Today as I sit in my hotel room in Tokyo, Japan I am blessed to be able to open the curtains to my large window and see Mt. Fuji in the distance rising above the city. I love this Mountain and I must say it is my favorite mountain outside of the United States and maybe my favorite of all. You see my Father, once climbed to the top of this mountain when he was younger. He was a brave young Navy Cadet stationed in Japan during the Korean war and day accepted the challenge, along with other cadets to climb to the top! He reached this goal and wrote his name in a book at he time and looked over the city of Tokyo.
Each time I come to Japan, I admire this great mountain and picture my dad on top. In the 6th grade I did a 50 page report all about Japan. I chose Japan, as like my sisters before me, to honor my Father who told us about it and brought back souvenirs to cherish forever. I love that fact that Mt. Fuji will always be here each time I come, and its legacy will last to millions of others, even after I am gone. Just like my Dad, who climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji and left a legacy for me and my family.
God First, Family Second, I am THIRD! Husband, Father, Grandfather, Businessman Daren Hogge
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Sunday, October 25, 2015
365 days of Gratitude #7 Microwave Oven
My 32 Year Old Microwave
It seems a little strange, even to me who is writing this, that #6 of my gratitude journal would be giving thanks to an appliance, but today I am thankful for our microwave oven that was given to Lisa and I as a gift from my parents almost 32 years ago. Yes, you read that right, 32 years ago. Now I don't have proof but I must believe it was the oldest functioning microwave oven in the entire wold until it stopped working last week while we were away on a business trip.
You wonder, why was it is so painful for me to see our microwave break. For many it would be a happy time as they could get a new, better, appliance. For me its been a time to reflect.
1) My parents gave us this gift that we could never have afforded for ourselves 32 years ago. It always reminds me how giving and supportive my parents have been of my and my family since day one of our marriage.
2) When I get home late and was in a hurry I could always count on my microwave to be there for me. It never let me down with the exception of a few times its light burned out. It was consistent and I could count on it.
3) I heated up food for my Grandma and Lisa's Grandma in it and they have since passed on. It was a link to my relatives who were once with us and taught me to be a better person
4) I have heated up food for my parents and Lisa's parents who are still with us today. I give thanks everyday they are.
5) I relied on the Microwave clock to be on time. To know what time it is everyday. I changed it twice a year due to day light savings and it was a tradition that I changed its clock first as the elder statesman in the kitchen.
6) Everyone of our children used this microwave. It is older than all of them. They have never known life without the reliability of this appliance.
7) I can't even think of how many times it was used and abused over the 32 years. It never complained and was always there to help when asked. A great lesson for me and others to learn from.
8) It worked for all kinds of food and other things. It was not prejudice in any way. Another lesson to learn for all of us.
I guess the thing I will remember the most is that it heated up ever single baby bottle that my children drank. It was a direct tie to my children that are now all grown up. Someday they may be lucky enough to own their own microwave and I hope they have the same fond memories that i do our our microwave.
Rest is peace, you have earned it!
It seems a little strange, even to me who is writing this, that #6 of my gratitude journal would be giving thanks to an appliance, but today I am thankful for our microwave oven that was given to Lisa and I as a gift from my parents almost 32 years ago. Yes, you read that right, 32 years ago. Now I don't have proof but I must believe it was the oldest functioning microwave oven in the entire wold until it stopped working last week while we were away on a business trip.
You wonder, why was it is so painful for me to see our microwave break. For many it would be a happy time as they could get a new, better, appliance. For me its been a time to reflect.
1) My parents gave us this gift that we could never have afforded for ourselves 32 years ago. It always reminds me how giving and supportive my parents have been of my and my family since day one of our marriage.
2) When I get home late and was in a hurry I could always count on my microwave to be there for me. It never let me down with the exception of a few times its light burned out. It was consistent and I could count on it.
3) I heated up food for my Grandma and Lisa's Grandma in it and they have since passed on. It was a link to my relatives who were once with us and taught me to be a better person
4) I have heated up food for my parents and Lisa's parents who are still with us today. I give thanks everyday they are.
5) I relied on the Microwave clock to be on time. To know what time it is everyday. I changed it twice a year due to day light savings and it was a tradition that I changed its clock first as the elder statesman in the kitchen.
6) Everyone of our children used this microwave. It is older than all of them. They have never known life without the reliability of this appliance.
7) I can't even think of how many times it was used and abused over the 32 years. It never complained and was always there to help when asked. A great lesson for me and others to learn from.
8) It worked for all kinds of food and other things. It was not prejudice in any way. Another lesson to learn for all of us.
I guess the thing I will remember the most is that it heated up ever single baby bottle that my children drank. It was a direct tie to my children that are now all grown up. Someday they may be lucky enough to own their own microwave and I hope they have the same fond memories that i do our our microwave.
Rest is peace, you have earned it!
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
365 Days of Gratitude - #6 New Grandson
I will never forget when my 9 year old son told me that when he had a son he was going to name him Easton. At the time he was playing a lot of baseball and I think his favorite bat was Easton! I smiled and thought that is pretty cute not realizing how serious he was about his statement. Today my first Grandson was born, Easton Tyler Hogge! I am proud of my son and his wife Laura! Pretty thankful to be a grandfather for the second time!
Sunday, September 20, 2015
365 Days of Gratitude #5 My Children
Today I am Grateful for all of my Children. Tyler, Austin, Dylan, Blake and Kailee. ( Listed in order of birth). Also I love equally as much Laura ( the best Daughter in Law ever) and Sydney the cutest 2 year old in the world! They all have so many talents and it has been my blessing to watch them grow.
