God First, Family Second, I am THIRD! Husband, Father, Grandfather, Businessman Daren Hogge
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Interesting Interview -
Copy and Paste in your browser.
Minerals and Nutrition
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Minerals and Nutrition
Sunday, April 28, 2013
We all can help. Will you? QSciences.com
As a doctor, I can tell you that stress has reached pandemic levels, though many still hold back from admitting it to themselves or their peers. Our normalcy bias prevents us from taking notice that tens of millions of people in Western countries are dropping like flies from illness, depression and self-destruction. I came across this article by David Kupelain on Americans' health and agreed with some of the observations made about the dire state of affairs:
With so many people on meds, I think we can basically say that the U.S. is a 'zombie nation'. People are so out of touch with themselves and with reality that they think they have to use anti-depressants in order to 'go back to normal', not realizing that the reason why reality is shitty is because it is sending them a strong signal to sit up and take notice. Instead, taking mind-numbing drugs makes them even more ignorant of what is going on around them - the false-flag attacks, the fireballs raining down from the sky and Earth changes.
The pandemic is by no means confined to the U.S. One major study mentioned by Kupelain concluded almost 40 percent of Europeans are plagued by mental illness.
Consider this:
- Suicide has surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of injury death for Americans. Even more disturbing, in "the world's greatest military", more U.S. soldiers died last year by suicide than in combat.
- Fully one-third of U.S. employees suffer chronic debilitating stress,and more than half of all "millennials" (18 to 33 year olds) experience a level of stress that keeps them awake at night, including large numbers diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorder.
- Shocking new research from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that one in five high-school-aged children in the U.S. has been diagnosed with ADHD, and likewise a large new study of New York City residents shows, sadly, that one in five preteens - children aged six to 12 - have been medically diagnosed with either ADHD, anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder.
- New research concludes that stress renders people susceptible to serious illness, and a growing number of studies nowconfirm that chronic stress plays a major role in the progression of cancer, the nation's second-biggest killer. The biggest killer of all, heart disease, which causes one in four deaths in the U.S., is also known to have a huge stress component.
- Incredibly, 11 percent of all Americans aged 12 and older are currently taking SSRI antidepressants - those highly controversial, mood-altering psychiatric drugs with the FDA's "suicidality" warning label and alarming correlation with school shooters. Women are especially prone to depression, with a stunning 23 percent of all American women in their 40s and 50s - almost one in four - now taking antidepressants, according to a major study by the CDC.
- Add to that the tens of millions of users of all other types of psychiatric drugs, including (just to pick one) the 6.4 million American children between 4 and 17 diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Ritalin or similar psycho-stimulants. Throw in the 28 percent of American adults with a drinking problem, that's more than 60 million, plus the 22 million using illegal drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens and inhalants, and pretty soon a picture emerges of a nation of drug-takers, with hundreds of millions dependent on one toxic substance or another - legal or illegal - to "help" them deal with the stresses and problems of life.
With so many people on meds, I think we can basically say that the U.S. is a 'zombie nation'. People are so out of touch with themselves and with reality that they think they have to use anti-depressants in order to 'go back to normal', not realizing that the reason why reality is shitty is because it is sending them a strong signal to sit up and take notice. Instead, taking mind-numbing drugs makes them even more ignorant of what is going on around them - the false-flag attacks, the fireballs raining down from the sky and Earth changes.
The pandemic is by no means confined to the U.S. One major study mentioned by Kupelain concluded almost 40 percent of Europeans are plagued by mental illness.
Consider this:
- A cross-border report on suicide shows the rate among young people on the island of Ireland is one of the highest in Europe.
- The economic downturn that has shaken Europe for the last three years has also swept away the foundations of once-sturdy lives, leading to an alarming spike in suicide rates. Especially in the most fragile nations like Greece, Ireland, Spain and Italy, small-business owners and entrepreneurs are increasingly taking their own lives in a phenomenon some European newspapers have started calling "suicide by economic crisis."
