conditions they’re talking about chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes,” Dr. St. Sauver stated in a Mayo Clinic press release. “However, the second most common prescription was for antidepressants — that suggests mental health is a huge issue and is something we should focus on. And the third most common drugs were opioids, which is a bit concerning considering their addicting nature.”
Nearly one in four women ages 50-64 were found to be on an antidepressant, with 13 percent of the overall population also on antidepressants. Seventeen percent of people in the study were being prescribed antibiotics, and 13 percent were on painkilling opioids.
As a whole, women and older adults received the most prescription drugs. Antidepressants and opioids were most common among young and middle-aged adults.
The percentage of people who took at least one prescription drug inthe past month increased from 44 percent in 1999-2000 to 48 percent in 2007-08, the Mayo Clinic reports. Expenditures on prescription drugs reached $250 billion in 2009, and accounted for 12 percent of total personal health care expenditures.
According to the CDC, the percent of persons using at least one prescription drug in the past month increased nearly 50 percent between 2007 and 2010.
And the researchers said prescription drug spending will only increase in the future.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Another Testimony
We do not make claims our products cure: This is an experience unique to an individual:
I want to tell you I have proof these vitamins are something special. I started using Q-96 just about 4 months back the first thing I noticed was my long distance vision was perfect again and that was only after under a month of using them. I had and eye exam already scheduled at the VA Hospital and told my doctor I could see long distance clearly again. He thought I must have cataracs starting. He looked into my eyes and back again at my chart three times. I ask him what he was looking for. He said the chart noted I had floaters but that he could not find them now. He did that dilation thing and looked my eyes over and even check my eyes prescription.He said my eyes were very healthy and ask me to return in 30 days for a recheck. I told him I was taking a new nano sized vitamin and maybe that was helping me. He did seem to be impressed and was looking a bit puzzled.The next month he did a full exam again. He told me I no longer needed bifocals and my close vision that previously 2.25 was now 2.00. He asked about the vitamins and I told him I was still taking them. He asked for information on them so I told him he could check them out at the Q Sciences website that there name was Q-96.After 3 months I began having frequent headaches. This was unusual for me and I was concerned the vitamins might be causing a poor reaction. The next week my reading glasses broke and I went to get new ones. I tried out the reading setup on the rack and kept moving down because I could see better with them. Low and behold my eyes were now 1.50's.Well who knows what might happen is a year. I am very surprised and delighted with my new eyes. Please share this email with all your staff. I wished I could thank them all personally.I noticed you sent me a leadership training notice. Funny thing about it is where it is held,I live on Whidbey Island. I am so new to the program I do not have many clients yet but I sure share my excitement with all my friends and a few have started with the sample packs. I am working in David Nelson's group. He is very helpful and kind in dealing with my friends needs.Thank you,God Bless and Keep You AllRichard W.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Growing! Helping and Sharing!
Q Science Partners with IntegraCore for Product Order Fulfillment and Shipping
IntegraCore to fulfill and ship product orders throughout the United States and Canada for new wellness company
“IntegraCore works with some of the best companies in the industry,” said Daren Hogge, Q Sciences Founder, President and CEO. “We are proud to partner with them, knowing that it will mean exceptional product fulfillment to our customers and Independent Business Owners in North America and future international markets.”
Kelly Sobotka of IntegraCore said, “We have been hearing about Q Sciences for the last few months, and it’s no secret how fast they have been growing. Founders Marc Wilson and Daren Hogge have put together a progressive, exciting company that we anticipate will grow into one of our most significant clients.”
Expertise of both companies has resulted in a reduction of 20% in shipping rates and Q Sciences and IntegraCore are pleased to announce an additional 5% reduction in shipping rates due to innovative systems, increased efficiency, and accuracy of orders.
About Q Sciences
Q Sciences is a Utah-based wellness company that focuses on improving the lives of its customers, Independent Business Owners, and employees. Q Sciences provides innovative products based on the most advanced science and technology. For more information, visit
About IntegraCore
IntegraCore, LLC. provides supply chain management facilities in Salt Lake City, UT and Atlanta, GA. Over the past 20 years, IntegraCore has provided nearly unlimited scalability to accommodate millions of packages in and out of its facilities on a monthly basis.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
If you had one WISH for your PARENTS, what would it be? Shocking
Ask a kid what he wants for his birthday, and he’ll come back with a laundry list.