I see only the good and its a true reflection on who is them truly is. Always willing to help others in need and that is something to be thankful for each day
I see only the good and its a true reflection on who is them truly is. Always willing to help others in need and that is something to be thankful for each day
Friday, September 18, 2015
365 Days of Gratitude - #4 Q Sciences
Today I am thankful for our wonderful IBOs
MWCN names fastest 100 growing Utah companies; Q Sciences is listed
Thursday, September 17, 2015
365 days of Gratitude - #3 A lesson from my Dad
Lessons from my Dad
My Dad is my hero, always has been and always will.
As a young boy I learned the importance of serving others from my Dad. If anyone ever needed help he was the first to go,the first to leave whatever he was doing and go serve. I recall a few times being in the middle of a game outside, or during the World Series it did not matter. If our telephone rang we went out the door. My Dad always leading, and me, reluctantly in most cases ( sad to reflect but a fact) following close behind. "There will always be other games to play he said, but they need help right now."
As I reflect back, I don't remember one single score and in most cases who won ( with the exception of Carlton Fisk's Home run to win the game that I missed); but, I do remember the people we helped to this day!
When your sad, serve. When you are happy, serve. Just serve.
I love my Dad
My Dad is my hero, always has been and always will.
As a young boy I learned the importance of serving others from my Dad. If anyone ever needed help he was the first to go,the first to leave whatever he was doing and go serve. I recall a few times being in the middle of a game outside, or during the World Series it did not matter. If our telephone rang we went out the door. My Dad always leading, and me, reluctantly in most cases ( sad to reflect but a fact) following close behind. "There will always be other games to play he said, but they need help right now."
As I reflect back, I don't remember one single score and in most cases who won ( with the exception of Carlton Fisk's Home run to win the game that I missed); but, I do remember the people we helped to this day!
When your sad, serve. When you are happy, serve. Just serve.
I love my Dad
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
365 days of Gratitude - #2 My Mom and her lessons. Do Not Judge Others!
Day #2 A Life Lesson from my MOM
Do not Judge Others
Today I am thankful for lessons from my beautiful Mom. I have always known I was lucky and special and to reinforce this belief, I only had to look at my Mom each day as a kid. She is perfect. I knew it then and I know it even more today.
She taught me how to play ball, how to clean and most importantly how to be kind and not judge others.
When I was a very young boy, the church I grew up in had strict standards. Somethings we were warned against not to ever do and one of them was smoking. Being young and ignorant in many ways, I will never forget the lesson my Mom taught me.
You see, we had a relative who smoked, and because of this I was a little scared of him. I thought at that time, based upon what I had thought I had been taught ( the key word here is thought, as it was not what I really had been taught), this habit was about the worse thing anyone could do. Right up there with the worst of all sins.
Mom, Why does Uncle XXXXX smoke? That is really bad Mom!!, is he not a nice person?
I remember My MOM looking straight at me, with a stern but kind look, "Daren, all of us have challenges and all of us do bad things, we all sin. If all of our sins made us smell like smoke we would all stink very bad. She went on to say, Smoking may be one of the least serious sins in the world compared to the sins people do and hide from. Uncle XXXXX is a wonderful man.
WOW, her words hit me hard! They still hit me hard. Because even as a small boy I know if what I did wrong, made me smell like smoke, I would stink worse than many other people.
I would like to say I stopped judging that day, it still happens, but then I reflect quickly on this lesson from my and my judgement leaves just like a puff of smoke.
I love my MOM for what she taught me!
Do not Judge Others
Today I am thankful for lessons from my beautiful Mom. I have always known I was lucky and special and to reinforce this belief, I only had to look at my Mom each day as a kid. She is perfect. I knew it then and I know it even more today.
She taught me how to play ball, how to clean and most importantly how to be kind and not judge others.
When I was a very young boy, the church I grew up in had strict standards. Somethings we were warned against not to ever do and one of them was smoking. Being young and ignorant in many ways, I will never forget the lesson my Mom taught me.
You see, we had a relative who smoked, and because of this I was a little scared of him. I thought at that time, based upon what I had thought I had been taught ( the key word here is thought, as it was not what I really had been taught), this habit was about the worse thing anyone could do. Right up there with the worst of all sins.
Mom, Why does Uncle XXXXX smoke? That is really bad Mom!!, is he not a nice person?
I remember My MOM looking straight at me, with a stern but kind look, "Daren, all of us have challenges and all of us do bad things, we all sin. If all of our sins made us smell like smoke we would all stink very bad. She went on to say, Smoking may be one of the least serious sins in the world compared to the sins people do and hide from. Uncle XXXXX is a wonderful man.
WOW, her words hit me hard! They still hit me hard. Because even as a small boy I know if what I did wrong, made me smell like smoke, I would stink worse than many other people.
I would like to say I stopped judging that day, it still happens, but then I reflect quickly on this lesson from my and my judgement leaves just like a puff of smoke.
I love my MOM for what she taught me!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
365 days of Gratitude - #1 Diamond lesson
As I woke up today, I realized that I wanted a challenge myself to recognize something I am grateful for. I believe success follows happiness, not the other way around. You don't get happy from successes, you do however, become successful from being happy. That is a simple but proven fact, It is amazing that all great things are truly simple when you break it down.
Today I am thankful for my wife. it has been almost 32 years since we were married. 32 years is a lifetime. There have been hard times and times that I think we both would wish were different. Yet we have stayed the course and have stayed married. We have beaten the odds and I believe we have been blessed for fighting for our marriage. It many ways it is a fight. The fight to be yourself, the fight to allow your spouse to be their self, the fight to make sure your children are safe, growing, healthy, happy and can make mistakes and learn from them.
He name is Lisa and she is my wife. I am thankful that we enjoy our time together. Watching movies, playing tennis, four wheeling on Sundays and talking about our kids. She is a great swim teacher and has taught hundreds of kids how to swim. I love to watch her teach them, even though the screams are hard to listen too. She is dedicated to improving those around her. She is a great friend to her friends and loyal to them She works out everyday and has been a great example.