- Bulgaria's suicide rate is among the highest in Europe. Psychologists named poverty and stress as the main reasons behind the suicide wave that shocked the Balkan country recently.
- According to official figures, Russia sees 19-20 suicides per 100,000 teenagers a year, which is three times the world average.
- Switzerland holds the European record for rate of gun suicide.
- France has one of the highest suicide rates in western Europe, ranking second behind Finland and more than double the UK or Greece. Workplace suicides have sparked a French outcry over France's elite system where the graduates of an exclusive group of schools are promoted straight into top jobs, denying any possibility of advancement to graduates of lesser schools.
- Japan has consistently maintained the world's suicide record for years. The number of students who committed suicide in 2011 hit a record figure of 10.9 per cent from the previous year and the total number of suicides across the nation has exceeded 30,000 for 14 consecutive years up to 2011.
- Every 12 hours, one farmer commits suicide in India.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Can you help us? Q Sciences
SALT LAKE CITY — Arianne Brown remembers a time when she thought suicide was something that only touched other people.
That was before Nov. 5, 2006, when Brown's older sister, Megan, went down into her parent's basement and committed suicide.
"It's been almost seven years, but it still feels fresh," she said. "You think, 'She knew we loved her and that we cared. Why wasn't that enough? … I know if my sister knew what it was like for us after, she wouldn't have done it."
Suicide impacts Utah families every year and the problem is growing worse. In 2005, the Utah Department of Health reported 350 suicides. Preliminary data from 2012 places that number at 540 for Utah residents and the trend has continued through the first quarter of 2013.
The number comes as no surprise to Utah's Chief Medical Examiner Todd Grey.
"How many days do I have without a suicide? I'm thinking, maybe, zero most days?" Grey said. "I've had days where I've had five deaths downstairs and all of them were suicides."
Suicide was the leading cause of death for Utahns ages one to 44 in 2011, according to the state's public health statistics. For teenagers in Utah, the numbers of suicide attempts are equally startling, totaling about two a day among kids ages 10 to 17, according to health officials.
But that doesn't mean everyone is talking about it.
"That's one of those dirty little secrets that doesn't get waved around, and every family goes through it as if they're alone," Grey said. "It's really sad. If there was a running tally in the paper you could bet by March people would say, 'Why aren't we doing something about this? And by November there would be an awful lot of people screaming that this is unacceptable."
He's the first to say it's a complex issue, made worse by one of its biggest obstacles: Stigma.
"There's certainly a reluctance, at best, to discuss this issue publicly and widely," Grey said. "One of the very common responses I'll get from families is saying, 'You can't call this a suicide.'"
It's a stigma that becomes part of the memory of the suicide victim and with the family members left behind.
"And when you have that kind of reluctance to look at the issue, to admit that it exists, how are you ever going to try and solve this problem?" Grey said.
Losing a sister
Brown said it was difficult to explain that her sister had taken her own life and that the news was often received with more judgment, and less compassion.
"Sometimes, too, you feel self-conscious. What did we do wrong? What's wrong with our family?"
Her sister Megan Einfeldt was quiet, but loyal, a beautiful, educated and talented woman who was a devoted mother to her three children. She was 26 years old when she moved to her parent's home in Utah with her three young children, Brown said.
Her family had noticed a change in Einfeldt before she moved home, but felt something was really wrong when they saw her. She had lost weight and was rarely speaking. She seemed to lack confidence and was almost childish. She questioned herself as a mother and sister.
"You're kind of like, 'OK, snap out of it,'" Brown recalled. You're trying to build them up: 'You are beautiful, you are good, you are all these things.' And they don't believe you."
It never occurred to her that her sister might take her own life. She said it seemed like a worst-case scenario and that she didn't let herself go there.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Success Defined
Every one is looking for that edge that will allow them to
enjoy Life, to be able to face challenges that come our way with dignity, grace
and even a sense of humor. Once we have found it, there is something innate I
each of us that wants to help others find the same happiness that we found.