But ask a kid what he really wants from his parents, and you may be surprised by the answer.
That’s what Ellen Galinsky of the Families and Work Institute did, as quoted in “The Secret of Happy Families” by Bruce Feiler. Galinsky surveyed a thousand families and asked the children, “If you were granted one wish about your parents, what would it be?”
Most parents guessed that kids would say they wanted time with Mom and Dad.
They were wrong.
The number one wish was to have parents who were less tired and less stressed.
Are you surprised? I certainly was. After all, I would guess that most of the things that stress us out are things we are doing for our children. Special birthday parties, lovingly decorated bedrooms, trips and outings, music lessons and sports. We spend a lot of time and money managing our children’s lives.
It’s done with the best of intentions. Holidays should be special. Birthdays should be unforgettable. We want children who can multiply their talents. We want to enrich and nurture and teach and explore and fill the “unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run” (courtesy of Kipling).
But while our kids may appreciate the effort, it’s not what they want. They’d rather trade it in for a parent who can still laugh and smile at the end of the day.
I keep thinking about this study because we have reached the end of another school year and I feel like I’ve been flattened by a school bus. Or like I’ve spent nine months walking to school uphill both ways through five feet of snow. After managing early morning music practice, lunches, PTA, emergency trips to the school to deliver forgotten lunches, homework, concerts, projects and the mounds of paperwork that come home every day, I am staggering into summer like a box of melted crayons.
Happy and stress-free? Ha!
I consider surviving the science fair among my greatest achievements from this past year. In fact, that experience is what made me realize that perhaps I was a little too tired and too stressed.
This was a few months ago, but it is still fresh in my mind because that’s what trauma does to a person. My three school-age children were juggling science fair projects of the most intricate kind, and stayed up late in the night to finish their posters. We had to leave early the following morning to get prints from the copy store. While I scrambled to make lunches, I sent the boys out to the van to clean out the trunk and make room for the giant display boards.
I came out 10 minutes later to find the task abandoned. Instead, all four kids stood on the driveway with their heads tipped back, sniffing the breeze.
“What are you doing?” I huffed. “You didn’t do what I asked. The trunk is still a mess.”
They looked at me in surprise. “But Mom,” they said. “Come smell the air. It’s spring.” In other words: Mom,chill out.
At that moment they didn’t really care about their snazzy science fair posters, or getting to school on time, or cleaning out the trunk. So why would I?
As we head into summer, with its changing rhythms and fresh schedules, we can be mindful that our children crave parents who can manifest joy. It might mean swapping our fancy travel plans in favor of nearby adventure. It might mean easing the clean-house expectations in favor of creative down-time. It might mean cold cereal instead of crepes, store-bought cards instead of handmade and bedrooms with bare walls. All of life is a trade-off.
It’s also important to recognize this modern time. Life moves fast. There are a lot of demands on our time. We are a busy people and we are doing good things. If wechoose to be busy, that’s fine, but it should enhance our family life, not detract from it.
Our children need to see that the added details of our lives contribute to our happiness and give them the kind of parents they really want.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
TRUTH - Dr. Hyman
In my 20+ years of practicing medicine with thousands of patients, I have seen depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, autism, ADHD, mood swings, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia go away or dramatically improve when people get the right nutrients.~ Dr. Mark Hyman~
Monday, June 3, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013
The Science of Happiness! Q Sciences
I am in Spokane today with Tony and Autumn and Dr. Bill, Marc, Travis and Bob. Another amazing meeting with individuals who just want to feel better. Blessed in Washington as we make a Real Difference. Proud to work with Real Doctors who don't copy other products but lead by eXperience and Scientific Validation!
Q Sciences = The Science of Happiness. Do you know any one who wants to be Happy? The proof of 17 years, Never happened before and most likely will never happen again. Don't miss the chance to help others as we are called to do!
Q Sciences = The Science of Happiness. Do you know any one who wants to be Happy? The proof of 17 years, Never happened before and most likely will never happen again. Don't miss the chance to help others as we are called to do!
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