I just wanted to share with you my Q Essentials story....... I have PCOS, which is a condition that makes it difficult for me to get pregnant because I don't ovulate. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for about six months and I had been taking q96 for a few months of this time. I was ready to call my doctor to get some medical help.... most likely medications to help me ovulate...... when my mom gave me a sample box of Q Essentials. I thought I would try the QE for a few months and see if it worked, because if it did, what a great story to tell the many other women my age who have PCOS too. My husband and I both started taking it and we felt great. Had much more energy, etc. Well..... I couldn't even finish the box, because with one packet left, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! Bam! Amazing stuff!
God First, Family Second, I am THIRD! Husband, Father, Grandfather, Businessman Daren Hogge
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Best Christmas Present - 2
I would like to share a little of our stories so that if you have anyone that we could help, we would love to. We aren't worried about whether or not they are in our lines, we are happy to help anyone we can, as this product is changing our lives.
My story: three years ago, I was in a minor surgical repair. Something went wrong and a minor 20 minute surgery turned into hours. I survived. We were grateful and thought that was the end. The next day on the way home, I suffered a horrible stroke. Months later, the,doctors would discover that my main artery had been severed and I had bled out causing blood clots and multiple strokes. I lost 3/4 blood in my body. To make matters more complicated, I was given the wrong blood type. This created fighter cells. My body began to suffer daily seizures, loss of consciousness, severe health problems and I brushed death on multiple occasions. I have a rare autonomic disorder that Mayo Clinic is researching and in awe that I am still alive. I also have an autoimmune disorder. Mayo and Barro's Neurological doctors describe it as having MS, Lupus, Parkinson's diseases, all firing at the same time. I have been confined to bed with multiple seizures daily, struggling to keep my heart rate above 30 and fighting each day to survive. In the past three years I have been in a coma, had multiple immune system transplants, numerous experimental procedures, multiple cases of pneumonia, meningitis, and have been given hours, only days and weeks to live on multiple occasions.
When Darce gave me this wonderful Empowerplus Q96 product, almost a month ago, I was again headed into a downward spiral. Seizures were plaguing my days and my nights were filled with struggling to breathe. The doctors had given me very little chance of surviving the summer. I was getting sicker by the week and nervous for my future.
I began Q96 almost a month ago. On day three, I awoke with a new outlook. For the first time in months, I felt like I could get out of bed without using every bit of will power I had. On day five, I decided to go ahead and take QEssentials. I started the protocol. On day 7, I felt alive. During this time, I was still battling pneumonia and bronchitis and was sick but happier than I had been in a long time. Usually when the doctors discuss putting me in ICU, I panic and go into an anxiety attack. This time, I was calm. I handled the discussion without anxiety or tears. I was simply at peace.
My health improved quicker than usual. All the while, my metal calmness increased. I found myself coping and happy.
At week two, I noticed that my short term memory was coming back. With multiple strokes, daily seizures, and so many health complications, my short term memory was gone. It was returning. Thinking was easier. I was no longer struggling to pull words. I wasn't having to concentrate and use all my mental power just to talk with someone. I was in Heaven.
Week three, my energy started to improve. My husband wasn't having to help me out of bed. I could walk without getting winded.
This past weekend brought events that I have not experienced in over three years. On Saturday morning I went with my husband to Deseret Book and Sam's Club. That was the first time I have done that in years. I came home and slept and got up and made dinner. I have made dinner four nights in a row. In three years, I have not been able to stand long enough to cook dinner. Seizures or passing out would prevent me from standing that long, even if my energy would have allowed.
My doctor had been out of town for two weeks. When I walked into his office on Monday, he asked what I had done. I was a person he had only heard about and never met. I was full of energy and life.
Best moment of all was when my son walked in last week with a huge smile on his face and said, "Dad, Mom is mom again. She acts like mom again and talks like mom again. Boy have I missed you, Mom." I couldn't have been happier. How do I express how grateful I am for Q96 and these amazing products? There are no words. My heart is filled with gratitude.
My son is 12, struggles with severe ADHD, debilitating anxiety, autism, congenital heart disease, digestive disorders, migraines and leg aches.
Day 2, his night terrors disappeared. He began sleeping in his own room.
Day 5, he told me that it no longer hurt to go to the bathroom.
Day 7, I realized that he had not had a headache in days and his leg aches had subsided.
Week 2, my son was able to stay engaged and playing with friends for three days in a row. That has never happened. He also started listening more, following thru with directions and his mood improved significantly. He no longer was chewing on his shirts. His stemming stopped. Migraines disappeared. Leg aches stopped. And my son, who has never slept thru the night is sleeping 10 plus hours. He goes to bed without hours of tossing and turning.
Last week he told me, "mom, the storm in my head is gone. I no longer feel like it is just going everywhere. I am calm. I feel happy. I can think clearer." He then added, "Mom, I don't ever want to be without my Q! I want to take it forever."
Needless to say, we are eternally grateful. We want to spread the word. We want to help others. We want to share this wonderful product that is changing our lives.
However we can help, whatever we can do, we are so grateful to be apart of such an amazing group of people.
Best Christmas Present
S- Right now I’d like to introduce Thomas and Jerlyn Murphy. What’s so amazing about your story Jerlyn is what happened and how you experienced this whole thing. It’s shocking to hear what actually caused your problem. I hope everyone got a chance to read her story.
Jerlyn, tell your story to Tony and all the things that have happened. At the end, we’ll get back to questions.
J- First of all, Tony, I just want to say thank you for changing our lives in a way that we are just utterly amazed and so grateful for. Three years ago, I was going to go in for a quick hysterectomy repair, in and out. They said it was going to be a 20-30-minute surgery. It extended for hours. We really didn’t know what had happened. They said there were some complications, but everything was fine. The next day on the way home I got very sick and ended up back to the hospital. They didn’t know where the blood was coming from, but they said my body was filled with blood and they weren’t anticipating me making it through the night. They later found out after 9 months of going through testing that what had actually occurred was I had had a major stroke in the surgery, and they cut my vasovagal artery. I had bled out. They had given me blood transfusions and I had actually died. Come to find out, it was the wrong blood type; so my body developed autoimmune disorders, autonomic disorders. By the time I got to the Mayo nine months later, I was in daily grand mal seizures; I was losing consciousness every day; if I would brace my arms, I would walked across the room, I would just collapse. I couldn’t do anything without a cane. I went to stroke rehab, trying to do anything just to survive. They were putting me in for weeks on end into the hospital trying to find things out but I was getting sicker every day.