The Question is
where do you begin to look for the happiness we once held and embraced.?
The Answer is
found in the Q. Q Sciences has found the answer in that
we must first Purify, Optimize and
Protect (POP) our Mind and Body and when we do this our actions will even
reach our Soul allowing us to be truly Happy!
Q Sciences is the
only company with the correct and scientifically proven wellness philosophy that
we must first Purify our Mind. Stress is the leading cause of health related
issues according to medical professionals and to become truly happy and healthy
we must first deal with the stress in our minds. Q Sciences is the only company with 20
medical publications backing our products.
Once you Purify your
mind you will be able to Optimize
your health and feel the benefits of Just Feeling Better and have the ability
to maybe even enjoy stressful days knowing you have the Brain Power to
overcome! Can you imagine being able to navigate daily life with clear thought
and focus? We can because we do by being in the Q!
Next we must Protect
our Mind and Body by taking Q Sciences products on a daily basis to constantly
replenish essential minerals and not relinquish the good fortune we have found!
Q Sciences pioneered the philosophy of Purify, Optimize and Protect (POP) your Mind and Body and when you
POP your Mind and Body your Soul benefits and Happiness and a desire to share
and give to others surfaces and the cycle continues!
POP your Life with Q Sciences and your Mind, Body and Soul
will forever be grateful!
your LIFE!
Step One – Take
Qssentials to POP ( Purify, Optimize and Protect ) Your Mind and Body! - Some may start with Q 96 until they
graduate to Qsssetials!
Step Two – Notice
How good you feel
Step Three –
Share with Loved ones and others
Repeat to Build a
profitable long lasting business.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Women - You are beautiful!!!!
Lets Stop this trend! Get in the Q
Suicide has surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of injury death for Americans. Even more disturbing, in the world’s greatest military, more U.S. soldiers died last year by suicide than in combat;
Fully one-third of the nation’s employees suffer chronic debilitating stress, and more than half of all “millennials” (18 to 33 year olds) experience a level of stress that keeps them awake at night, including large numbers diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorder.
Shocking new research from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that one in five of all high-school-aged children in the United States has been diagnosed with ADHD, and likewise a large new study of New York City residents shows, sadly, that one in five preteens – children aged six to 12 – have been medically diagnosed with either ADHD, anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder;
New research concludes that stress renders people susceptible to serious illness, and a growing number of studies now confirm that chronic stress plays a major role in the progression of cancer, the nation’s second-biggest killer. The biggest killer of all, heart disease, which causes one in four deaths in the U.S., is also known to have a huge stress component;
Incredibly, 11 percent of all Americans aged 12 and older are currently taking SSRI antidepressants – those highly controversial, mood-altering psychiatric drugs with the FDA’s “suicidality” warning label and alarming correlation with school shooters. Women are especially prone to depression, with a stunning 23 percent of all American women in their 40s and 50s – almost one in four – now taking antidepressants, according to a major study by the CDC;
Add to that the tens of millions of users of all other types of psychiatric drugs, including (just to pick one) the 6.4 million American children between 4 and 17 diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Ritalin or similar psycho-stimulants. Throw in the 28 percent of American adults with a drinking problem, that’s more than 60 million, plus the 22 million using illegal drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens and inhalants, and pretty soon a picture emerges of a nation of drug-takers, with hundreds of millions dependent on one toxic substance or another – legal or illegal – to “help” them deal with the stresses and problems of life.
By the way, things are no better over the pond – and may be worse, according to one major study that concluded almost 40 percent of Europeans are plagued by mental illness.
Suicide has surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of injury death for Americans. Even more disturbing, in the world’s greatest military, more U.S. soldiers died last year by suicide than in combat;
Fully one-third of the nation’s employees suffer chronic debilitating stress, and more than half of all “millennials” (18 to 33 year olds) experience a level of stress that keeps them awake at night, including large numbers diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorder.