One story I love and will always cherish, is the time Lisa lost the diamond in her wedding ring after 25 years of marriage. Before we were married, I was making $2.87 an hour during school working full time and saved enough to buy her a ring. It was was we could afford. She picked out the ring and the diamond and it was definitely her ring. She loved it and I loved the fact that she was proud of it as I had worked very hard to buy it for her. After it was lost, I was thinking that we were doing better financially and I would like to get her a much bigger diamond. I thought all girls wanted to show off the size of the diamond. She calmly explained that she wanted the exact same size stone as before as it was just what she wanted then and was exactly what she wanted now. That was impressive to me then and even more impressive to me now. I loved her for that expression of character and love.
Today I am grateful to Lisa for her expression of love and what is really important.
#daren hogge
Today I am thankful for my wife. it has been almost 32 years since we were married. 32 years is a lifetime. There have been hard times and times that I think we both would wish were different. Yet we have stayed the course and have stayed married. We have beaten the odds and I believe we have been blessed for fighting for our marriage. It many ways it is a fight. The fight to be yourself, the fight to allow your spouse to be their self, the fight to make sure your children are safe, growing, healthy, happy and can make mistakes and learn from them.
He name is Lisa and she is my wife. I am thankful that we enjoy our time together. Watching movies, playing tennis, four wheeling on Sundays and talking about our kids. She is a great swim teacher and has taught hundreds of kids how to swim. I love to watch her teach them, even though the screams are hard to listen too. She is dedicated to improving those around her. She is a great friend to her friends and loyal to them She works out everyday and has been a great example.
One story I love and will always cherish, is the time Lisa lost the diamond in her wedding ring after 25 years of marriage. Before we were married, I was making $2.87 an hour during school working full time and saved enough to buy her a ring. It was was we could afford. She picked out the ring and the diamond and it was definitely her ring. She loved it and I loved the fact that she was proud of it as I had worked very hard to buy it for her. After it was lost, I was thinking that we were doing better financially and I would like to get her a much bigger diamond. I thought all girls wanted to show off the size of the diamond. She calmly explained that she wanted the exact same size stone as before as it was just what she wanted then and was exactly what she wanted now. That was impressive to me then and even more impressive to me now. I loved her for that expression of character and love.
Today I am grateful to Lisa for her expression of love and what is really important.
#daren hogge
Fascinating information! if you live in the West Take more Q!
There's a Suicide Epidemic in Utah — And One Neuroscientist Thinks He Knows Why
By Theresa Fisher November 18, 2014
GE Scientists and Mic are partnering to share the latest advances in brain research and technology through BrainMic, a Spotlight Series that explores the universe in our heads, now through December 2014. Click here to read more from this series on BrainMic >>
Living in Utah means packed powder in April, canyoneering in the clouds, snow-capped vistas so vivid they look Photoshopped — and the shortest average work week in the country. So it's not surprising that surveys show how much Utah residents love their outdoorsy, adventure-filled state.
But there's another side to Utah that isn't shown in surveys. Despite ranking as America's happiest state, Utah has disproportionately high rates of suicide and associated mood disorders compared to the rest of the country. In fact, it's the No. 1 state for antidepressant use. These polarized feelings of despondency and delight underlie a confusing phenomenon that Perry Renshaw, a neuroscientist at the University of Utah investigating the strange juxtaposition, calls the "Utah paradox."
Utah residents and experts are aware of the paradox, often attributing gun use, low population density and the area's heavy Mormon influence as potential factors. But Renshaw thinks he's identified a more likely cause for the Utah blues: altitude.
Renshaw believes that altitude has an impact on our brain chemistry, specifically that it changes the levels of serotonin and dopamine, two key chemicals in the brain that help regulate our feelings of happiness. America's favorite antidepressants (and party drugs) work by controlling the level of these chemicals in the brain. The air in Utah, one could say, works just like this.
Since moving to Utah in 2008, Renshaw has found mounting statistical, scientific and anecdotal support for his theory. If Renshaw's theory holds true, his work represents a major step forward in solving a long-standing mental health mystery.
Westward, ho?
Utah lies in a region of the country commonly known as the Rockies, the mountain states or even just "out west." To those who analyze violent death data, it's known as the "suicide belt."
According to the National Violent Death Reporting System, a surveillance system run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Utah and other states in the Rockies consistently have the highest suicide rates in the country aside from Alaska. In the map below, the block of red — states with suicide rates over 14 per 100,000 people — is hard to miss.
Image Credit: via CDC
Before heading west, Renshaw studied the effects of drug abuse on brain chemistry at Harvard Medical School. When he started working at the Salt Lake City Veteran Affairs' mental illness center five years ago, suicide research was a priority. Shortly after Renshaw arrived, a suicidologist presented a map depicting suicide rates.
"From the beginning," Renshaw said, recalling his developing eureka moment, "the statistical evidence seemed off the charts."
To see if statistics could help explain why so many mountain-dwelling Americans commit suicide, Renshaw analyzed data on altitude, suicide and mental illness over the last five years.
In a 2011 study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, a group of researchers, including Renshaw, analyzed state suicide rates with respect to gun ownership, population density, poverty, health insurance quality and availability of psychiatric care. Of all the factors, altitude had the strongest link to suicide — even the group of states with the least available psychiatric care had fewer suicides than the highest-altitude states, where psychiatric care was easier to find.
In a follow-up study, Renshaw looked at instances of suicide that involved guns and those that didn't. Again, he found a positive correlation between suicide and altitude across the board.
Renshaw also used CDC violent death data to examine the relationship between altitude and mental illness. The elevation at which people live, he found, is a strong predictor of their mental health status.
Image Credit: Perry Renshaw via Ranking America's Mental Health
Renshaw discovered research supporting his theory. Doctors from Case Western University, it turned out, were crunching numbers based on a similar hunch about altitude and suicide. In a 2010 study published in High Altitude Medicine and Biology, the Case Western group analyzed suicide rates across 2,584 counties in 16 states and found that suicides start increasing between 2,000 and 3,000 feet in all U.S. regions. The U.S. isn't a special case — analysis of suicide rates in other countries, including South Korea and Austria, bore similar results.
