This Much I Know

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Another Amazing Personal Story!

Jared Allen

This is my life story. It’s true and it happened to me.

I’ve gone through a lot in my life: my real dad leaving my mom when I was two; losing my mom when I was three; five families raising me–all of which gave me up time to time; feeling like I was not wanted, loved or connected; wife of family saying, “Either me or the kids”; fear of death. The veil was thin many times, and I felt and saw many spirits around me. Eleven years ago, I went to the other side—the Spirit World—and saw my mom and loved ones, other people and beauty there. Then six years later, my mom came to me again, and finally told me where all of her things were that people had hid from me in my life. I felt like something was always looming over me or chasing me. I was working hard, thinking it would all go away.

I feel all of this had a great part in me crashing two and a half years ago. I came apart and crashed, fell deep in despair, and felt like I was losing my mind. No energy, depressed, felt unstable, very sick, could hardly stand. I felt I was NOT in my body. I wanted to hide or be in the bathroom or bedroom staring through the windows, my only safe place in the house. I was telling people, “I’m dying, I’m dying” and was planning to pass away, but pleading to the Lord to live. I exhausted counseling, and others said I’d probably never be normal. Tests indicated I was healthy. I was on Lithium and four other drugs, and was told I’d be on them for the rest of my life. I got to the point where I didn’t want to live anymore, but kept going, praying and praying, begging and pleading for help to the Lord.

I’ll never forget that one day I quietly went into my bedroom and took my 38 pistol and put it into my coat and walked out the front door. I walked down our road with the gun in my hand, pointed to the ground, yelling, “I’m killing myself, I’m killing myself.” I walked across the street and went behind a haystack, then lifted the gun and pointed it to my head twice with my hand on the trigger, tempting to kill me. I fell down, and lying on the ground, I shot up once in the air crying for God’s help: “Please help me, please help me.” After 2 hours lying there, the sun started to go down. Then I got to the point where I felt I would try to go back home. My family was worried. They didn’t know where I was.

Three days later, Esther called Tony Stephan and told him what was going on. I’ll never forget Tony and Barb. They got in their truck and came down. He put a regimen on paper of EMPowerplus and some calcium and fish oil. I started taking it and could feel a little something, a difference, like it was helping me. I felt like I was starting to come back some, little by little.

Everyday I felt better, and there was hope in my life. I was coming back. My nerves weren’t as bad. I was able to get up and work more. My depression was lifting. I felt more and more in my body and mind. I could walk with peace. My love of life was coming back.

Thanks Truehope, and thanks Q Sciences. Thanks for all the help. I want to share with everyone what Truehope and Q Sciences have done for me, and now my family. Thanks, God, for your help and for sending Tony to help me.

Please just take it and feel better, and help your family and friends. It has now been 10 months since I have been off all my meds and I’m doing great. 

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