So 9 months, almost a year into it, I got with the head autonomic doctor at Mayo clinic, and within the first 20 minutes in there, he said, “I know what’s wrong with you. It’s a rare disorder that we see that takes place when you’re given the wrong blood and arteries are _____” and different things; however, we only see this in autopsies, and we’ve never seen this in anybody alive past 4 months. You’re at a year. Your myelin sheath is gone. That’s why you’re in so much excruciating pain. Your nerves are just firing. Let’s go ahead and give you just a whole bunch of OxyContin and hard-core medicines. We’ll kind of sedate you and make the last couple of weeks of your life as pain free as possible. My husband and I said, no, we will try anything that you have to try. This is Mayo. Let’s figure something out. We decided to go in and do some experimental immune system transfer, supposed to be a 10-day process. Two days in I ended up with meningitis and pneumonia. The doctors told my husband she’s got a week tops and just say goodbye. By Friday of that week I was in a coma at home. The doctor said bring her in. She’ll be gone within two hours of getting here; instead he kept me home for the weekend. All of our family and friends, ward members, people at church fasted. I pulled out of the coma but went through an intense 9 months of just trying to rehabilitate back to even being able to get out of bed. There were a lot of health issues.
My last summer a year ago, we tried heading over to the beach because the doctor said that I did not have the ability to control body temperature. If it was 100 degrees outside, my blood was 100 degrees within 20 minutes. If it was 30 degrees, it’s that; and so living in Arizona, they said get out of the state. It may try and help you, otherwise, you won’t survive the summer. We drove over to California. I got so sick by the time they brought me back in two weeks, I had to go through another immune system transplant, and we didn’t know if I would survive.
This last year has been many bouts of pneumonia, many bouts of meningitis, jaw surgeries, grafts, rejections. In May I had pneumonia again, was just really sick, and Renee and Darce called me and told me about this new product. I did research on it and said, “I don’t have bipolar”. That’s great but that’s not what’s wrong. I have an autonomic and an autoimmune and I just don’t know that this is going to work. I had tried every nutritional supplement out there. I’d been to every all natural doctor in Arizona and West Coast. I have cabinets full of …My body won’t absorb vitamin D . It won’t absorb B. It won’t absorb any of the nutrition that it’s being given. I appreciate it, but I don’t know that I want to waste anybody’s money on this. When I came down with pneumonia and the doctors were talking about putting me back in the ICU, I knew that this was a death sentence.
At 3:00 in the morning one night, I was in tears, and my husband got the Q96 bottle and said, “I just feel like you should try it. What do we have to lose?” Two days later I woke up and felt something different. I can’t describe it. I just felt different. This is working. Day 5 when I got up, I got out of bed. I walked out to the couch by myself. It was the first day my husband didn’t have to help me. I could go to the bathroom by myself. That was five days in.
Because I was so sick, the doctors had put me back on 24/7 care and my husband had to work; so he sent me over to my sister’s house to stay for a week. It was my second week on Q96, and she was trying to arrange someone to take her kids to an end-of-the-year party, and I said, “I think I can go”. I said, “I feel better. I’ll try it.” She said, “You haven’t left your house hardly for three years except for a doctor.” I said, “I feel OK,” and I went. I called my husband that night, “I went to Peter Piper, I sat in a chair, I didn’t move, and I just came back.” That was the greatest thing that had happened in three years. This is changing my life. If I never got any better than today, this is better than I’ve lived; and it continued to get better. The next week I was able to stand and make dinner for a couple of nights in a row. Anytime I’d stand for that period of time, I’d pass out and go into massive seizures.
By week 4, I was able to go shopping and do a couple of things; and we just went to the beach for 2 weeks. We got to drive over at night and have hotels and things lined up, knowing that I had to go straight there. We got to California and it was, “I feel OK”. … went to lunch, the first time I had been a real outing in 3 years. We spent two weeks at the beach. The first week I was able to sit down on the beach and play with my kids, able to sit there and do some things. The second week at the beach, I was up and playing paddle ball with the kids. I walked down to the pier, collecting sea shells with my son. I sat on the beach, and the day before we left I walked four flights of stairs. I have not been able to put just one step onto the curb without causing a change in blood pressure and heart rate that it was causing me to lose consciousness, and I went up four flights of stairs.
I’m happy. I feel better. I have energy. This is changing my life. In May my doctors told me they did not think I would survive the summer. They told us we had to plan because my body was too worn out. It’s been six weeks that I’ve been on the product, and my body is recovering, and it’s returning at a miraculous rate and we are beyond grateful. I can’t thank the Q enough. We want to help everybody that we can, share this, because it is changing my life.
T – Wow! What an incredible story. That’s beautiful. That just shows the power of real nutrition and how the body can change and how it can change the entire environmental terrain within the body by inputting nutrition that has that type of power. We’ve heard stories like this before, but you have an amazing story, and that story you will be able to use to help so many ppl who struggle on a daily basis. Wow. Incredible. Good for you!
J- Thank you. Yes. I’m thrilled and we can’t wait to see where life gets. I read Autumn’s book and I remember it saying somewhere in there, “If this is as good as it gets, I will be happy”; and every single week for the last four weeks, I have said that, and every single day it gets better.
T- And how many capsules are you on now at this time?
J- I am doing QSsentials, the Women’s pack is all I’m doing. I’m doing the vit D spray and vit B12 spray.
T- give this a try. It’s all relative to how we feel. We hear ppl all the time… I remember Autumn in her first year said, “Wow! My whole life has changed. I’m there!” We updated her dose and got more nutrition into her and she said, “I thought I was there.” Hey Dana, do you remember that?
D- Absolutely. … Six months in, she was so much better. Over time, she just kept having more and more improvements in health. Just amazing. It’s more than likely that’s just going to happen for you. You’ve only been on it for six weeks. Imagine six months from now or six years from now, the changes that can happen. It really is that way for so many people that have been on it for many years. It’s just incredible.
T- I would recommend if you could try, get up to 4 in the morning. Continue to do the QSsentials for women. That’s a wonderful protocol with the probiotics and the herbals and the good things that are in it. I would add another 4 EmPower Plus Q96 a day. See what it does for you. Take it to the next level. If you were to add some of the fish oils and the aminos to that, you will see a greater amount of recovery.
J – Thank you. I am forever grateful. This is a blessing and a gift. I’ve told 100 ppl already. We plan on sharing this with everybody because it’s the first thing that’s really worked.
T- if I can help you, but you’re sure on the way. Hold the Mayo (Clinic). It’s OK. When our society changes, and eventually we are going to see a major restructuring. When we come back to the fact and realize that this body is an organism; and when we feed it, things like EmPower Plus Q96, fish oils, you know the QOmegas combined with the QAminos. That’s the real medicine. That’s the real answer to our health. We can do so much to restore our body.
S- There’s really more to this story also. Tell how it has helped other members your family and other things, as well.