Shocking new research from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that one in five of all high-school-aged children in the United States has been diagnosed with ADHD, and likewise a large new study of New York City residents shows, sadly, that one in five preteens – children aged six to 12 – have been medically diagnosed with either ADHD, anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder;
New research concludes that stress renders people susceptible to serious illness, and a growing number of studies now confirm that chronic stress plays a major role in the progression of cancer, the nation’s second-biggest killer. The biggest killer of all, heart disease, which causes one in four deaths in the U.S., is also known to have a huge stress component;
Incredibly, 11 percent of all Americans aged 12 and older are currently taking SSRI antidepressants – those highly controversial, mood-altering psychiatric drugs with the FDA’s “suicidality” warning label and alarming correlation with school shooters. Women are especially prone to depression, with a stunning 23 percent of all American women in their 40s and 50s – almost one in four – now taking antidepressants, according to a major study by the CDC;
Add to that the tens of millions of users of all other types of psychiatric drugs, including (just to pick one) the 6.4 million American children between 4 and 17 diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Ritalin or similar psycho-stimulants. Throw in the 28 percent of American adults with a drinking problem, that’s more than 60 million, plus the 22 million using illegal drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens and inhalants, and pretty soon a picture emerges of a nation of drug-takers, with hundreds of millions dependent on one toxic substance or another – legal or illegal – to “help” them deal with the stresses and problems of life.
By the way, things are no better over the pond – and may be worse, according to one major study that concluded almost 40 percent of Europeans are plagued by mental illness.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Q Sciences - Please Read
Every one is looking for that edge that will allow them to
enjoy Life, to be able to face challenges that come our way with dignity, grace
and even a sense of humor. Once we have found it, there is something innate I
each of us that wants to help others find the same happiness that we found.
The Question is
where do you begin to look for the happiness we once held and embraced.?
The Answer is
found in the Q. Q Sciences has found the answer in that
we must first Purify, Optimize and
Protect (POP) our Mind and Body and when we do this our actions will even
reach our Soul allowing us to be truly Happy!
Q Sciences is the
only company with the correct and scientifically proven wellness philosophy that
we must first Purify our Mind. Stress is the leading cause of health related
issues according to medical professionals and to become truly happy and healthy
we must first deal with the stress in our minds. Q Sciences is the only company with 20
medical publications backing our products.
Once you Purify your
mind you will be able to Optimize
your health and feel the benefits of Just Feeling Better and have the ability
to maybe even enjoy stressful days knowing you have the Brain Power to
overcome! Can you imagine being able to navigate daily life with clear thought
and focus? We can because we do by being in the Q!
Next we must Protect
our Mind and Body by taking Q Sciences products on a daily basis to constantly
replenish essential minerals and not relinquish the good fortune we have found!
Q Sciences pioneered the philosophy of Purify, Optimize and Protect (POP) your Mind and Body and when you
POP your Mind and Body your Soul benefits and Happiness and a desire to share
and give to others surfaces and the cycle continues!
POP your Life with Q Sciences and your Mind, Body and Soul
will forever be grateful!
your LIFE!
Step One – Take
Qssentials to POP ( Purify, Optimize and Protect ) Your Mind and Body! - Some may start with Q 96 until they
graduate to Qsssetials!
Step Two – Notice
How good you feel
Step Three –
Share with Loved ones and others
Women's Show
Put this into your Browser. We have some amazingly talented IBOS! Get in the Q!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Today I was Touched by Money
As some of you know I call my second son, Money. I call him Money, mainly because he always came through for me when I was lucky enough to be his baseball couch many years ago. If I needed a hit, he got it, a stolen base, he got it for the team, he was MONEY!