Psychology research has also made a connection between mental health and elevation. In a 2005 study, the Naval Health Research Center measured mood changes in Marines who left seaside San Diego for 30 days of strenuous training in the Northern California mountains. Before training, the Marines completed a self-evaluation of their levels of anxiety, dejection, fatigue and bewilderment, among other mood symptoms. They completed the same evaluation after training ended, and then again 90 days later. While their physical fitness improved during training, their mental health disintegrated. Before training, the Marines reported more balanced mood levels than average college-aged men. By the time they finished, they described mood symptoms comparable to those of psychiatric patients. Ninety days later, they were just as sad and agitated.
All of this evidence, Renshaw says, seemed too strong to dismiss as coincidental. Based on a comparison of suicide rates at sea level and at areas above 2,000 feet, living at a high altitude may make people 30% more likely to commit suicide.
Image Credit: Perry Renshaw via Journal of High Altitude Medicine and Biology
More than numbers
In addition to the statistical evidence, Renshaw collected anecdotes that supported his developing theory.
Five years ago in Park City, Utah, Renshaw presented his theory and his research on suicide. Afterward, he was approached by a female audience member who was part of a support group of women — women who began showing symptoms of anxiety and depression only after they moved to Utah. She was floored to hear Renshaw's theory, which made sense of her group's shared, confusing mental health issues.
And Renshaw also learned that the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which sits 7,000 feet above sea level, struggled to hold on to out-of-state professors, who often left after a few months because they felt off, physically and mentally. Out-of-state students from low-altitude areas also fared worse academically than their in-state counterparts.
Renshaw himself undertook an informal study of researchers who moved to Utah from coastal areas and found that around 35% experienced new, often pronounced, symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Still, a host of evidence spoke to the other side of the paradox — the positive feelings associated with living in America's "happiest" state. Clinical trial participants who grew up in Utah and moved away, for example, often told Renshaw they returned home to the "call of the mountains." He spoke to researchers in Colorado who reported the same trend: People born and raised in the mountains moved to lower land and found themselves longing for their home state.
Salt Lake Valley. Image Credit: Scott Catron via Wikimedia Commons
Additionally, Renshaw became aware of a Latter Day Saints training center in Provo, Utah, where Mormons from around the country went to brush up on religious recruitment skills. He heard that many missionaries in training diagnosed with ADD stopped taking their medication within a few weeks of arriving at the center. This medical quirk dovetailed with statistics about ADD and ADHD — the rate of diagnosis in Salt Lake City is consistently 50% lower than ocean-hugging New York City.
Together, the stray statistics and stories about life out west tipped off Renshaw to a common culprit: altitude-induced oxygen depletion.
There is such a thing as too much fresh air
As anyone who saw Gravity knows, oxygen density decreases as altitude rises. Oxygen deprivation from high altitude induces a condition called hypobaric hypoxia, which ranges in severity based on how little oxygen is available. Some hypoxic effects are well known — nausea and headaches from altitude sickness, nosebleeds and lower alcohol tolerance, for example. But while physical afflictions associated with hypoxia have gained academic and mainstream attention, scientists have largely ignored its potential impact on mental health.
Renshaw believes that oxygen-poor air tampers with brain chemistry, leading to a drop in serotonin and an uptick in dopamine. Serotonin and dopamine are neurotransmitters, brain chemicals that relay signals between neurons and other cells.
Serotonin, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, helps stabilize emotions. Antidepressants — SSRIs, (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor), which include Prozac and Lexapro — work by blocking the transport of serotonin back to the neurons, thereby increasing its supply in the brain.
Dopamine, an excitatory neurotransmitter, plays a vital role in our ability to focus. Too little dopamine can make us scatterbrained, whereas a dopamine increase causes hyper-concentration and feelings of euphoria. Caffeine, prescription drugs, including some ADD/ADHD medications, and illegal stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine, work by increasing the availability of dopamine in our brains.
So why do some people enjoy the benefits of the Utah air's impact on increased dopamine levels, which should make us happier, and some fall victim to the impact on decreased levels of serotonin, which would make us more depressed?
The answer lies in how changes in neurotransmitter levels affect our individual brain chemistry.
As Renshaw's theory goes, serotonin deficiency exacerbates symptoms of pre-existing anxiety and depression, increasing the likelihood of becoming suicidal (mental illness is a factor in about 90% of suicides). People with an existing mood disorder, or a predisposition to mental illness, would be more sensitive to the effects of waning serotonin levels.
Women, who naturally have half as much serotonin as men, Renshaw said, are more likely to develop a mood disorder as a result of living in the mountains (about 24% of middle-aged women in Utah take an SSRI — double the national rate. The various anecdotes about anxious Utah women, Renshaw believes, bolster his theory).
From left to right, depiction of serotonin release in a control situation, affected by SSRI Prozac, and at a high altitude. Image Credit: Perry Renshaw
But those without a predisposition to mental illness will, on the flip side, feel happier. By Renshaw's estimates, the brain makes about 20% more dopamine in the mountains.
People who leave their hearts in Utah might be homesick for their family and friends, but they may also be missing the high of living up high. Outdoor junkies, Renshaw proffered, could be just that: junkies jonesing for some oxygen-deprived air.
Similarly, though Mormon missionaries attribute discontinuing ADD medications to a religious awakening, Renshaw proposes a more cynical explanation: Since ADD and ADHD are both dopamine deficiency disorders, these missionaries are trading one source of dopamine enhancement for another.