J – my son has ADHD. He is on the autism spectrum scale and has had severe anxiety disorders. With me being sick he was really having a hard time. In February of this past year I came really close to dying. We had to pull him out of school because he was terrified that if he left my side something was going to happen to me. On day 5 that I was on it, we started my son on Empower Plus Q96 and biotics. He’s been having night terrors every night. He’d wake up screaming. We couldn’t control him. On day 2 on this he has not had night terrors since. When he was born he had open heart surgery. He’s had all kinds of problems on top of this. He’s had digestive problems for his whole life. I’ve had him on probiotics for years. Not this one, a different one. We’ve tried everything. I’m a firm believer in all natural, have several all natural doctors that I go to. Never done medications with him. I’ve done all natural stuff but we struggle every day. Within 2 weeks of my son taking this, he came into my room and said, “Mom, the storm is gone in my head. It no longer feels like it’s rainy and stormy. Everything is calm and I’m happy and I feel good. I haven’t had headaches. I didn’t know that my stomach wasn’t supposed to hurt. For the first time ever it doesn’t hurt to go to the bathroom,” and his leg aches have gone away, his headaches…progress physically. Mentally with the social anxieties that he’s had, he hasn’t been able to leave the house. He’s been starting to go back to church activities. He’s going off with friends for past couple weeks. For the first time in his life, he’s been able to be with friends and ppl for longer than 24 hours, where he will hide in a closet, under the trampoline or somewhere... When he had only been on the product for a little over 2 weeks, one of his friends came over for 3 days. He never hid, he never came into our room. He stayed there with him, and always every year at the beach at the family reunion, we had to shut the doors and turn out the lights so that all of his cousins would go away so that it’s calm every other day; and for two weeks, every single night he stayed playing with cousins and friends. My family… there’s as much change in Hayden as there was in me, just from a different, social standpoint.
My nephew who is 8, he is adopted. He had oppositional defiance. He was becoming very, very violent at home. My sister was scared. He was hurting other kids. Every day she would call hysterically in tears saying she didn’t know what to do with him. My sister got a bottle the same time I got mine to try for him. Within 4 days he started calming down to the point that it was probably about 80% of his symptoms were gone. He’s been on it for 6 weeks.
At the beach, I was sitting down with him and my son and the three of us were talking and she was describing trying to get either of these boys to take any supplements or oils or to take anything was like pulling teeth, and both of these boys said they wouldn’t want to be without their Q. They are 8 and 12 and say they want their Q. The first thing my son does when he gets up in the morning is get it for himself because he says, “I feel better.” He has already recognized it. So we have seen miracles in our family—me, my son, and my nephew, that are just phenomenal.
S- I’ll be down there tomorrow and get to see and meet you. There are so many ppl we can help. That’s what this is about. Tony’s story is about helping as many ppl as we can. Thomas, do you want to share how your feel?
T= it has been amazing being able to watch my wife be able to have a life again, to be able to watch my son be able to deal with life again. This has been something I didn’t even dream of seeing. I had just kind of said, ok this is what we’re doing. I love them both and we’ll go along with life as it is. Once all these changes started, there is a spark of life in this family, saying you know what, we can have a life again. Because of this product we have hope. So there is like they say, they never want to be without their Q again, I never want them to be without it and I want to share it with everybody because of my belief in it.
S- Thanks so much, for being so open about your experiences and being willing to share it with others. We are going to take advantage of that and allow you to share and testify to as many ppl as we can.
J- Anything we can do we are so willing because we are so incredibly grateful for this blessing in our lives.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Q96 has been the most profound thing I have ever experienced. I thank all of you for your hard work and dedication to all of the people.
Monday, December 22, 2014
On the 10th day of Christmas
Q Sciences gave to me...
Call IBO Success or place your order online to take advantage of today's Q Christmas promo!
Buy 2 QPets and get a 3rd QPets FREE!
SKU P009 - $59.90, 35 PV
Q Sciences Holiday Schedule:
12/24 - Christmas Eve:
IBO Success: 7:00 AM-12:00 PM
Will Call 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
12/25 - Christmas Day:
12/31 - New Years Eve:
IBO Success: 7:00 AM-12:00 PM
Will Call: 8:00 AM-12 PM
1/1 - New Years Day:
The Countdown to Q Sciences' Grand Canyon Summit continues...
With the holiday season in full bloom, January will be here before we know it. If you have not yet registered, follow the link below:
Click to register
Get Your Tickets to the Grand Canyon
Summit for Just $59.95!
Q Sciences is making it even easier to get to the Grand Canyon Summit in January. Because of our continued growth, we are offering $59.95 registration up until the event! Reserve your seats online today by clicking here!
The Grand Canyon Summit will be held January 8th-10th at the Phoenix Marriott Mesa Hotel. This will be a great opportunity to learn from the corporate staff and top IBO leaders on how to Gain the Edge in building your Q Sciences business.
Register by December 19th to make sure you receive a customized name badge and welcome packet. Additionally, for those unable to attend the entirety of the Grand Canyon Summit, you will be able to join us for the morning session on Friday, January 9th, for just $15. You may pay at the door or by calling IBO Success.
Stay Fit During the Holiday Season with Cellercise!
Amid the chaos of the holiday season there is little time to get your workout in. Fortunately, Cellercise gives you the vigorous exercise you're looking for in just 10 minutes a day. Throughout the holiday season when you purchase any Cellerciser you will receive David Hall's Cellercise: The Ultimate Exercise DVD for FREE. Give the gift of health and fitness this holiday season by placing your order today!
Bi-Fold Cellerciser (Q7100)
Retail: $389.95 Wholesale: $350 - 200 PV
Tri-Fold Cellerciser (Q7000)
Retail: $528.95 Wholesale: $450 - 250 PV
Cellercise: The Ultimate Exercise M2500
GO VETS Meeting at the Grand Canyon Summit!
The GO VETS Foundation was created to help our veterans improve their quality of life. With programs like The Green Project,
Q Sciences is dedicated to helping members of the military enjoy the benefits of optimum health. In honor of our military veterans, Q Sciences' IBOs along with the GO VETS Foundation will be hosting a meeting kicking off the Grand Canyon Summit. For more information click here.
GO VETS Meeting:
Date: Wednesday, January 7th
Time: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Phoenix Marriott Mesa Hotel
Starlight Room
200 N. Centennial Way
Mesa, AZ 85201
Click on the calendar above for complete details on ALL events.
QTV Opportunity Meeting Schedule:
There will be no weekly opportunity meeting on
December 24th or
December 31st. The next meeting will be on January 7th. Make sure you tune into QTV or join us live from Mesa, Arizona, as part of the Grand Canyon Summit!
Q Product Call with the Doctors!
There will be NO product call on Thursday, December 25th, or Thursday, January 1st.
Book your Hotel Room for the Grand Canyon Summit!
