This Much I Know

Friday, April 5, 2013

Children in the Q

Story after story is coming in on the power of a life changing supplement Q96..Yesterday I received the 3rd note in 4 months regarding my 10 year olds behavior in school..The night before, my next door neighbor with an almost 7 year old son, sent me the note that her sons teacher had sent her earlier that day..The parents were teary eyed all day she said and she stated this is a BLESSING, everyone should know about this! Her son has extreme ODD, ADHD and possibly Aspergers..Nothing has helped him fully until now. I received a call from a woman who cares for a 43 year old Autistic man a month ago who had been on this nutrient for 3 weeks. His anger issues were gone! He had stopped pacing and had started to want to "do" things again. He had never smiled before and was cursing out loud to everyone in the home every day before. 2 days ago she phoned me again telling me that his Doctor was so blown away and commented that he had never seen Keith smile until now. In 10 days they project he will be off all of his meds! Last night I received a FB message from a man in Alaska who had ordered the product for his adult son who fly’s helicopters who wasn't sleeping and was suffering from extreme anxiety making if almost impossible to be safe flying..He is now sleeping and his anxiety nearly gone. In one week! He wanted to know how to get more for his entire family! I have ever email..Every letter and story..There are 17 years worth of testimonials and 20 Medical Journal Publishing’s to read.. This works period and is SAFE for even the smallest of children. ANY and all mood disorders..ADHD, ADD, ODD, Sensory, Bi Polar, Depression, Anxiety etc..Please reach out to me for information.. Here is the note from my sons teacher and you are welcome to add me as a friend and read my posts..Scroll down get the info..I am sincerely passionate about helping parents, children and possibly saving many more lives...After receiving the note yesterday about our sons wonderful behavior I finally told his teacher about this supplement he had been taking since Dec. She wrote back so excited telling me her brother had and is still suffering with severe ADHD, and anxiety with Depression and how could she find out more and spread the word..Praise God! You can see and read yesterdays note on my timeline wall.. I will be posting the neighbors as well today and the woman Sharon has posted about Keith the man with Autism on my wall as well. I am also happy to email whomever reaches out all the Medical studies..God Bless you and your families..

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