Well tonight, he taught a family home lesson for us. He mainly focused in on Cakes ( the name I call Kailee my daughter who will be 16 in two weeks). He shared how when he was in seventh grade a girl asked him to go steady with him and he replied with a negative comment back to her and didn't think twice about it. Yet as fate would have it, he was talking to a Beautiful girl 6 years later in High School and as he talked to her saying, "we should hang out" she smiles and said do you not remember me? and what you said to me six years ago? He did not ( and that is sad in and of itself because we can hurt others and forget that we did) but when she told him what he had said he felt so bad and tried to apologize. It had such an impact on her she remembered it six years later. I was sad to learn my son said a hurtful thing but glad to know he has learned from his terrible mistake. To watch him know he is the kindest person I know and so caring and I am guessing it is from the lesson he leaned in how to treat others and especially women. Our words matter, they do hurt and unlike the nursery rhyme, sticks and stones, words do hurt and break.
Lets all try harder to be kind and speak well of each other. He challenged Cakes to go out of her way at Hight School to say nice things to others. Lets all take Money's challenge and speak kind words to each other.
Love my son who I call Money!
Well tonight, he taught a family home lesson for us. He mainly focused in on Cakes ( the name I call Kailee my daughter who will be 16 in two weeks). He shared how when he was in seventh grade a girl asked him to go steady with him and he replied with a negative comment back to her and didn't think twice about it. Yet as fate would have it, he was talking to a Beautiful girl 6 years later in High School and as he talked to her saying, "we should hang out" she smiles and said do you not remember me? and what you said to me six years ago? He did not ( and that is sad in and of itself because we can hurt others and forget that we did) but when she told him what he had said he felt so bad and tried to apologize. It had such an impact on her she remembered it six years later. I was sad to learn my son said a hurtful thing but glad to know he has learned from his terrible mistake. To watch him know he is the kindest person I know and so caring and I am guessing it is from the lesson he leaned in how to treat others and especially women. Our words matter, they do hurt and unlike the nursery rhyme, sticks and stones, words do hurt and break.
Lets all try harder to be kind and speak well of each other. He challenged Cakes to go out of her way at Hight School to say nice things to others. Lets all take Money's challenge and speak kind words to each other.
Love my son who I call Money!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Get rid of the BUZZ! Get in the Q
Q Sciences is a revolutionary nutritional supplement made of mircro nutrients. The feeling is like nurturing your brain. I feel less stressed, more clear, focused and energized and productive! From the moment the product was put in my hand, intuitively, I knew there was something exciting there! I felt a pleasant buzz before even ingesting it! Now, three weeks into taking it, I am definitely noticing the accumulative effect. My brain feels clear and food feels more satisfying and even my Inner Voice is clearer! Anyone can use a little extra nourishment and this could even potentially help people get off of some medications. Great product, good company, health, wealth and abundance for all!
Fun to Read
TESTIMONY !!!!! OCD, Compulsive, recurring negative thoughts, stress ~ GONE!
Yes I do... my compulsive behavior has decreased along with the anxiety. OCD usually is diagnosed with Bipolar too. I used to chew my nails right down to the bottom Yes so no nail was left. I think it was a form of hurting myself like cutting, I would have recurring negative thoughts that would leave until I was satisfied with an outcome good or bad. If I scratched one arm I had to scratch the other or cheek or what ever I needed to do the same on the other side of my body including how many time i scratched had to be the same on each side. My house is crazily unorganized and not very clean ( working on that ) because there are certain ways to do things or so i thought and if it wasn't done that way I just COULD NOT complete the task. Checking the door to make sure it was locked I always checked 3 times every night just to make sure one right after the other. These Compulsive Patterns have mellowed out I no longer feel the need to do any of them I have relaxed and fallen into a new life of calmness my intake was up to 6 + 6 = 12 daily capsules... do adjust to my stress level I'm now taking between 4 and 8 a day.
Kerry A.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
The Happiest People -- We need you in the Q!
The Happiest People Pursue the Most Difficult Problems
by Rosabeth Moss Kanter | 9:00 AM April 10, 2013
Lurking behind the question of jobs — whether there are enough of them, how hard we should work at them, and what kind the future will bring — is a major problem of job engagement. Too many people are tuned out, turned off, or ready to leave. But there's one striking exception.