Make your reservation at the Phoenix Marriott Mesa Hotel for the Grand Canyon Summit by calling the hotel's call center at (800) 835-9873. Be sure to mention
Q Sciences when you call to book your room.
The Ship Sets Sail in February, Make Sure You're On Board!
Crystal-clear water, sandy beaches, and picturesque sunsets await you as part of
Q Sciences' Silver Cruise. Join us February 16, 2015 through February 21, 2015 as we take a tour of the Caribbean in style. Explore the Bahamas, experience CocoCay, and discover Key West as an all-expense paid reward for taking your Q Sciences' business to the next level.
To qualify for the Silver Cruise you must reach the rank of Silver three times before December 31st. The ship sets sail in February and we can't wait to celebrate with each of you by experiencing the world together. Good Luck!
The Q Sciences' Opportunity Call and Quick Start Training
This call is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you call in you will have two options:
Press 2 for an Opportunity Call with Ken Forrest
Press 3 for Quick Start Training
Time: 24/7
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Christmas 2014
Dear Team,
In many ways, it is hard to believe that it is Christmas week already. I want to take this moment and wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas. This time of year is very special as we focus on the spirit of giving and helping others.
The fact is I have seen Christmas all year long through your kind acts towards others through Q Sciences. Not a day goes by where someone doesn’t send me a text or an email expressing gratitude for what you have done for them.
Isn’t this what Christmas is all about? Really, Christmas at Q Sciences is an everyday attitude and everyday action and for that, I am so grateful to each one of you.
As we celebrate Christmas Day, I want you to know that Q Sciences adopted a family and provided Christmas for them. We received a wonderful letter on behalf of her children, who were all in great need of an extra helping hand this year. How grateful we are that we can do so many things to help others.
I wanted to share with you one of my favorite Christmas stories, because it reminds me of each one of you and your willingness to go above and beyond for those that you love.
Let’s make 2015 the best year ever for the thousands of people that we will help, who will then in turn reach out and help others by filling the world with Q!
Merry Christmas!
Let’s Q it UP!
Christmas Day in the Morning
By: Pearl S. Buck
He woke suddenly and completely. It was four o'clock, the hour at which his father had always called him to get up and help with the milking. Strange how the habits of his youth clung to him still! Fifty years ago, and his father had been dead for thirty years, and yet he waked at four o'clock in the morning. He had trained himself to turn over and go to sleep, but this morning it was Christmas, he did not try to sleep.
Why did he feel so awake tonight? He slipped back in time, as he did so easily nowadays. He was fifteen years old and still on his father's farm. He loved his father. He had not known it until one day a few days before Christmas, when he had overheard what his father was saying to his mother.
"Mary, I hate to call Rob in the mornings. He's growing so fast and he needs his sleep. If you could see how he sleeps when I go in to wake him up! I wish I could manage alone."
"Well, you can't, Adam." His mother's voice was brisk. "Besides, he isn't a child anymore. It's time he took his turn."
"Yes," his father said slowly. "But I sure do hate to wake him."
When he heard these words, something in him spoke: his father loved him! He had never thought of that before, taking for granted the tie of their blood. Neither his father nor his mother talked about loving their children--they had no time for such things. There was always so much to do on the farm.
Now that he knew his father loved him, there would be no loitering in the mornings and having to be called again. He got up after that, stumbling blindly in his sleep, and pulled on his clothes, his eyes shut, but he got up.
And then on the night before Christmas, that year when he was fifteen, he lay for a few minutes thinking about the next day. They were poor, and most of the excitement was in the turkey they had raised themselves and mince pies his mother made. His sisters sewed presents and his mother and father always bought him something he needed, not only a warm jacket, maybe, but something more, such as a book. And he saved and bought them each something, too.
He wished, that Christmas when he was fifteen, he had a better present for his father. As usual he had gone to the ten-cent store and bought a tie. It had seemed nice enough until he lay thinking the night before Christmas. He looked out of his attic window, the stars were bright.
"Dad," he had once asked when he was a little boy, "What is a stable?"
"It's just a barn," his father had replied, "like ours."
Then Jesus had been born in a barn, and to a barn the shepherds had come...
The thought struck him like a silver dagger. Why should he not give his father a special gift too, out there in the barn? He could get up early, earlier than four o'clock, and he could creep into the barn and get all the milking done. He'd do it alone, milk and clean up, and then when his father went in to start the milking he'd see it all done. And he would know who had done it. He laughed to himself as he gazed at the stars. It was what he would do, and he musn't sleep too sound.
He must have waked twenty times, scratching a match each time to look at his old watch -- midnight, and half past one, and then two o'clock.
At a quarter to three he got up and put on his clothes. He crept downstairs, careful of the creaky boards, and let himself out. The cows looked at him, sleepy and surprised. It was early for them, too.
He had never milked all alone before, but it seemed almost easy. He kept thinking about his father's surprise. His father would come in and get him, saying that he would get things started while Rob was getting dressed. He'd go to the barn, open the door, and then he'd go get the two big empty milk cans. But they wouldn't be waiting or empty, they'd be standing in the milk-house, filled.
"What the--," he could hear his father exclaiming.
He smiled and milked steadily, two strong streams rushing into the pail, frothing and fragrant.
The task went more easily than he had ever known it to go before. Milking for once was not a chore. It was something else, a gift to his father who loved him. He finished, the two milk cans were full, and he covered them and closed the milk-house door carefully, making sure of the latch.
Back in his room he had only a minute to pull off his clothes in the darkness and jump into bed, for he heard his father up. He put the covers over his head to silence his quick breathing. The door opened.
"Rob!" His father called. "We have to get up, son, even if it is Christmas."
"Aw-right," he said sleepily.
The door closed and he lay still, laughing to himself. In just a few minutes his father would know. His dancing heart was ready to jump from his body.
The minutes were endless -- ten, fifteen, he did not know how many -- and he heard his father's footsteps again. The door opened and he lay still.
"Yes, Dad--"
His father was laughing, a queer sobbing sort of laugh.
"Thought you'd fool me, did you?" His father was standing by his bed, feeling for him, pulling away the cover.
"It's for Christmas, Dad!"
He found his father and clutched him in a great hug. He felt his father's arms go around him. It was dark and they could not see each other's faces.
"Son, I thank you. Nobody ever did a nicer thing--"
"Oh, Dad, I want you to know -- I do want to be good!" The words broke from him of their own will. He did not know what to say. His heart was bursting with love.
He got up and pulled on his clothes again and they went down to the Christmas tree. Oh what a Christmas, and how his heart had nearly burst again with shyness and pride as his father told his mother and made the younger children listen about how he, Rob, had got up all by himself.
"The best Christmas gift I ever had, and I'll remember it, son every year on Christmas morning, so long as I live."