Utah pharmacies are dispensing SSRIs in droves, especially to middle-aged women. But Renshaw isn't sure the pills are working. SSRIs don't create serotonin — they merely preserve what's already in the brain, thereby increasing the availability of a chemical that helps balance mood. Thanks to the blood-brain barrier, it's notoriously hard to treat neurologically-based disorders through traditional treatment methods, like pills, injections or adhesive patches. We can get medication into the bloodstream, but it won't actually reach the brain. For people who don't have any serotonin — perhaps because hypoxia decreased their already-low supply — SSRIs are probably no more effective than prescription-plan tic tacs.
Squaw Peak in Provo, Utah. Image Credit: Pastelitodepapa via Wikimedia Commons
Deer Valley ski resort. Image Credit: Skyguy414 via Wikimedia Commons
A controversial theory
Renshaw's previous neuroimaging work at Harvard laid the foundation for his theory that oxygen deprivation affects brain chemistry. Using the same equipment that generate MRIs, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) lets scientists measure minute levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. Before shifting his focus to the altitude-addled brain, Renshaw used MRS to study the impact of drug abuse on brain chemistry.
"If I wasn't a spectroscopist and studying changes in brain chemistry associated with mood disorders," Renshaw said, "there's no way I would have figured out the connection between altitude and suicide."
Others didn't see it like he did. When Renshaw peddled his altitude-suicide theory around the mountain states in 2008, he faced prickly reception. Renshaw heard that Utah's governor at the time, Jon Huntsman, was disgusted that the state would fund the anti-Utah research. Huntsman's staff did not respond to a request for comment.
And Renshaw said he delivered a presentation at Mormon-stronghold Brigham Young University that provoked outrage among audience members. However, after he finished speaking, three students shared separate stories of friends or relatives committing suicide shortly after moving to Utah.
But Renshaw insists that mountain folk need not flee to the coasts based on his findings. Rather, understanding how altitude might affect brain chemistry is knowledge that can be used to improve mental illness treatment and, hopefully, curb suicide.
More and more, scientists are starting to see it how Renshaw does.
Doug Gray, a suicidologist at the University of Utah, has been studying suicide in the western mountain states for over 20 years. Whenever he makes a presentation, Gray said, he asks audience members why they think the region has such high suicide rates. People generally offer a cultural explanation, but Gray's never been persuaded.
"Nevada and Colorado also have high suicide rates," Gray said, reflecting on theories ventured over the years. "You tell me how Salt Lake City and Las Vegas have the same culture."
About six years ago, Renshaw caught Gray's presentation at a conference where Renshaw was also scheduled to speak. Gray posed his usual question to the audience and, per Gray's recollection, Renshaw raised his hand and said, "Did you know that at high altitude, the brain goes through metabolic changes, and some people can adapt while others can't, based on their DNA?"
Gray's jaw dropped.
"Well," Gray recalls saying, "that would explain it."
Renshaw's work, in Gray's opinion, won't gain mainstream acceptance for a while. But, he believes the theory is only getting stronger, as Renshaw corroborates the mental illness-altitude connection through animal studies and clinical trials for natural substances to help treat some hypoxia-induced mood disorders.
Renshaw, too, is confident his findings are beyond the realm of a fluke, but he isn't willing to dismiss other explanations for the suicide-altitude connection, including studies on gun access. Multiple overlapping factors, he says, are likely in play.
Nevertheless, some environmental factors we commonly accept as relevant to our mental welfare seemed absurd less than a generation ago. In the 1980s, for example, experts were skeptical that depression could stem from seasonal shifts in sunlight exposure. But 30 years after seasonal affective disorder got its name, SAD sufferers plant themselves in front of light boxes to combat the winter doldrums without anyone raising any eyebrows.
As a practical matter, Renshaw said, it's hard to study the impact of changing altitude on neurotransmitter levels in humans. But studies have looked at brain chemistry changes in rats at very high simulated altitudes — comparable to that of the Andes mountains — and seen serotonin levels drop while dopamine levels surged. Renshaw is currently conducting his own study on neurotransmitter levels in rats at different altitudes.
When it comes to subjects as biologically and environmentally thorny as mental health and suicide, Renshaw said, the answer is always more research.
GE Scientists and Mic are partnering to share the latest advances in brain research and technology through BrainMic, a Spotlight Series that explores the universe in our heads, now through December 2014. Click here to read more from this series on BrainMic >>
Friday, September 11, 2015
Interesting to listen too.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Friday, June 12, 2015
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
The Sciences of Happiness!
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015
You can do this!
You can do this. You have it within you to go all the way to the top in the Network Marketing Profession. You are capable of learning and improving every single day. And don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise.
The world is filled with skeptics, cynics and pessimists. So many people have lost sight of their dreams and are threatened by people like you. The people courageous enough to do something different.
They act on this threat to their model of the world by trying to discourage you. Sometimes they are gentle and subtle. Sometimes they are downright nasty.
I've learned that the nasty ones are actually easier to take. Anyone that says you are going to fail actually end up providing some extra motivation.
But the subtle ones... THOSE are the most dangerous. They sound so concerned, so reasonable, so friendly. Don't buy their story. They don't need to buy into your way of life, but no matter what you do, DON'T buy into theirs.
You are deserving.
You are worthy.
You are capable.
Network Marketing is a better way.
And your dream is worth fighting for.
Don't every forget that.
If this message was for you, I hope it came at a good time.
Your friend & partner,
Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro
Monday, April 20, 2015
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015
Top 100 Nice Honor for Q Sciences! Many don't get this honor
Thursday, April 2, 2015
SO AWESOME!! READ AND ENJOY For the wonderful MOMs out there!
Here is why we Q! For the kids who deserve to be their best!
From a wonderful MOM!