The happiest people I know are dedicated to dealing with the most difficult problems. Turning around inner city schools. Finding solutions to homelessness or unsafe drinking water. Supporting children with terminal illnesses. They face the seemingly worst of the world with a conviction that they can do something about it and serve others.
Ellen Goodman, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist (and long-time friend), has turned grief to social purpose. She was distraught over the treatment of her dying mother. After leaving her job as a syndicated columnist, she founded The Conversation Project, a campaign to get every family to face the difficult task of talking about death and end-of-life care.
Gilberto Dimenstein, another writer-turned-activist in Brazil, spreads happiness through social entrepreneurship. When famous Brazilian pianist Joao Carlos Martins lost the use of most of his fingers and almost gave into deepest despair, Dimenstein urged him to teach music to disadvantaged young people. A few years later, Martins, now a conductor, exudes happiness. He has nurtured musical talent throughout Brazil, brought his youth orchestras to play at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center in New York, and has even regained some use of his fingers.
For many social entrepreneurs, happiness comes from the feeling they are making a difference.
I see that same spirit in business teams creating new initiatives that they believe in. Gillette's Himalayan project team took on the challenge of changing the way men shave in India, where the common practice of barbers using rusty blades broken in two caused bloody infections. A team member who initially didn't want to leave Boston for India found it his most inspiring assignment. Similarly, Procter & Gamble's Pampers team in Nigeria find happiness facing the problem of infant mortality and devising solutions, such as mobile clinics that sent a physician and two nurses to areas lacking access to health care.
In research for my book Evolve!, I identified three primary sources of motivation in high-innovation companies: mastery, membership, and meaning. Another M, money, turned out to be a distant fourth. Money acted as a scorecard, but it did not get people up-and-at 'em for the daily work, nor did it help people go home every day with a feeling of fulfillment.
People can be inspired to meet stretch goals and tackle impossible challenges if they care about the outcome. I'll never forget the story of how a new general manager of the Daimler Benz operations in South Africa raised productivity and quality at the end of the apartheid era by giving the workers something to do that they valued: make a car for Nelson Mandela, just released from prison. A plant plagued by lost days, sluggish workers, and high rates of defects produced the car in record time with close to zero defects. The pride in giving Mandela the Mercedes, plus the feeling of achievement, helped the workers maintain a new level of performance. People stuck in boring, rote jobs will spring into action for causes they care about.
Heart-wrenching emotion also helps cultivate a human connection. It is hard to feel alone, or to whine about small things, when faced with really big matters of deprivation, poverty, and life or death. Social bonds and a feeling of membership augment the meaning that comes from values-based work.
Of course, daunting challenges can be demoralizing at times. City Year corps members working with at-risk middle school students with failing grades from dysfunctional homes see improvement one day, only to have new problems arise the next. Progress isn't linear; it might not be apparent until after many long days of hard work have accumulated. It may show up in small victories, like a D student suddenly raising his hand in class because he understands the math principle. (I see this from service on the City Year board. You can find dozens of these stories on Twitter under #makebetterhappen.)
It's now common to say that purpose is at the heart of leadership, and people should find their purpose and passion. I'd like to go a step further and urge that everyone regardless of their work situation, have a sense of responsibility for at least one aspect of changing the world. It's as though we all have two jobs: our immediate tasks and the chance to make a difference.
Leaders everywhere should remember the M's of motivation: mastery, membership, and meaning. Tapping these non-monetary rewards (while paying fairly) are central to engagement and happiness. And they are also likely to produce innovative solutions to difficult problems.
Gilberto Dimenstein, another writer-turned-activist in Brazil, spreads happiness through social entrepreneurship. When famous Brazilian pianist Joao Carlos Martins lost the use of most of his fingers and almost gave into deepest despair, Dimenstein urged him to teach music to disadvantaged young people. A few years later, Martins, now a conductor, exudes happiness. He has nurtured musical talent throughout Brazil, brought his youth orchestras to play at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center in New York, and has even regained some use of his fingers.