They had both remembered it, and now that his father was dead, he remembered it alone: that blessed Christmas dawn when, alone with the cows in the barn, he had made his first gift of true love.
This Christmas he wanted to write a card to his wife and tell her how much he loved her, it had been a long time since he had really told her, although he loved her in a very special way, much more than he ever had when they were young. He had been fortunate that she had loved him. Ah, that was the true joy of life, the ability to love. Love was still alive in him, it still was.
It occurred to him suddenly that it was alive because long ago it had been born in him when he knew his father loved him. That was it: Love alone could awaken love. And he could give the gift again and again. This morning, this blessed Christmas morning, he would give it to his beloved wife. He could write it down in a letter for her to read and keep forever. He went to his desk and began his love letter to his wife: My dearest love...
Such a happy, happy Christmas!
Why did he feel so awake tonight? He slipped back in time, as he did so easily nowadays. He was fifteen years old and still on his father's farm. He loved his father. He had not known it until one day a few days before Christmas, when he had overheard what his father was saying to his mother.
"Mary, I hate to call Rob in the mornings. He's growing so fast and he needs his sleep. If you could see how he sleeps when I go in to wake him up! I wish I could manage alone."
"Well, you can't, Adam." His mother's voice was brisk. "Besides, he isn't a child anymore. It's time he took his turn."
"Yes," his father said slowly. "But I sure do hate to wake him."
When he heard these words, something in him spoke: his father loved him! He had never thought of that before, taking for granted the tie of their blood. Neither his father nor his mother talked about loving their children--they had no time for such things. There was always so much to do on the farm.
Now that he knew his father loved him, there would be no loitering in the mornings and having to be called again. He got up after that, stumbling blindly in his sleep, and pulled on his clothes, his eyes shut, but he got up.
And then on the night before Christmas, that year when he was fifteen, he lay for a few minutes thinking about the next day. They were poor, and most of the excitement was in the turkey they had raised themselves and mince pies his mother made. His sisters sewed presents and his mother and father always bought him something he needed, not only a warm jacket, maybe, but something more, such as a book. And he saved and bought them each something, too.
He wished, that Christmas when he was fifteen, he had a better present for his father. As usual he had gone to the ten-cent store and bought a tie. It had seemed nice enough until he lay thinking the night before Christmas. He looked out of his attic window, the stars were bright.
"Dad," he had once asked when he was a little boy, "What is a stable?"
"It's just a barn," his father had replied, "like ours."
Then Jesus had been born in a barn, and to a barn the shepherds had come...
The thought struck him like a silver dagger. Why should he not give his father a special gift too, out there in the barn? He could get up early, earlier than four o'clock, and he could creep into the barn and get all the milking done. He'd do it alone, milk and clean up, and then when his father went in to start the milking he'd see it all done. And he would know who had done it. He laughed to himself as he gazed at the stars. It was what he would do, and he musn't sleep too sound.
He must have waked twenty times, scratching a match each time to look at his old watch -- midnight, and half past one, and then two o'clock.
At a quarter to three he got up and put on his clothes. He crept downstairs, careful of the creaky boards, and let himself out. The cows looked at him, sleepy and surprised. It was early for them, too.
He had never milked all alone before, but it seemed almost easy. He kept thinking about his father's surprise. His father would come in and get him, saying that he would get things started while Rob was getting dressed. He'd go to the barn, open the door, and then he'd go get the two big empty milk cans. But they wouldn't be waiting or empty, they'd be standing in the milk-house, filled.
"What the--," he could hear his father exclaiming.
He smiled and milked steadily, two strong streams rushing into the pail, frothing and fragrant.
The task went more easily than he had ever known it to go before. Milking for once was not a chore. It was something else, a gift to his father who loved him. He finished, the two milk cans were full, and he covered them and closed the milk-house door carefully, making sure of the latch.
Back in his room he had only a minute to pull off his clothes in the darkness and jump into bed, for he heard his father up. He put the covers over his head to silence his quick breathing. The door opened.
"Rob!" His father called. "We have to get up, son, even if it is Christmas."
"Aw-right," he said sleepily.
The door closed and he lay still, laughing to himself. In just a few minutes his father would know. His dancing heart was ready to jump from his body.
The minutes were endless -- ten, fifteen, he did not know how many -- and he heard his father's footsteps again. The door opened and he lay still.
"Yes, Dad--"
His father was laughing, a queer sobbing sort of laugh.
"Thought you'd fool me, did you?" His father was standing by his bed, feeling for him, pulling away the cover.
"It's for Christmas, Dad!"
He found his father and clutched him in a great hug. He felt his father's arms go around him. It was dark and they could not see each other's faces.
"Son, I thank you. Nobody ever did a nicer thing--"
"Oh, Dad, I want you to know -- I do want to be good!" The words broke from him of their own will. He did not know what to say. His heart was bursting with love.
He got up and pulled on his clothes again and they went down to the Christmas tree. Oh what a Christmas, and how his heart had nearly burst again with shyness and pride as his father told his mother and made the younger children listen about how he, Rob, had got up all by himself.
"The best Christmas gift I ever had, and I'll remember it, son every year on Christmas morning, so long as I live."
They had both remembered it, and now that his father was dead, he remembered it alone: that blessed Christmas dawn when, alone with the cows in the barn, he had made his first gift of true love.
This Christmas he wanted to write a card to his wife and tell her how much he loved her, it had been a long time since he had really told her, although he loved her in a very special way, much more than he ever had when they were young. He had been fortunate that she had loved him. Ah, that was the true joy of life, the ability to love. Love was still alive in him, it still was.
It occurred to him suddenly that it was alive because long ago it had been born in him when he knew his father loved him. That was it: Love alone could awaken love. And he could give the gift again and again. This morning, this blessed Christmas morning, he would give it to his beloved wife. He could write it down in a letter for her to read and keep forever. He went to his desk and began his love letter to his wife: My dearest love...
Such a happy, happy Christmas!
Friday, December 19, 2014
Q it UP!
Dear Daren,
This weekend was awesome! I had such a good time and everyone was in such good spirits. Thank you for all your doing with this mission. until recently I was always overcome by fear and could not even stand in front of a crowd of people, let alone speak to them. Things have been changing so fast, and I know now that this is it. The time for me to standup and tell my story has come, and i'm so grateful that men like you are part of this. Thank you for helping to blast this to the world, I know I won't stop.
I can only assume that you or jimmy paid for dinner, Thanks. That was a lot of fun hanging out, I look forward to seeing you at future super saturday's.
Peace to you and yours
Thursday, December 18, 2014
All we can to help!
