This Much I Know

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Synergy for Change

August 4, 2014
Dear Daren,
Thank you so much for inviting us to your home tonight. We been looking forward to tonight.  I wanted  to let you know about the Health & Happiness Fair sponsored Synergy for Change and headed up by Carolyn Dalzine.  Here is the information:
·       It will be on Saturday  August 23
·       At Corporate Headquarters in the Team Quan Section.
·       It will be from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
It includes seminars by:
·       Keynote Speaker Dana Stringam
·       Dr. keith Robins
·       David Hall (hopefully)
Also includes:
·       Live music
·       Food
·       Face painting for kids
·       Vendor’s tables
·       Health Screenings
·       $100s of dollars in door prizes
It should be a great, fun event and attract health conscious people. We are featuring Dana as a expert in how macronutrients effect the brain.
We were wondering if it is possible to use the classroom that corporate uses for Corporate Meetings on Wednesday Nights for the seminars.
Also, it would be wonderful if the event could be publicized on the Q minute as well as at the Corporate Meetings. Since Dana will be there, it would be great to publicize it as much as possible.
Thank you for the door prizes and the reduced price vitamin D test kits you offered.
We plan to provide a fun event where all the IBOs can bring potential customers and learn more about the product and opportunity. We are truly Qing IT UP!
Thanks for all your support,


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