For many social entrepreneurs, happiness comes from the feeling they are making a difference.
I see that same spirit in business teams creating new initiatives that they believe in. Gillette's Himalayan project team took on the challenge of changing the way men shave in India, where the common practice of barbers using rusty blades broken in two caused bloody infections. A team member who initially didn't want to leave Boston for India found it his most inspiring assignment. Similarly, Procter & Gamble's Pampers team in Nigeria find happiness facing the problem of infant mortality and devising solutions, such as mobile clinics that sent a physician and two nurses to areas lacking access to health care.
In research for my book Evolve!, I identified three primary sources of motivation in high-innovation companies: mastery, membership, and meaning. Another M, money, turned out to be a distant fourth. Money acted as a scorecard, but it did not get people up-and-at 'em for the daily work, nor did it help people go home every day with a feeling of fulfillment.
People can be inspired to meet stretch goals and tackle impossible challenges if they care about the outcome. I'll never forget the story of how a new general manager of the Daimler Benz operations in South Africa raised productivity and quality at the end of the apartheid era by giving the workers something to do that they valued: make a car for Nelson Mandela, just released from prison. A plant plagued by lost days, sluggish workers, and high rates of defects produced the car in record time with close to zero defects. The pride in giving Mandela the Mercedes, plus the feeling of achievement, helped the workers maintain a new level of performance. People stuck in boring, rote jobs will spring into action for causes they care about.
Heart-wrenching emotion also helps cultivate a human connection. It is hard to feel alone, or to whine about small things, when faced with really big matters of deprivation, poverty, and life or death. Social bonds and a feeling of membership augment the meaning that comes from values-based work.
Of course, daunting challenges can be demoralizing at times. City Year corps members working with at-risk middle school students with failing grades from dysfunctional homes see improvement one day, only to have new problems arise the next. Progress isn't linear; it might not be apparent until after many long days of hard work have accumulated. It may show up in small victories, like a D student suddenly raising his hand in class because he understands the math principle. (I see this from service on the City Year board. You can find dozens of these stories on Twitter under #makebetterhappen.)
It's now common to say that purpose is at the heart of leadership, and people should find their purpose and passion. I'd like to go a step further and urge that everyone regardless of their work situation, have a sense of responsibility for at least one aspect of changing the world. It's as though we all have two jobs: our immediate tasks and the chance to make a difference.
Leaders everywhere should remember the M's of motivation: mastery, membership, and meaning. Tapping these non-monetary rewards (while paying fairly) are central to engagement and happiness. And they are also likely to produce innovative solutions to difficult problems.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Thank you Tammy! Quintessential Story
Hi Daren,
I wanted to share my testimony with you in case you'd ever like me to share it with the organization.
I was born in Bad Kreutznach, Germany to a US Army officer, in a division called Strat-Com which stands for strategic command. As a young child, my father taught me to be a strategist and I'm very good at it. I have bipolar disorder and the way it affects me is that I get extremely excited when good things happen to me—so excited that it quickly escalates to mania. When I was a young child I used to charge people with my head down and butt them in the stomach really hard if I was excited to see them. My bipolar is genetic. My father was also bipolar though he was never diagnosed. He served in two wars and developed severe PTSD that he medicated with alcohol. He ultimately died of liver disease from the alcohol poisoning, but before he did, he became a deadly monster and all of us were constantly traumatized, abused and were in danger of our lives all the time. My maternal grandfather was a pedophile, so my trauma was in triplicate. I developed severe PTSD and dissociative disorder, so I've dealt with three different mental illnesses. I started self-medicating with marijuana in 2000 and it made the mental illness much worse instead of better, but I was addicted.