I personally know this child because he is my son. For four years he suffered with attention and focusing on many tasks, school being one of them. He was down a lot because he was not achieving what he himself and what we as his parents knew he could. Keenan has always been bright but lacked the attention to complete or stay on task. He was tired a lot and had a lack of a desire or interest in anything. We took him to a few doctors and they experimented with Prescription meds which we embraced at the time as a means of hope. We were told ADD and then after more tests Autism Spectrum Disorder! More meds and the meds further suppressed his emotions, gave him stomach aches and caused insomnia. Our child was a zombie. We took him off the meds and we changed to a whole foods diet and eliminated processed foods. We saw a change but it was not consistent. He tired so hard and we tried so hard to motivate him with every incentive you can give a child. There were as many good days as bad days. We didn't want to give up but we did not know what else to do and where to turn. In October of last year (2014) Keenan started on Q96. His teacher emailed us and said "please keep on doing whatever you are doing"because Keenan was starting to perk up. Fast forward to now...Keenan is getting A's, he is so happy, energetic and full of life and driven to succeed. He gets up and is dressed for school and fixes himself breakfast before we are done showering! Keenan's teacher emails us often, telling us how happy she is to see such a positive change in him. Keenan is constantly telling us his goals. Life is to be lived and enjoyed. Q96 helps my son do this! I LOVE Q96!
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Q in Korea!
Dear Daren,
Thank you very much for your email and your support in Korea.
I know you must be tired about long hour flight and time difference.
But you visit our place and give a lot of energy and passion.
Korean IBO also very impressed about you. If make more trust Q sciences mission.
As you mentioned that Saturday. I'm sure Koreans build very good business
and health for our next generation and more next generation.
Q will save so many peoples live & give happiness for their families and loved one.
I will accomplish my goal and keep build strong Q sciences foundation in Asia.
This photo taken on Monday morning assembly.
We have every Monday, Wed., Friday 9:30-10:30 assembly for key leaders who has an ardent desire for success for their families.
Some IBO came from outer city like Mrs. Kim, it takes 2:30 for come to office. (mostly around 30 key leaders attending)
Thank you Daren
Live to 100 - Q it UP! Q is now in JAPAN
The world's oldest person, Misao Okawa, died in Japan on Wednesday, a month after celebrating her 117th birthday.
The nursing home where she lived in Osaka said she breathed her last around 7am (2200 GMT Tuesday).
On the occasion of her birthday early last month, Okawa, a mother of three, grandmother of four and great-grandmother of six, was one of only a handful of people still alive who had been born in the 19th century.
Her birth on March 5, 1898 predated the Wright brothers' first powered human flight by five years, she was already a teenager when World War I broke out and in her 70s by the time of the first moon landing.
When she turned 114, she was officially recognised by Guinness World Records as the oldest woman in the globe.
Japan, known for the longevity of its people, is home to the world's oldest man -- Sakari Momoi, who celebrated his 112th birthday in February.
In 2013, life expectancy for women in Japan was 86.61, the longest in the world followed by Hong Kong women, according to the health ministry.
For men it was 80.21, the fourth longest, after men in Hong Kong, Iceland and Switzerland.
The world's oldest person is now believed to be American Gertrude Weaver, who is reportedly 116 years old.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Interesting facts about Depression and Utah
Friday, February 27, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Mom's take note
Q 96 is a clinically proven
natural formula that provides essential nutritional support to the brain. In just five weeks Janine was able to travel
with our family to Japan for our son’s wedding.
I have never seen her this happy, focused, and energized
Good for one Good for all
| |||
Sunday, January 25, 2015
JDRF Walk a thon Chairman
Hi, my name is Layla Clyde. I am eleven years old. I have Type 1 Diabetes. I was diagnosed with T1D at the age of seven. T1D is when your pancreas stops producing insulin so you have to inject insulin to make up for the loss. Without insulin I wouldn't be alive. As a T1D I have lots of mood swings mostly because of my fluctuating blood sugar levels. Sometimes I would get really bad and couldn't function well and I would be angry with everyone and felt like I couldn't stop being angry. I have been violent and broken things and tried to run away on several occasions. I also have a lot of responsibility put on my shoulders knowing that managing my diabetes will save my health and life. This can be very stressful for anyone but especially kids.I started taking Q96 in November 2014. After about 3 days I noticed I was able to cope easier and stay calm. I also noticed I could go to sleep easier and faster. I used to have trouble falling asleep. I love Q96! It has helped me so much in these few months and I will never stop taking it.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Triad of Health
The Triad of Health
As Human beings or Humans “being,” we all fall victim to the inherent weaknesses of our brains, bodies, and emotions. Our ability to clearly think, act, and feel plays an equal and vital role in determining who we are individually and what we ultimately become. By understanding the Brain/Body/Emotion connection, or Triad of Health, we will better understand how to increase our overall health and happiness.
All of us are the proud owner’s of both a brain and a body. By design our brains and bodies communicate with each other through the central nervous system. When our brains and bodies communicate without interference, we have clear nerve flow. Clear nerve flow allows every cell, tissue, and organ in our bodies to function as they were designed to do. When our bodies are functioning properly, they are in a state of ease. When we are in a state of ease, we have health and thereby feel good and are happy.
Unfortunately, we live in a world filled with stresses. These stresses come in three types. There are physical stresses that affect our body’s ability to move or act freely; chemical stresses that affect our brain’s (and other vital organ’s) ability to think or perform optimally; and emotional stresses that affect how we cope with and feel about life in general. Each of these stresses can and do interfere with the communication between our brains and bodies. In fact the University of Colorado did research to show that pressure equivalent to the weight of a dime on a nerve can hinder nerve flow up to 60%. Imagine talking on a cell phone and hearing only 4 words out of every 10 spoken. We would not have a clear understanding of the entire conversation. Such is the case with our brains and bodies.
This lack of complete communication between our brains and bodies over time can and eventually will cause our cells, tissues, and organs to begin to mal-function. When this occurs our bodies approach a state of dis-ease which ultimately leads to Ill-health. Symptoms emerge and we begin to feel bad and our happiness diminishes.
In order to regain clear nerve flow and to become healthy once again, an optimum level of each of the three corners –the physical, the chemical, and the emotional—must be attained while reducing the associated stresses (see Triad of Health attachment).