Thanks so much for meeting Michael Sean and me today. We are so grateful to you for offering to sponsor a girl into our program. We are looking forward to a long lasting partnership.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Notes -- Kind
Q you run an exceptional organization and you are, from all I've seen, an exceptional man and leader. I want to thank you sincerely for the birthday wishes you sent me last week and for this congratulatory letter.
. What you have created with Q is a model of how things should be done and I really appreciate you for it.
The focus on people, on their health and well-being and on helping them build a sustainable strong business that will stand the test of time is very commendable. This is a business I will be able to count on for the rest of my life and pass along to my children because of the way you are building it.
I thank you for all you are doing and for the kindness you've extended to me.
Warmest regards,
Kevin H.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Dear Daren,
This is a reminder that "Q-Pro Mastery Class" will begin in 1 Day on:
Sat, Dec 13, 2014 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM MST
Please send your questions, comments and feedback to: jjmelling@me.com
How to Join the Webinar
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Thursday, December 11, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
2 nd day! Q Sciences
Q Days of Christmas!
On the second day of Christmas Q Sciences gave to me...
Call IBO Success or place your order online to take advantage of today's promo!
eQuivalent+ with Xanthones:Chocolate & Vanilla - (SKU P002)
Chocolate & Chocolate - (SKU P002C)
Vanilla & Vanilla - (SKU P002V)
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Hello Everyone,
I hope all is well with all of you and your families. You must here this story.
I met a woman several weeks ago named Tracy. Tracy is a retired nurse. She comes from a back ground of 13 doctors in her family. I began to share Q96 with them. I could see she was looking at me like I was absolutely crazy. But I saw something behind those initial thoughts. I followed up and never heard from her. Her whole belief is it has to be medical for it to work. She was with her new husband Terri, who I have known briefly over many years now.
On Saturday morning, November 15th, I got a text. A long text. They were on their way to our event in Lafayette. Her text continued on how her family had bipolar and has an aunt in a psyche ward for months, and Tracy’s husband lost his son to suicide. Her text went on and on about mental disorders. I tell you the truth, I had to sit down. I got this text at 9:30 am the day of the show. Again, I had to sit down. Tracy’s text continued to say how she volunteered for two suicide organizations in New Iberia. Our home town. It got me so emotional. I started to cry. She is also a professional speaker and spokesperson for these organizations and other organizations. Chills went all over my body.
Well, they showed up and I was just shocked. I asked her if she looked at the research. She said, she looked at almost every study. She said. I am still very skeptical. I said, that is great. You will love what you hear today. The event started.
Marc, her husband, Terri, was the guy who asked you. Is that how you won the Super Bowl Game with the under throw. The same way you threw the balls for our great event that day.
Since that day. I have had three meetings with her. Mostly just building a relationship. It has been wonderful. Our meetings have been no less than 2-3 hours each. The third meeting was just on the comp plan. During that third meeting. Tracy got a call that her niece’s best friend committed suicide. Tracy got off of the phone. And said, This could have helped.
Autumn, when she drove up at my house on the third visit. The first thing she said. I read Autumn’s book. Oh My God. She went on and on about your book.
Since then, they have had to call hospice in for her father. She has had to put Qsciences on hold for a while. But I think her skepticism is over. I will tell you why. She is on the product.
She told me after the November 15th event. They thought they were coming to a one hour meeting. Had they known it was five hours. They would have never come. They stayed for the entire event after hearing Marc and Dana in the first hour. That was five hours. She left the event, still saying she was skeptical. But she is on board now. I have learned so much in the last few weeks about building relationships. Rather than pushing Q on everyone.
I want to thank all of you for your part in what you have done. Because of each on of you. I believe this woman will help so many people with this wonderful Q96. Thank you Tony, Barb, Autumn and Dana for reaching out and being so transparent with your lives to change the world one person at a time. Your tragedies are touching so many people. And I am so proud to be a very small part of what you do.
Autumn. Would you please forward this to Tony. I have misplaced his email.
Love to all of you.
Q Christmas
Monday, December 8, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Feed your Brain -- Take your Q
Take you Q
Contrary to the notion that the brain has fully matured by the age of eight or twelve, with the truly crucial wiring complete as early as three, it turns out that the brain is an ongoing construction site. The hardware of the brain is far from fixed at birth. Instead, it is dynamic and malleable.
Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of neurons to forge new connections, to blaze new paths through the cortex, even to assume new roles. In short, neuroplasticity means rewiring of the brain.
Modern neuroscience is now demonstrating what William James suspected more than a century ago: that attention is a mental state (with physically describable brain state correlates) that allow us, moment by moment, to "choose and sculpt how our ever-changing minds will work to choose who we will be the next moment in a very real sense... Those choices are left embossed in physical form on our material selves." If James was speaking metaphorically, he was also speaking with almost eerie prescience. For it is now clear that the attentional state of the brain produces physical change in its structure and future functioning.
Conscious thoughts and volitions can, and do, play a powerful causal role in the world, including influencing the activity of the brain. Willed mental activity can clearly and systematically alter brain function. The exertion of willed mental effort generates physical force that has the power to change how the brain works and even its physical structure.
The result is directed neuroplasticity.
-- Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D. and Sharon Begley
The Mind and The Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Hi Daren,
Thought you might like an update on our Q Baby. He turned 1 at the end of August and is thriving and amazing us everyday. His favorite pastime is horseback riding and he instantly lights up when he sees a horse, whether its live, a toy, a picture or even one in a movie. He surprised us by learning that making a clucking noise when he was riding was a cue to get his horse moving. He has an extensive vocabulary and has begun using short phrases which is unexpected for his age. He also has a firm grasp of sign language and uses it daily. He has an incredible ability to problem solve. He has discovered how to get something he wants that is out of his reach by moving a chair or one of his bigger toys over and climbing up. He moved his toy chest over by his crib today so he could climb in and get his favorite stuffed animal. He discovered how to get to the duck food at his grandma's house. It is stored in a container that was just tall enough that he couldn't reach the food so he got the ladle from a Montessori lesson he has and used that to reach the food. Trennis loves books and will entertain himself for hours surrounded by his favorite ones. He is truly an amazing child and I believe a testament to just how amazing Q 96 really is. Thank you for helping bring this life changing product to the world.
P.S. Here are a few photos.
Friday, November 28, 2014
For our Kids!
Daren, I am truly grateful for this Holiday season, especially as I reflected on how much QSciences has blessed the lives of so many individuals. As I started this quest to help my own son get through some really dark times I couldn't help notice how powerful a parents love is for their children. This is especially true as we continue this movement to spread the word of hope as it relates to mental illness. A funny story...that is so true about the strength of a parents love for their children.