I hit bottom in 2007, after making a series of terrible business decisions in manic highs and became suicidal. I sought help and entered into a very intensive mental health and addiction recover program, which is how I became so intricately involved in the Montana mental health system and serve on local and state boards. I suffered a setback in 2009 and I was prescribed psych meds, but the side effects were extremely traumatizing and I took myself off after two weeks. I did my best to function in society without meds, but it has required 15-25 hours a week of counseling, support groups, dialectical and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Then I recently found out that the owner of a very strategically located live theatre in my community was going to allow me to use the theatre and foyer to open a visitor center, fine art gallery, house my multimedia company and have the chance to execute my economic development strategy, (with no money upfront) I became manic. No amount of behavioral and cognitive training I had could stop the intense flood of adrenalin and energy that surged through me. My friends started warning me about the mania, but it was too late. My body went into survival mode and my amygdala took over, shut down my frontal cortex, and told me I needed to smoke pot. Even though my experience proved that pot made it worse, my brain was convinced that it would be different this time. But it wasn't. I thought I might need a a psych nurse to prescribe a low dose of something to manage the mania. That's when Gregory told me about Q96. Within three days, my brain fog lifted (which I had no idea I had) and in six days the mania had subsided dramatically. I noticed that the mania had subsided when I was in Salt Lake City, at the time I met you.
Since I've been back, the mania subsided even more and all of my plans started coming together like magic. I have lots of very exciting things going on, but absolutely no mania. I've also noticed that it's also eliminated my fear. I used to have fear surge through me (for no apparent reason) and I would have to literally counsel myself that it was only chemicals and I didn't need to be afraid of it. It would eventually pass. That's how I dealt with my emotions on a regular basis. Now it's gone. And I'm completely clean from the marijuana and it's the only time I've ever been able to quit smoking pot without assistance from a chemical dependency program.
So you can see why I'm so on fire about Q96 EMPower Plus. It's made a miraculous difference in my life in a very short time. If it wasn't for Q96, my theatre/gallery multimedia opportunity would have been sabotaged by my illness.
Thanks for letting me share this story with you.
Tammy K.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Thank you very much for the Birthday email. I've Been on Q96 for going on 9 months now and people say I look 35 at age 47. People can't believe how young I look and a lot of it has to do with the micronutrients, working out, and eating properly. The Nutribullet Shakes with the Q96 give the utmost energy and health benefit for me. Teresa K has been wonderful with the support as well. She needs a raise. That girl works too hard :). Thank you again and I look forward to meeting you someday.
KInd regards,
Todd Q
KInd regards,
Todd Q
Another Must Read - Q it UP!
Hi to all the people who are friends on facebook. Does anyone want to feel good about themselves but cannot? Would you like your thoughts clear and out of distress and function like they are supposed to?I am talking about anxiety. It is not fun and will make your life not how it is supposed to be. I have had a horrible time with life and being able to enjoy it with friends, family and work.I will describe just a few simple things to shorten this. Going to the store and shopping, going out in public for lunch, dinner or breakfast. Driving, waiting for a stop light to change green so you can go or even continue driving. Talking with anyone and you can’t, and have to leave so you make excuses to shorten the conversation. That way you can get out of there and feel safe.Not being able to concentrate or stay focused due to your brain going 1000 miles per hour. Throwing up under stressful situations or every morning when you get up. Also throwing up after eating. Ok, it goes on and on and on...........your body and brain needs help.I have suffered for way too many years and have tried a lot of things. My mother, Ellen F, gave me a product to try and it is called Q96. I WANT TO SAY THIS STUFF IS AMAZING AND HAS CHANGED MY LIFE. I have been taking it for 3 weeks and just cannot describe what it has done for me!All I can say is that I feel great and am kicking a-- and looking forward to the rest of what I have left in my life. I am going to make progress each day on my goals that I have planned and have wanted to do in my life. So the question is; “Do you want to feel good and not take drugs to feel better?” If so, look into Q 96 Mood Optimizer and live life again! PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Check outhttp://www.qsciences.com/ and live life again. Thank you Q96 ….for giving my life back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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