The stellar products of QSciences have been designed and combined specifically to assist us in reducing these stresses. With some overlap the products and the associated stresses they reduce are:
Physical—The Cellerciser
Chemical—eQuivalent+, QSprays, QOmegas, QAminos, Q Calcium Emotional—Q96 Empowerplus along with Qssentials
When used together these amazing products literally P.O.P.—Purify, Optimize, and Protect—restoring function, ease, health, and HAPPINESS!
As Human beings or Humans “being,” we all fall victim to the inherent weaknesses of our brains, bodies, and emotions. Our ability to clearly think, act, and feel plays an equal and vital role in determining who we are individually and what we ultimately become. By understanding the Brain/Body/Emotion connection, or Triad of Health, we will better understand how to increase our overall health and happiness.
All of us are the proud owner’s of both a brain and a body. By design our brains and bodies communicate with each other through the central nervous system. When our brains and bodies communicate without interference, we have clear nerve flow. Clear nerve flow allows every cell, tissue, and organ in our bodies to function as they were designed to do. When our bodies are functioning properly, they are in a state of ease. When we are in a state of ease, we have health and thereby feel good and are happy.
Unfortunately, we live in a world filled with stresses. These stresses come in three types. There are physical stresses that affect our body’s ability to move or act freely; chemical stresses that affect our brain’s (and other vital organ’s) ability to think or perform optimally; and emotional stresses that affect how we cope with and feel about life in general. Each of these stresses can and do interfere with the communication between our brains and bodies. In fact the University of Colorado did research to show that pressure equivalent to the weight of a dime on a nerve can hinder nerve flow up to 60%. Imagine talking on a cell phone and hearing only 4 words out of every 10 spoken. We would not have a clear understanding of the entire conversation. Such is the case with our brains and bodies.
This lack of complete communication between our brains and bodies over time can and eventually will cause our cells, tissues, and organs to begin to mal-function. When this occurs our bodies approach a state of dis-ease which ultimately leads to Ill-health. Symptoms emerge and we begin to feel bad and our happiness diminishes.
In order to regain clear nerve flow and to become healthy once again, an optimum level of each of the three corners –the physical, the chemical, and the emotional—must be attained while reducing the associated stresses (see Triad of Health attachment).
The stellar products of QSciences have been designed and combined specifically to assist us in reducing these stresses. With some overlap the products and the associated stresses they reduce are:
Physical—The Cellerciser
Chemical—eQuivalent+, QSprays, QOmegas, QAminos, Q Calcium Emotional—Q96 Empowerplus along with Qssentials
When used together these amazing products literally P.O.P.—Purify, Optimize, and Protect—restoring function, ease, health, and HAPPINESS!
2015 Dr. Keith C. Robbins
Sunday, January 18, 2015
WOW! Love this story
I'm Gloria's daughter Stacey and I had the privilege of meeting all of you in Fargo recently. I just wanted to share with you my Q Essentials story....... I have PCOS, which is a condition that makes it difficult for me to get pregnant because I don't ovulate. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for about six months and I had been taking q96 for a few months of this time. I was ready to call my doctor to get some medical help.... most likely medications to help me ovulate...... when my mom gave me a sample box of Q Essentials. I thought I would try the QE for a few months and see if it worked, because if it did, what a great story to tell the many other women my age who have PCOS too. My husband and I both started taking it and we felt great. Had much more energy, etc. Well..... I couldn't even finish the box, because with one packet left, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! Bam! Amazing stuff!
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Priceless Training
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Monday, January 12, 2015
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Step it UP! Q it UP!
I started the Qssentials product and within a few days I was feeling even more rejuvenated…something I did not think was possible because I was already feeling pretty good. I had tried so many “energy boosters” but this was more than energy, it was RENEWAL. I am so excited to share this journey with others so they can feel the hope and renewal that I have been blessed with through Q Sciences!
Simple is better! live to 100
Thanks to Q96, @ 6 months, and a celluciser I feel better than I
ever have in my life. The aging process and all the awful stuff that
goes with it, has begun to reverse. It's amazing and people who
know me are starting to look at me funny. LOL I look younger now
than my youngest sister.
If this keeps up I'll have the hundred years it might take to polish
my sales skills enough to build the business to the level I would
Thank you for all your efforts, the product, and the opportunity to
feel so good and have such a great business.
ever have in my life. The aging process and all the awful stuff that
goes with it, has begun to reverse. It's amazing and people who
know me are starting to look at me funny. LOL I look younger now
than my youngest sister.
If this keeps up I'll have the hundred years it might take to polish
my sales skills enough to build the business to the level I would
Thank you for all your efforts, the product, and the opportunity to
feel so good and have such a great business.
Suzy is a HERO!
Not long ago, A.J. hits walls at the school. Kick and punched the teacher. This teacher. Can Q help?
Why would you go another day without it?
Why would you go another day without it?
Hello,I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know what a great job AJ has been doing this week. He continues to demonstrate awesome behavior and work ethic. He has been working very hard in class on his essay and his rough draft is very neatly written! He is a delight to have in class. J Have a wonderful weekend!Sincerely,Moira R.Special Education
My journey began back in September 2014. I prayed for years to find a miracle that would release me from the cage I had been in for many years. I was prescribed antidepressants following two major surgeries being diagnosed with “postoperative depression.” Hearing all the horror stories about withdrawal from such medications I allowed my doctor to play with multiple medications over the next 15 years. I endured a roller coaster of side effects, withdrawal reactions and major depressive episodes. I felt absolutely hopeless. I saw my friend, Denise’s post on Facebook about her journey with QScience and I knew that I had finally found my miracle. It was like God knew exactly what I need at that moment. After having coffee with Denise and hearing more about her transition to being medication free, I started EmpowerPlus right away. Since November I have been mood medication free and doing so much better. My family has noticed that I have a renewed zest for life. Although I still have my moments, I have never felt more alive! Recently I started the Qssentials product and within a few days I was feeling even more rejuvenated…something I did not think was possible because I was already feeling pretty good. I had tried so many “energy boosters” but this was more than energy, it was RENEWAL. I am so excited to share this journey with others so they can feel the hope and renewal that I have been blessed with through QScience!