When I do an event for QSciences the challenge always is getting people to come and listen. If I promote the event as "Come learn how micro-nutrients can help with Depression, ADHD, Bi-Polar, etc.) I may get 10 -15 people show up. However if I promote the event as "Come hear how micro-nutrients are helping our children over come depression, anxiety, stress, etc." I get a full house. I often joke during the meetings that everyone in attendance is going through their mind and making a list of who this product can help. However everyone in attendance is there because someone thought they needed to be on the products. Isn't that so true of human nature...we are always looking for way to help our family, our children, and others first.
The Holiday season can be very special...but in reality it also can be one of the most stress full, depressing times for many. Become aware of who you can help cope with all the stress associated with the Holiday season. Help us continue this movement I call "Saving our future generations". If we can get the proper nutrition in our own bodies, in addition to those body's of our children...then it will allow our bodies to do what they do best and that is to heal itself. If you haven't already done it...give the gift of health this Holiday season.
Final Note: We have an incredible opportunity on January 9th and 10th to hear and be trained by Industry leading doctors and specialists in the field of micro-nutrients during the Grand Canyon Summit held in Mesa, AZ. With only just over a month left before this event, many of you have not taken the time to register. Don't miss out on this event...in fact if you are not an IBO of QSciences and want to attend the Friday morning sessions and learn more on how you can help "Your Children and future Children" overcome what is plaguing society today. I will get you a ticket! Just reply to this e-mail and I will tell you how. So "Yes" if you know someone that is NOT an IBO and would like to get them to the Friday morning sessions with Tony and the doctors...let me know and I will tell you how to make it happen.
Everyone have a great weekend, be safe, and I hope you are experiencing "The science of happiness" in your lives.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving! Get in the Q!
I have to share the story of my father. I can't stop thinking about it!
I live in a small town that no one can really understand what we have. They think it's something we have to start taking then have to get off of! This town is programmed to think px meds are needed and anything good will make you sick.
My father, a hard working man, never taken a day off as long as I knew him in my life. He hunts on Sunday and still works. He is a man of a few words and never complains and always taught me that things could always be worse. He also said don't tell me, just show me. But I know him. I know his nonverbal communication and we have the same genes.
I told him about QSciences and Tony Stephan story. He doesn't understand nutrition so we don't converse much on that level. He thought that anyone could publish anything so I had to explain the honor it is to have something published in medical journals.
The next day I printed and brought him a folder of every research that was published. When his Q96 came in I brought them to him. When another bottle came in I brought him another before his others ran out. He asked why do I keep giving them to him? About three weeks in, my husband ate lunch with him every day. I would see him sometimes. We noticed a consistent positive happy attitude. He usually has bad days then some good days. I think it was because, like me, he has really low blood sugar. That can really drain you. In spite of an elevator falling on him, he was having burning in his feet. I thought maybe it was neuropathy but not sure. I believe this was before the elevator incident.
Last night, I arrive at my moms house to help her with thanksgiving dinner prep and my mom and aunt said, "ok dodie, your dad is happy". I said why you say that? They elaborated on his personality and him being silly. I said that is my dad! That is his true self. I was just waiting for someone else to admit that they see it consistently. My father told my brother, who is also taking the vitamins, that he could have those vitamins back that his Q96 is all he needs! He told my husband he has more energy and sleeps so much better. He also has no burning in his feet. I told him it would help that. He didn't believe me. I'm so glad I have faith and he takes them faithfully. I could cry writing this. I finally did something good for my father after years of struggles he went through with me as a child.
He is also happy that I'm off my vyvanse. 70 mg. He didn't know anything about me taking vyvanse nor did I announce it. I was embarrassed being on it. But when I told him that it was what was making me lose so much weight, he was glad I was doing something about it. Lots of people didn't know the issues I was having. I covered it very well. Many years of pain and anxiety and low sugar that kept me from driving sometimes. Even wrecking my car. Passing out at work and other places. It would debilitate me for hours. No one knew. This was before my meds and eventually got worse after being on meds. I feel wonderful and on an even consistent energy and always relaxed. I have no attacks and I have not passed out or have been weak either. Thank you Lord.
We do not claim this works for everyone, nor do we make claims of nay kind. this is Dodie's experience and may vary from your own.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Validation !! from the best and its real, no fake Doctors in Q!
Colleagues: You are the only ones that could possibly as excited as myself over what is happening today at the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine. A psychiatrist is presenting as part of his talk on pediatric mental health disorders the research on EmpowerPlus Q96!! I am going to try and send the slide bank with the pertinate slides in the middle of the presentation. Yahoo! Bill
A great read from an IBO!
Hello teammates,
Just a quick note to thank you all for the inspiring work you do to share the message of healing and hope with the wonderful Q Sciences.
Though there are no meetings this week, I just wanted to remind you that as you gather with friends and family for the holiday, be sure you share your knowledge and success. At last week's Story Meeting at the Zitzman's home, Bryan shared his "Ten Reasons I Love the Cellercizer." Bryan is a major skeptic-turned-fan and I thought you'd appreciate his reasons why.
Ten Reasons I Love the Cellerciser
10. It exercises every cell in the body at the same time. I love efficiency!
9. It doesn’t take up an entire room like weight machines, treadmills, etc.
8. It’s easy to take with us on vacation or other trips.
7. It improves my balance and gives me greater core strength.
6. It helps eliminate toxins in my body.
5. I can switch it up, easily add new exercises, and in general be creative with it. I can even do a light workout while talking on the phone!
4. You can adjust the intensity to meet your abilities and vulnerabilities (such as bad knees or ankles). On days that I just don’t feel like doing it in the morning, I’ll convince myself to do a light 5 minutes routine…and it always turns into more because I’m feeling much better after 5 minutes.
3. I love the low impact.
2. It doesn’t require stretching, and in fact helps me be more flexible.
1. It only takes 10 minutes for a good workout.
Wouldn't it be awesome if we came up with our own top three? Heck, you might even want to cart it to your dinner on Thursday for people to do a little bouncing on before the feast, or to help the kids burn off some energy while you watch the big game!
So many ways to share. Let's talk next week!
P.S. When I get my gold level car, I am going to use today's subject line as the license plate…so don't steal it! I better talk to Travis and get it trademarked!
Thank you very much Daren. I'm so excited about the great work that you and Q Sciences are doing. You are in line with my mission; to help our brothers and sisters make their 100+ trillion cells thrive!
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
A must read, chaining generations!
Hello my son is 17 and is fighting stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Because of his age and the chemo was too hard on him he almost died. He was given 6 months to live and that was 4 months ago and the cancer is disappearing! We are thankful for your product! It is so fun and addicting. It really is a work out. My son has a facebook page that has taken off called Kid Against Chemo if you would like to check it out. He is also doing a website to show people what we are doing and we are finishing a book about his journey and all the proceeds are helping with medical costs.
We were wondering if we could mention your product in our book so people know where to find you, we get asked often on his facebook page.