But that’s not all…my son Nate has been struggling with anxiety, ADHD and impulsivity for most of his life. He was formally diagnosed with these things in January 2013 at the age of 8 by a clinical psychologist. We have run into issues at school, church, babysitters, friends homes, etc. where Nate was rejected, suspended and ridiculed. It left us feeling hopeless. I started talking with Denise and Joe about Nate and they referred me to talk to Melanie Houghton. She was my glimmer of hope. She encouraged me to give it a try by sharing her son’s testimony with me and I knew that I needed to give EmpowerPlus a try for Nate too. I owed him that after playing around with multiple ADHD and anxiety medications for the past two years or more. Today I was talking with Nate about how he feels. He said that he is feeling good (he is a child of few words on a regular day). James and I have noticed that he is more reasonable, he is paying attention in school and the teachers have said that he is much easier to rebound when he gets frustrated or upset at school. Today I learned that he got 92% on a Social Studies test! This is unheard of for him All I can do is give the glory to God for bringing not one but TWO miracles to our house. I thank God for bringing Denise and Joe and QScience into our lives just when things were feeling hopeless. We have renewed HOPE!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Dr. Robbins Shares- It fits the Q!
The Triad of Health
As Human beings or Humans “being,” we all fall victim to the inherent weaknesses of our brains, bodies, and emotions. Our ability to clearly think, act, and feel plays an equal yet vital role in determining who we are individually and what we ultimately become. By understanding the Brain/Body/Emotion connection, or Triad of Health, we will better understand how to increase our overall health and happiness.
All of us are the proud owner’s of both a brain and a body. By design, our brains communicate with our bodies, and our bodies in turn communicate with our brain through the central nervous system. When our brains and bodies communicate without interference, we have clear nerve flow. Clear nerve flow allows every cell, tissue, and organ in our bodies to function as they were designed to do. When our cells, tissues, and organs are functioning properly; our bodies are in a state of ease. When we are in a state of ease, we have health and thereby feel good and are happy.
Unfortunately, we live in a world filled with stresses. These stresses come in three types. There are physical stresses that affect our body’s ability to move or act freely; chemical stresses that affect our brain’s (and other vital organ’s) ability to think or perform optimally; and emotional stresses that affect how we cope and feel about life in general. Each of these stresses can and do interfere with the communication between our brains and bodies. In fact the University of Colorado did research to show that pressure equivalent to the weight of a dime on a nerve can hinder nerve flow up to 60%. Imagine talking on a cell phone and hearing only 4 words out of every 10 spoken. We would not have a clear understanding of the entire conversation. Such is the case with our brains and bodies.
This lack of complete communication between our brains and bodies over time can and eventually will cause our cells, tissues, and organs to begin to mal-function. When this occurs our bodies approach a state of dis-ease which ultimately leads to Ill-health. Symptoms emerge and we begin to feel bad and then are unhappy.
In order to restore clear flow and to become healthy an optimum level of each of the three corners –the physical, the chemical, and the emotional—must be attained while reducing the associated stresses (see Triad of Health attachment).
The stellar products of QSciences have been designed and combined specifically to assist us in reducing these stresses. With some overlapping the products and the stresses they reduce are:
Physical—The Cellerciser
Chemical—eQuivalent+, QSprays, QOmegas, QAminos, Q Calcium Emotional—Q96 Empowerplus along with Qssentials
As Human beings or Humans “being,” we all fall victim to the inherent weaknesses of our brains, bodies, and emotions. Our ability to clearly think, act, and feel plays an equal yet vital role in determining who we are individually and what we ultimately become. By understanding the Brain/Body/Emotion connection, or Triad of Health, we will better understand how to increase our overall health and happiness.
All of us are the proud owner’s of both a brain and a body. By design, our brains communicate with our bodies, and our bodies in turn communicate with our brain through the central nervous system. When our brains and bodies communicate without interference, we have clear nerve flow. Clear nerve flow allows every cell, tissue, and organ in our bodies to function as they were designed to do. When our cells, tissues, and organs are functioning properly; our bodies are in a state of ease. When we are in a state of ease, we have health and thereby feel good and are happy.
Unfortunately, we live in a world filled with stresses. These stresses come in three types. There are physical stresses that affect our body’s ability to move or act freely; chemical stresses that affect our brain’s (and other vital organ’s) ability to think or perform optimally; and emotional stresses that affect how we cope and feel about life in general. Each of these stresses can and do interfere with the communication between our brains and bodies. In fact the University of Colorado did research to show that pressure equivalent to the weight of a dime on a nerve can hinder nerve flow up to 60%. Imagine talking on a cell phone and hearing only 4 words out of every 10 spoken. We would not have a clear understanding of the entire conversation. Such is the case with our brains and bodies.
This lack of complete communication between our brains and bodies over time can and eventually will cause our cells, tissues, and organs to begin to mal-function. When this occurs our bodies approach a state of dis-ease which ultimately leads to Ill-health. Symptoms emerge and we begin to feel bad and then are unhappy.
In order to restore clear flow and to become healthy an optimum level of each of the three corners –the physical, the chemical, and the emotional—must be attained while reducing the associated stresses (see Triad of Health attachment).
The stellar products of QSciences have been designed and combined specifically to assist us in reducing these stresses. With some overlapping the products and the stresses they reduce are:
Physical—The Cellerciser
Chemical—eQuivalent+, QSprays, QOmegas, QAminos, Q Calcium Emotional—Q96 Empowerplus along with Qssentials
Copyright 2015 Dr. Keith C. Robbins
Monday, January 5, 2015
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