Thank you in advance,
Lisa D. (Jared's mom)
Happy Mom!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Gerat to have skilled leaders in Q! wonderful training
| ||||||||
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Take Vitamin D - D Spray is the best way to take it daily
Study finds link between low levels of vitamin D and hypertension
- Hypertension is the single most important risk factor for early death
- Vitamin D supplements could be an alternative to drugs for some patients
The effect of vitamin D supplementation on blood pressure in patients with elevated blood pressure and vitamin D deficiency: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Not Typical -- But I hear these stories daily
Hi Tony
A really nice guy a friend of mine is a Salesman with us Al started taking Q96 aprox 5 months ago He had looked like death warmed over for the last several years and had an issue with heart Arythmia that he was taking medication for. Now for at least 3 months he has been off the medication and literally looks ten years younger and looks much happier.No signs of Arythmia
Truly a great win. Jonas
Thursday, November 6, 2014
WOW!! Powerful
Hi Team,
Um…WOW! I am absolutely thrilled with this newsletter from Dr. Kimberly. I am SERIOUS when I say open this and read it now.
If you have been wondering how to explain--in the scientific and medical terms of a very well respected scientist and physician--why Q96 works, here it is. If you have mental health professionals that are curious but cautious about using Q96 with meds because they don't know enough, this information is for them.
Please, please pass to your downline and give it as much emphasis as I am here. One of my new IBO's Betsy, actually had a call with Dr. Kimberly last week, and I hear echo's of their conversation all through this newsletter.
As a teaser, here is one of the last paragraphs…
As I am writing this, I received this email from Dr. Bill, who is attending the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine conference in San Diego: "You are the only ones that could possibly be as excited as myself over what is happening today at the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine. A psychiatrist is presenting as part of his talk on pediatric mental health disorders the research on Empowerplus™ Q96!!" This is indeed wonderful news and it confirms the well-deserved and clinically sound reputation that EMPowerplus™ Q96 has achieved among many mental health practitioners. This entirely unsolicited vote of confidence for a nutritional supplement from a leading psychiatrist is completely unheard of, and very much appreciated.
Quickly share the news!
Can your product do this? add the Q And your like will be better!
Daren and Tony,
Last night we had a milestone in our family. Tyce gave his first Bible reading at the Kingdom Hall!!! This would have NEVER happened without Q! His anxiety was so overwhelming that he could not even play with children his own age, let alone stand up in front of 100 people and read a passage from the Bible. Since starting Q96 we have the calm little boy that was locked away under anxiety, rage and fear.
We cannot say enough about our journey with Q and how thankful we are that men like yourselves are at the helm keeping the integrity of this life changing product!
From a proud and thankful Mom,
Can your product do this? add the Q And your like will be better!
Daren and Tony,
Last night we had a milestone in our family. Tyce gave his first Bible reading at the Kingdom Hall!!! This would have NEVER happened without Q! His anxiety was so overwhelming that he could not even play with children his own age, let alone stand up in front of 100 people and read a passage from the Bible. Since starting Q96 we have the calm little boy that was locked away under anxiety, rage and fear.
We cannot say enough about our journey with Q and how thankful we are that men like yourselves are at the helm keeping the integrity of this life changing product!
From a proud and thankful Mom,
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Q-Boost is
an exciting new product designed specifically
to increase your energy and act as a natural metabolic booster. What this means
is that it may help promote the burning of unwanted fat in your system. It
is not a cure-all and it must be emphasized that proper dietary measures and
exercise are required for successful weight reduction. Q-Boost contains vital
nutrients that are known to support a healthy metabolism, including: Vitamin
B5, Vitamin B6, Chromium, L-Carnitine, Coenzyme Q-10 and Hydroxycitric acid.
B5, also known as Pantothenic
acid, is a water-soluble vitamin from the B group of vitamins. Our bodies
do not store it and need to consume it every day to replenish supplies.
We need
vitamin B5 to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates from the food we eat,
so that our bodies can use them for energy and rebuilding tissue, muscles and
organs. Studies have shown that vitamin
B5 is helpful in weight management[1]
Vitamin B6, also
known as Pyridoxine, helps with the regulation
and production of thyroid hormones and therefore vitamin B6 also assists the
proper functioning of our metabolism.
People often
underestimate the power of vitamin B6 when it comes to weight loss. Vitamin B6 works
in combination with other nutrients to help the body efficiently and properly
metabolize (convert) food into energy, burning excess fat and speeding up the
metabolism along the way. Vitamin B6 may also aid in metabolizing food properly
by helping the body to more efficiently and quickly digest food. When the body
processes food more efficiently, fat has less chance to collect in the body and
create excess weight and other health problems.
Vitamin B6 is also thought
to increase thyroid activity, which increases resting metabolic rate. Vitamin
B6 can increase energy, support immune system function and improve memory.
is thought to be one of the most important nutrients for weight loss. Carnitine
is critical for energy formation and an active metabolism. Carnitine transports
the fatty acids from our blood into the cell for this energy production.
L-Carnitine may enhance the consumption of fat as a source of fuel and
has been shown to increase the amount of fat burned during both anaerobic
(strength training) and aerobic (cardiovascular) workouts.
It plays an important role in
mobilizing fatty deposits found in
the tissues of
overweight individuals.
L-Carnitine has been shown to improve lean muscle strength and also
helps to stabilize blood sugar and eliminate cravings for carbohydrates.
Coenzyme Q-10, also called ubiquinone or CoQ10, is a powerful
antioxidant/anti-inflammatory thought to have many benefits for treating and
preventing obesity. It acts similarly to L-carnitine in that it assists in
energy production within the mitochondria (these are the cells powerhouses).
CoQ10 seems to enhance metabolism, giving us greater energy and endurance, a
greater ability to lose body fat, preventing the energy decline seen in aging
cells. CoQ10 may also maximize the burning of foods for fuel, helping to
normalize fats in our blood.
CoQ10 may also protect
against hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular problems, including
congestive heart failure.
Hydroxycitric acid or HCA is found in the rind
of the fruits of the Garcinia cambogia tree.
HCA is thought to help to
suppress appetite, resulting in reduced calorie or food intake and cravings.
Hydroxycitric acid may also inhibit the production of fats from carbohydrates
by promoting the conversion of carbohydrates to glycogen instead of fat.
Adding exercise to weight loss programs can help vitamin
supplementation and aid in achieving and maintaining weight loss totals.
Individuals should consult a physician to be screened for health problems and
vitamin deficiencies before starting a diet and exercise program.
Disclaimer: the FDA has not evaluated the above
statements. This product is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
[1] Leung
L (1997). "A Stone that
Kills two Birds: How Pantothenic Acid Unveils the Mysteries of Acne Vulgaris
and Obesity". J Orthomol Med 12 (2): 99–114
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